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Everything posted by the_best_flash

  1. Very nice. Looks great so far. What GUI system are you using for the game?
  2. Glad to see people find this useful, however I have several other coding projects that I am working on right now and don't have time to properly finish this. Godlordess has some good suggestions. A list of known bugs would be useful. I didn't have a game to test this with when I tested it, and probably missed a few bugs. The section for blocking missiles, and blocking the grapple were never fully tested. The editor was quickly thrown together as something that only required slight modifications to the mapping editor. If anyone would like to fix this feel free to take the code and do whatever you'd like with it.
  3. I didn't realize that the 'i' was already there. I'll fix that. Glad that it works for you.
  4. What do we have permission to do with the source? If I wanted to take the VB6 source, and rewrite the engine in C++.NET would I have permission to do that? After programming graphics and networking I would mostly be copy/pasting the non-buggy functions and converting from VB6 to C++. Do I need permission to do this? Where would I give credit to the original developers? Where can I find the list of developers I need to give credit to? Is it just the list in the credits? Also can I host the source (As in the C++ code I'll be writing and not the VB6 source) on an open source site, such as Sourceforge.Net (The SVN would be useful). If and when this version is completed it will, of course, be posted here and given to the community. I have no intentions to release a completed version of this on sourceforge.net, I would only be using it for the SVN capabilities. Thanks. EDIT: Questions answered.
  5. > Hence the reason we have sadscript: Directional Block – the sadscripted version. Very nice work Admiral. I would suggest using the sad script version mentioned above. Much less code, bugs (I tried to copy all the code from my source but I probably missed some code, and didn't properly test other sections), and it's much simpler.
  6. No, your code looks correct. Did you: 6.modGlobals at bottom put: ``` 'Travel Menu Globals Global travel_map() As MapPic Global travel_place() As place Global TRAVEL_MAPS As Long Global TRAVEL_PLACES As Long Global travel_version As Long ``` And 10.modTypes at BOTTOM of 'public type PlayerRec' put: ``` 'travel menu addition map_pic As Long can_travel() As Boolean ``` I think it's saying that either TRAVEL_PLACES or can_travel() is undefined. Make sure you've defined them in the server code by following the steps above. The second one goes inside the 'public type PlayerRec' not outside. Hope that helps.
  7. What did you remove? I'll try to help. I'll only be on here intermittently due to the fact that I am somewhat busy right now. So, it wasn't pink before you added the code. Then after it was added your maps became pink? I didn't change any drawing code, except where I have it draw the text when your in the editor… Maybe you installed the section that draws the text wrong? Did you miss an end if? or somehow change it so that your map only renders when you click the 'hide in editor' check box in the editor? Or if you modified how the maps are stored the section that receives the map from the server might be wrong. Did you run the converter? Also make sure that you pasted the new tile variables at the BOTTOM of the tile typedef.
  8. Easiest way to do this would be to surround the tile with scripted tiles that call a command to close the menu.
  9. Another bug fix. I was accidentally converting some strings to numbers. IN the client in HandleData() Change: ``` .block_down = Val(parse(n + 26)) .block_left = Val(parse(n + 27)) .block_right = Val(parse(n + 28)) .block_up = Val(parse(n + 29)) ``` To: ``` .block_down = parse(n + 26) .block_left = parse(n + 27) .block_right = parse(n + 28) .block_up = parse(n + 29) ``` In the Server in modHandleData in HandleData() Change: ``` .block_down = Val(MapData(MapIndex + 26)) .block_left = Val(MapData(MapIndex + 27)) .block_right = Val(MapData(MapIndex + 28)) .block_up = Val(MapData(MapIndex + 29)) ``` To: ``` .block_down = MapData(MapIndex + 26) .block_left = MapData(MapIndex + 27) .block_right = MapData(MapIndex + 28) .block_up = MapData(MapIndex + 29) ``` I have updated the code up above.
  10. You're welcome. Hope things go well.
  11. Whether you edit the client or the server depends on what you want to do. The client is what you'll give all your players. It displays the graphics logs onto the game, and does basic things. The server is what you'll run from your computer and what the clients will connect to. The server does most of the processing of player activities, anti-cheating, and general game controlling. I haven't ever used the logout to main menu, but it seems that you just replace the client code mentioned with the code he specified. I'll look into it. EDIT: I tried the logout to main menu. It works as long as you click the quit game button. To install it you just replace everything in the GameLogout() function with the stuff that he posted.
  12. I would recommend looking at tutorials and source code. But one thing that I suggest you get familiar with is the Debugger. It is very useful.
  13. Oh, Sorry. In frmMirage Form_KeyUp Form_KeyDown Form_KeyPress and vbKeyControl Check thoes
  14. You may also need to go into the frmMirage code and find the onKeyDown() code. It may needed changed there also. Do a search (CRTL + F) for vbKeyShift and vbKeyCtrl. Find and switch all of them.
  15. No. That should be all that is necessary.
  16. Sever side needs to be SendData(index, "WARPMENU" & END_CHAR) It need to know who to send it to. The if statement needs to be if = "warpmenu" then I'm not sure what the variable is. Look at the other if statements in the handledata() function and follow that format. Also gate.show = true probably won't work. Use gate.visible = true Though I think it would be better to use call gate.show( vbModeless, frmMirage) That will cause the gate menu to appear on top of the main game screen.
  17. No problem. I would go to the server code. Find the file called clsCommands. Inside this file write a sub warpMenu(byval index as long) or something like that. Have it senddata to the index that says "WARPMENU" & END_CHAR You just added a new sadscript function. You can call in sad script. In your scripted tiles section find one of the 'case' statements and call warpMenu(index) In the client HandleData() function add an 'if' statement for "warpmenu" and write some code to open the menu. That is what I would suggest.
  18. Yes. "If 'Player Level' is greater than or equal to '10' Then"
  19. If you want to prevent anyone level 10 and above from using the warp, yes. Otherwise it should be >=
  20. I don't know. Whoever programmed the client chose if statements instead of a select…
  21. If you put a ')' on the end. cstr() will convert the variable to a string. It's just to prevent errors.
  22. > Call AdminMsg("Update roster packet send to" & Index & ".", BRIGHTGREEN) > > Call SendDataTo(Index, "updateroster") > Exit Sub > End Sub You must have a END_CHAR after "updateroster'. ``` Call SendDataTo(Index, "updateroster" & END_CHAR) ``` > this returns a message stating its sedn to 1 :S That is correct. If you were the first person to join the server you would have an index of 1\. If you want it to return your name: ``` Call AdminMsg("Update roster packet send to" & GetPlayerLogin(Index) & ".", BRIGHTGREEN) ``` > If (casestring = "updateroster") Then > Data1 = parse(1) > Data2 = parse(2) There is no data in parse(1) or parse(2): You will need to change: ``` Call SendDataTo(Index, "updateroster") ``` To ``` Call SendDataTo(Index, "updateroster" & SEP_CHAR & cstr(data1) & SEP_CHAR & cstr(data2) & END_CHAR) ``` Hope that helps.
  23. You do not have an END_CHAR to end your packet. Index is a number. It changes based on the order in which you join the server.
  24. You're missing quote marks on the first one. And make sure its in a function that runs and that index is correct.
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