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Everything posted by mrmiguu

  1. @Daon: I tried installing Microsoft VS Web Dev. the other day. Since it's ASP and enjoys taking complete control, it likes stealing port 80, as well. The problem will be fixed momentarily. Thank you for letting me know. **Edit:** Fixed. I was right.
  2. @Jungle: Now that you mention it… ...why don't we have one of those?
  3. > Nexus Project / Nexus Eclipse is an Eclipse Origins modification oriented to make the Eclipse games more "international" and break the language barrier Let's try breaking the graphical barrier first… Dat website.
  4. @crzy: Also: It has more updates than EO. Take that, Robant!!!
  5. @Marsh: Did they have to copypasta the tutorials from here? I suppose so… Even so, though, they state nowhere any credit to the original makers/founders.
  6. Do you, personally, think it's a virus? Use your brain. Would all the thousands of people who've used Eclipse in the past and up 'til today be using it still if it was notorious for being pumped full of viruses? I don't think so. That'd be like saying Maple Story or WoW contain viruses; millions of people play around with those things. Having viruses would destroy the credibility of the companies/MMOs. Remember that most anti-virus software nowadays is a little _too good_, if you know what I mean. They overshoot and anything containing the ability to network is a virus (esp. those programs that use older/less conventional methods for networking with the use of COM files).
  7. @Joost: > Konfuze started as a shitty spinoff with some tuts from MS, Elysium was Konfuze on a different forum, during Elysium's existence people moved around from different forums to others, and Eclipse started out as an exact copy of Elysium on a different forum. So yeah, cut the guy some slack. Plus, some competition is never a bad thing. We're just having some fun. For fuck's sake; it's called **ECLIPSE**. At least people renamed their spin-offs. After all, it doesn't look even remotely professional/original, so we can make fun of it (it's all fun n' games). Also (I like this funk-up): > Eclipse Nexus Offical Download > **Eclipse Origins** Run Times > Eclipse Multi-purpose Autoupdater > Eclipse Multi-purpose Autoupdater.exe > Eclipse Nexus Image Converter
  8. Needs an edge (literally).
  9. I win. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yrPCcIoq60
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vX0d7ehYUDQ **Edit:** Just noticed my video has only 40+ views. So indie…
  11. I really like the stone-like blade on that master sword.
  12. @kwkimsey: > thanks for the comment and i wanted the lime green to be there to make it look kinda futuristic(spelling) when i had it in my game im making but if i would make that black would it be possible to make it look like it has a hole in it I'm not sure I understand your question. You can make inside green "futuristic" line a slightly off-shade of that green, so it doesn't appear transparent in either frame.
  13. @Sure: > o-o, really? In most of the games i see, you have the ability to maneuver the windows around. It's a more recent trend. Trust me, I know these things for MMOs.
  14. When pixel art lacks some sort of differentiating border, it feels paper-thin. I can sort-of distinguish a border, just make it a bit more clear (darker palette?). **Note:** Also, you forgot to remove the lime-green inside of the sword in the solid black-background frame.
  15. mrmiguu

    CSharp Question

    @crzy: Just working on solid bases. I was put on halt by my own inabilities in the past with the Lidgren system and integrating it with a clean system that works for a server-to-client multi-threading system. Since I got classes to work with the arbitrary hex assignment of player indexes, I don't know where to really start, xD. **Edit:** Also got side-tracked by the release of C9 (action MMO) and getting into PoE (Diablo-like MMO).
  16. @Whackeddie: > You are a boss. Mmmkay. Completely disregard my well-detailed description of basic networking. That's not boss-like at all…
  17. @Sheldon: > snipsnip Good job. @Pete: > snipsnip They really need a big break. Personally: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV4xhsYvU2g
  18. @Fabio: > mfw nobody remembers that there was an actual working ~~release~~ a working wat?
  19. 1\. An _IP Address_ is literally the address to someone's house (analogy). A _port_ is the room inside the house that you go knocking on to reach the person (application layer: **program running's port #**). There's a WAN IP, a LAN IP, a broadcast IP, and a gateway IP. You only need to know your computer's LAN IP and your home network's WAN IP. WAN = Wide.Area.Network. LAN = Local.Area.Network. NAT (Network.Address.Translation) translates your home network's single WAN IP into your computer's LAN IP and the port # addresses the application on your computer using that specific flow of packets. 2\. How do most people get music for free? Illegally.
  20. Windows that don't budge is the latest craze (see: Path of Exile, other generic RPGs, […]). I prefer them. If you design your game's UI to naturally hold the necessities all at once and not have to be moved around tediously by the player, people will respond well to your game much more. I feel more "comfort" (ICT) in that knowing the game made the decision to take away some freedoms from me for practical reasons and to also make my gameplay experience much simpler.
  21. @Fabio: > **I've done conversions before**. […] Solar… ...Eclipse. I lol'd--hard. Just kidding. I know Solar Eclipse is a redesigning of Eclipse.
  22. mrmiguu

    16x16 Tiles

    @Anosora: > I know i can re-size the 16x16 tiles to 32x32 but the point of making the engine use 16x16 is because the tiles im gonna use are the once im gonna make and i'm just going for the 16x16 old stile mmorpg feel(Dransik,Elderlands etc..) I understand. I've wanted to do that in the past, too. But since you're not confident enough in your coding abilities to figure this out on your own (as of this moment)–and since most likely nobody will "hand you" the answer--you're going to have to work around this, or keep at it like you currently are (**highly recommended**). You're more than welcome to poke more questions at us, but if all you have to bring to the table in terms of curiosity is nothing more specific than "I don't get it," I'm afraid you won't get any closer to solving this dilemma.
  23. mrmiguu

    16x16 Tiles

    @Anosora: > Im using Jaxx custome engine Here're my suggestions for you (to make your life easier, ofc.): 1\. Since you (or anyone, for that matter) can't easily convert the tile sizes from 32 to 16, blow-up your current 16x16 tiles until they're **literally 2x their original size**; that method saves you from tedious coding and the sort. 2\. Use Vanilla Eclipse (normal EO 2.0 Beta). Your source edit might work there, except you won't have all your cool custom Jaxx-edits. Those are really only your two certain actions as of right now, considering you don't know enough about coding right now to really figure this problem out yourself. I'm not one to fix problems for others, I just kind of help out with tips and better solutions to things (it may seem kind of useless in retrospect, lol). If I were you, those are the two things I'd suggest for myself. Most people don't have the drive that you do to fix problems for your own projects (it'll always be that way). I've always had to figure out my own problems. If I didn't have the skills, I'd have to do something entirely different from what I originally had in mind. I'm sorry, Anosora. That's the best I got.
  24. mrmiguu

    16x16 Tiles

    Yeah, sorry about that. I just saw it. Where did you get that auto-tile code from? It looks like you're using a fairly modded version of EO.
  25. mrmiguu

    16x16 Tiles

    @Anosora: > **everything gets big** What do you mean exactly by "big"? Mind posting an image? Also, I think _PIC_X_ and _PIC_Y_ are used for things other than tile sizes–which makes no sense when looking that the comment reading: ``` ' Tile size constants ```
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