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Everything posted by Joe888888

  1. umm…i can do easy scripting... XD ummm...ok...i was kinda more suggesting ideas for the engine itself, that way everyone can do stuff, once you get some more further in the engine and do java rewrite, im gunna make an epic tutorial video, by then we can post it in source edits, and shadows will be rich and famous, but dont give the ppl the source XD Also, i talked to dark soul, no offence, but he wont get anywhere with me when i pm him, he just talks, he says "Maybe" "ill look into it"...i dont even know how Apocolypse became a recruiting mod...I post more then him...sorry if im giving ya a hard time XD, Thanks!
  2. Oh yeah! Here is some more features: Fog and Custom Lighting (I dont know if these are in yet) Fishing and Mining I really dont know if you can ace this one, but it would be sweet if you could A conversation system, with a built in conversation editor, like you set an npc to "Conversation" and set the conversation number, and it brings up like something, maybe in chat box, that is a dialogue, like type /yes or /no or any other custom command as specified in conversation to say an answer, and in the editor for dialogue options, like if they respond /yes for example you could like, activate a script, give player an item, teleport player, etc. Also, I was wondering if you have made it yet so that with the quest editor you can simply assign the quest to an npc without scripting yet. P.S. I have PM'ed a few ppls at shadows and was wondering if maybe I could become a GM, I think i would be able to help more in that position, ty P.S.S. XD, I am so sorry for double-posting, but i am almost sure you have/will post in a few seconds. Thanks! Bye!
  3. lol, well it seems that you are like one of the only ppl to build something and you actually get things done fast, like features, the java rewriting, etc. thats why im interested, besides, if it finishes with java, ill prob use it, or at least try it out. Thanks!
  4. yes, yes, now anyways…i updated the animation, its a new one im working on now, and im soooooorryy that its "sketchy" its just something i do in my freetime, i know it sux...XD
  5. idk if i will continue this one, it will probably change or it will just discontinue XD
  6. I can already tween with my other animation software XD, this is just something fun i wanted to add…
  7. XD, I know i am not the best at animating, as i have stated. lol
  8. Hello everyone! I really am not so great at animating and I know it, please dont criticize me here, just having fun,but, I am making a stick fight sequence that will be updated frequently, like adding on to the animation, and I thought "Hey! Maybe the peeps over at eclipse wanna see this!" So here it is: ![](http://public.animatorhost.com/superstick2uks3.gif) EDIT: Its really short, I try adding on to it a lot though, maybe it will get long….idk XD
  9. i am just leaving this here because this is the one place on my comp i will go, and i wanna check out mabi soon, so this is where i leave a reminder, ik someone will make some wierd post or a mod will destroy my hopes and dreams by posting here XD so this is where i will for sure remember to myself TO PLAY MABINOGI XD This is completely irrelevant to you peeps, just a note to myself, lol.
  10. Hello peeps! I am surprised that no one here as mentioned Lord of the Rings Online, the second most played MMORPG in the world, it is awesome, waaayy better graphics then WoW and its Lord of the Rings, how cant you like it? I have a sweet kinship (guild) with the name: The Guild I like going around the world and recruiting peeps, like i stood outside of frodos house and recruited ppl, it was funny, send me a letter or tell or something, i am on server meneldor with the name Harmonothorn P.S. For high-levels, the Mines of Moria expansion is SWEET See yah! EDIT: It would really help if when/if you register, you do it through me so I get free time too, idc if you are willing to do this but, send me a PM telling your email, so i send you referral email and then you register through that and i get some free time. ty XD DOUBLE EDIT: I just found out that YOU get free game time to if you are referred through me, lol
  11. ok…well, youre putting all your effort into this, you can choose XD tytytytyytyty
  12. …ok.whatever, i am not even using this for my game XD
  13. I just decided peeps probably wont recognize if I post it in my request features post, ill post it here instead, There should be a optional factions system, and a window where you can see your points out of 100 that they favor you, and certain quests can increase your ranking with them, also, certain people are a part of a faction too, but they dont have to be scripted npc then, they can just set an attribute in the npc editor, also, if you attack them you lose points with that faction.
  14. XD I know, I am just that great lol
  15. Yah, like lead some civilians to a different city, if they die then you have a 5 minute timer until it resets the quest.
  16. lets see what it says…
  17. If you implemented a bunch of songs as "Random Sounds" I guess it would be OK, i guess idc, sadly, I wont be using this unless it is ported to Java, thanks a bunch tho.
  18. Post your speedtest.net speeds here, just for fun XD: ![](http://www.speedtest.net/rank/2925953419.png)
  19. this is really cool, i just hope we dont get too ahead of ourselves and make it buggy
  20. Yep, XD, might as well turn it into a sitcom, except everybody loves raymond and everyone hates chris would sue us lol
  21. Im not stupid and undertertimed, dont turn this into a "Everyone hates Joe" topic, XD, i was just suggesting, i am going to do the coords it looks like anyways, so hmpf lol
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