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Everything posted by Dennys

  1. Do you use Internet Explorer? This happens alot with Internet Explorer try using another Browser if thats the case, I use IE9 for everything but when ever i have to copy/paste codes i use Google Chrome or Firefox.
  2. Dennys

    Register Php Script

    I found this code on another forum which seems to create a Php Packet Buffer, Dosent have any code on how to send the packet but it could help: > ``` > Packet Buffer > Example - Creating SID_AUTH_INFO > [code]insert_int32(0); > insert_void("68XIRATS"); > insert_int32(0xCD); > insert_int32(0); > insert_int32(0); > insert_int32(0); > insert_int32(0); > insert_int32(0); > insert_string("CAN"); > insert_string("Canada"); > $data = return_bncs(0x50);[/code] > The Code~ > [code]> 0); > $B = (((int)$w & 0xFF00) >> 8); > return chr($A) . chr($B); > } > /* Create a little-endian 32-bit integer (DWORD) */ > function make_int32($d) { > $A = (((int)$d & 0x000000FF) >> 0); > $B = (((int)$d & 0x0000FF00) >> 8); > $C = (((int)$d & 0x00FF0000) >> 16); > $D = (((int)$d & 0xFF000000) >> 24); > return chr($A) . chr($B) . chr($C) . chr($D); > } > /* Parse a little-endian 16-bit integer (WORD) */ > function get_int16($data) { > $a = strrev(str_pad(dechex(ord(substr($data, 0, 1))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); > $b = strrev(str_pad(dechex(ord(substr($data, 1, 1))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); > return hexdec(strrev($a . $b)); > } > /* Parse a little-endian 32-bit integer (DWORD) */ > function get_int32($data) { > $a = strrev(str_pad(dechex(ord(substr($data, 0, 1))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); > $b = strrev(str_pad(dechex(ord(substr($data, 1, 1))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); > $c = strrev(str_pad(dechex(ord(substr($data, 2, 1))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); > $d = strrev(str_pad(dechex(ord(substr($data, 3, 1))), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)); > return hexdec(strrev($a . $b . $c . $d)); > } > > /* > * Other stuff > */ > function buffer_toString() { > global $buffer; > return debugOutput($buffer); > } > function buffer_clear() { > global $buffer; > $buffer = ""; > } > > ?>[/code] > ```
  3. Dennys

    Register Php Script

    @Rithy58: > Everything I made, no one know they existed :P > Seriously, though. This is the updated version of Lightning's and yet, people go to his topic, try to use his instead of mine, even though his is outdated. > > @Hdom : so you're saving file as binary and then let the server read it? A better way would be like how the old version did. Send the data to the Server as if the client is making a new account. It's better that way, cause you don't have to write our the UDT. The problem is, how do you set the bytearray data that EO use? > > Sincerely, > Rithy Exactly. I cant even firgure out how to write out the UDT to a file. I can write a String to the binary file but idk how to write teh whole UDT. Using Array? And yeah i dont even know where to begin for the bytearray.
  4. Dennys

    Register Php Script

    So i was able to write a bin file that was recognized by the server but it gave me incorrect password.
  5. Dennys

    Register Php Script

    @Rithy58: > o.0? What? You're gonna make the PHP save the account file as binary, readable by the engine? > > I can't find the old copy of the one that work with EE. The TE version seem to just put data into MySQL. > If I have that, maybe I see how that did it and I can make it work with EO. > > Sincerely, > Rithy yeah i coulnt find the old one either, im sure it coudl help alot. And thats exactly what iam trying to accomplish. writing a binary file that can be read by the server.
  6. Dennys

    Register Php Script

    I can attempt to write a simple register script but you would need to host your server in the same folder you would host the script file with your wedserver.
  7. ~~Im getting a RTE 9 when i try to open quest log. The error sends me to the line In clsBuffer Public Sub WriteBytes Im using EO 2.0~~ Nvm i fixed it, i was just missing some lines from the tutorial, Sorry. Great Quest System. :P
  8. @Captain: > **LRN2SEARCH**. > Ctrl+f and then click 'Current Project' Its not there dont you think i already tried this, i woulnt post if i didnt try that,i know how to search, it's so basic… man use your brain for once in your life, if you woudl have bothered to read even one more post of this thread you would have know that otehr peopel are also having trouble with this tutorial. Ive looked it up i even went an extra step and searched the whole modDirectDraw7 manually, only line that even remotely resembles that line is``` For i = 1 To Action_HighIndex Call BltActionMsg(i) Next i ```Which is clearly not the same as whats posted on the tutorial. ``` For i = 1 To MAX_BYTE Call BltActionMsg(i) Next i ```So im guessing its a different version of EO. All im saying is that this dosent work for EO 2.0 The version i used. I also followed the tutorial by placing the code above that line instead of the lines that were provided and it still did not work. So how about you dont waste my time and either help figure out how to do it in EO 2 or dont post.
  9. This tutorial isint working. I tried it out, sorted out all the errors, they were msotly because i wasent defined. But other than not being able to find For i = 1 To MAX_BYTE Call BltActionMsg(i) Next i Everythign seemed fine. But in the end it did not work.
  10. Here go to modInput in the client and search for "Select Case Command(0)" without the quotation signs. and under that line add: Case "/CallImage" Call Projectile(Index, X, Y) Change "/CallImage" to the text command you would like to make the image appear with. Change Index to a number not higher than 254. Change X to the X coordinate. Change Y to the Y coordinate.
  11. Oh you want it to do that i thought you where saying that it was doing that. Let me see. That is simple. But you got to change a few things: First in ModTypes Look for: ``` Private Type ImageRec Sprite As Long x As Long y As LongEnd Type ```and replace it with: ``` Private Type ImageRec Sprite As Long Timer As Long X As Long Y As Long End Type ``` Now in modDirectDraw7 Go to the Sub BltImage() Under The line: ``` With Image(Index) ```Place the following: ``` If .Timer + 3000 < GetTickCount Then Exit Sub ```The 3000 in this^ code controls the time before it dissapears. It is the amount of miliseconds so after 3000 ms which equals 3 seconds it will dissapear. Lastly in modDatabase look for Sub Image() and replace it with this: ``` Sub Image(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long) With Image(Index) .X = X .Y = Y .Sprite = 1 .Timer = GetTickCount End With Call BltImage(Index) ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "Image", "modDatabase", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ```
  12. @Kris: > I have seen this somewhere before :O I can't put my finger on it though. Why do people keep posting this, everything on here is code written in EO 2 that has been modified slightly. Ofcourse you could have seen this somewhere before, stop writing useless posts.
  13. I didnt leave any timers in the script so this shoulnt be happening. I tested it out in my client and it lasts aslong as you dont call Sub ClearImage.
  14. Im sorry then theres nothing else i can think off or do without having your code.
  15. Dennys

    [EO] Walk/Run

    still clients can be modded in many ways not just speed.
  16. np, and glad you you could figure it out on your own.
  17. Ok go to UpdateDescWindow and look for ``` .picItemDesc.Left = X ```Replace it with ``` .picItemDesc.Left = X + .picItemDesc.width ```
  18. Dennys

    [EO] Walk/Run

    kk glad to help.
  19. In Client->modGameLogic->UpdateDescWindow you can change the position of description window. If you can figure it out then explain to me where you want the window to appear and ill tell you the code to change and what to change it to.
  20. Dennys

    [EO] Walk/Run

    You could just use the client Version numbers provided by VB6\. If you open the client in VB6 and go to its properties then go into the Make tab. you will see Major, Minor, and Revision. If those numbers in the client arent the same as the Public Const CLIENT_MAJOR As Byte = 1 Public Const CLIENT_MINOR As Byte = 3 Public Const CLIENT_REVISION As Byte = 0 In the server then the client will nto connect.
  21. The last thing i can tell you to try is to switch the labels.
  22. so did it work? It also depends on the Eo version you have it might be different just add the modifications.
  23. Dennys

    [EO] Walk/Run

    An easy method is to just go to modConstants and change WALK_SPEED and RUN_SPEED to the same number and make that number bigger than 6 to make it faster. The higher the number the faster the movement. SO test out different numbers to find the one you like. without any modification it looks like this ``` Public Const WALK_SPEED As Byte = 4 Public Const RUN_SPEED As Byte = 6 ``` If you want to run faster all the time i would say change it to 10 ``` Public Const WALK_SPEED As Byte = 10 Public Const RUN_SPEED As Byte = 10 ```
  24. that means your sub is modified so then send me your train stat sub and i will adjust it. Hopefully that will work.
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