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Everything posted by cheatking

  1. I hate the controlls….
  2. He mant the source code board. And no it shouldn't. Hes requesting a tut.
  3. cheatking

    Maps are blank

    did you edit them?
  4. Yourself loves you. I'm eating peanuts.
  5. ISR you love me. I hate Hence
  6. ISR You dislike blood. :P I pwn you!
  7. ISR Cheese burger has you! The world rules me!
  8. OK I give up…. ``` ' Executes whenever a scripted NPC does an action. Sub ScriptedNPC(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 1 Dim Map Map = GetPlayerMap(Index) Dim NPC NPC = GetMapNpcNumber(Map, Index) Call PutVar("NPC.ini", "npc", "atk", 0) If GetVar(NPC.ini, npc, atk) = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "FIGHT ME!!!!", BLACK) Call PutVar("npc.ini", "npc", "atk", 1) Else Call SetMapNpcHP(Map, NPC, GetMapNpcHP(Map, NPC) - GetPlayerSTR(Index)) Call SendNPC(Map, NPC, Index) End If ``` Meaby someone else can fix it?
  9. I'm sick of you not playing by the rules
  10. I see the error but no cle how to fix it yet :P
  11. START POSTING GOD DAMMIT!!!!! * * * Ezmek doesn't play by the rules.
  12. It should be auto created. did you reload scripts?
  13. cheatking


    No it doesn't.
  14. You do have scripting enabled do you?
  15. No a black hole as something with infinite mass. You get crushed :P
  16. Healt bars nly show up if you attack them. The wont attack admins unless you attack them first.
  17. cheatking


    That would require source edits. P.S. WHY would yu want to do that? I don't understand.
  18. ``` Case 0 Dim Map Map = GetPlayerMap(Index) Dim NPC NPC = GetMapNpcNumber(Map, Index) If GetVar(npc.ini, npc1, atk) = 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "FIGHT ME!!!!", black) Call PutVar(npc.ini, npc1, atk, 1) Else Call SetMapNpcHP(Map, NPC, GetMapNpcHP(Map, NPC) - GetPlayerSTR(Index)) Call SendNPC(Map, NPC, Index)) End If Exit Sub ```
  19. You can change it but I dont think youll have too. I'll look over the script
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