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Posts posted by Pryex

  1. Lasers, and by extension light sabers are incredibly ineffective as weapons when compared with guns that fire bullets.

    A laser would make a single cauterized wound that was the same size on both entry and exit, no blood loss or anything. The same would happen with a saber, the wound would be closed from any cut that was made,

    Bullets on the other hand spin and rip a person apart, it isn't pleasant but when in a warzone it's better to use a weapon that is going to prevent your enemy from attacking you by dealing an insane amount of damage to them, not fixing them up just after you've hurt them.
  2. Sup guys. I'm back.

    Funny story actually. I had a weird dream where I spoke to Gwen on skype for some reason, so I awoke and then I was like. Shit son I'd best check Eclipse to make sure none of the incompetent fools have hurt anyone.

    Show of hands, who missed me?

    I'm looking at you Draken.

    P.S: Why can't I post images, I had the perfect picture for my return…

    I'll just link it instead: [http://gallery.burrowowl.net/index.php?q=/image/30205.jpg](http://gallery.burrowowl.net/index.php?q=/image/30205.jpg)
  3. Jason stops and turns around to face her.

    "Call you princess again and you'll do what? Eh, princess?"

    He smirks as he turns around and begins make his way through the jungle again. The rain turning to steam as it nears his blade. Something else happens too though. Small sparks occur, he doesn't notice at first, but they accompany a slight crackle. Evidently some electricity came from the crystals too. This'll be an interesting sword to say the least.
  4. I'm surprised that I've never seen this mentioned here before. But this is the greatest story ever to grace the internet.


    Things Homestuck has ruined:

    -the internet
    -video games

    Things Homestuck has improved:


    The characters are spectacular and there are some points where it's utterly hillarious. It's a mind baffingly insane plot towardw ehere it is now, and it doesn't get any easier to understand. Act 1 is a little slow but once you get past it you're in for something brilliant.

    Go read. Behold its robes.
  5. Well, this place is a rotting carcass compared to what it was three years ago. Yes, I understand the the community must evolve if it is to survive, but that isn't what it's doing. It's stagnant. It's sitting there and doing nothing to the point where all you see in the shoutbox is people asking for help and you get a new post in the off topic section once a week. The fun parts are dying. I stayed here because it was fun.

    I have made some good friends in my time here and I will no doubt keep in contact with them. If all I can do is keep in touch with them via PM I'll be on to do that once in a while, but I won't say anything. I might be back in the future, I might not. But goodbye Eclipse, you're just not what you used to be.
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