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Everything posted by Skaterboy991

  1. Thanks guys. Also, we're going with a completely new website design, more professional looking than our earlier mockups. Hopefully everyone will like it when it's done :)
  2. Hello everyone. Thought I might clear some stuff up so that there isn't so much arguing in our topic. First of all, my work has been split between the Psithyroi website, the engine, and a few actual jobs I have had that needed my attention. The engine is being made in C# and XNA, i'm sure you all know, and it takes time to start something like that from scratch. Currently, the engine team has just completed the last of the User Interface controls, I had finished the networking a few days ago, along with a new (meaning not eclipse-style) paperdolling concept that uses XML vector2 points to align items dynamically to sprites, and now we've moved on to creating a stable and reliable map format in XML. Following will be the actual mapping system, the creation of the Psithyroi world editor, and once we have a stable base for making tiled maps we will move on to object creation and manipulation, platform physics, and LUA scripting implementation. Second, the website is also in major works guys. It takes time as well. We've got the looks down, now comes creating secure account sessions, the user control panel, finishing the news system, and creating custom message boards (we will not be using SMF or MyBB.) I will also have to make a merge script so that I can move all SQL data from the current SMF forums to the new, custom forums so that there is no data loss and no need to restart the community's one thousand-some posts. Lastly, please stop critisizing the engine team. We are working hard on the Psithyroi engine, trying to make it efficient, stable, and useful for projects in the future; not just Psithyroi. Engines take time to make, and it's only been about 1 and a half months since the engine was started. Regards, Crazy
  3. http://www.tineye.com/search/ff690c2099a907083fda63b2633d83c94135286a/ Reverse image searched, it has appeared throughout numerous other websites. You didn't make it. I advise you remove that copyright. **WARNING:** Do **NOT** click some of the image source links on that reversed search. Bad material; not meant for youngins. You have been warned.
  4. Yes, thanks for the tips, Robin. The entire website itself is being completely redone; and I have to say it looks **much** better than the current forum design. The new forums won't be using SMF, won't have a portal, and will not have signatures (I find signatures pretty useless). As for our team, it only consists of 5 members right now, and we're partnered with a digital media/server provider. The team is quite solid, it includes 1 programmer, 3 graphics specialists (Kevin does sprites, Wraith does concept art, legend does general graphics), and Akatsuki is a community support/psithyroi representative for getting our game out there. Everyone works together, and it's all looking good so far :) Feel free to check back on this topic every now and then and give us some critique on our new website when it's complete.
  5. Yeah Legend, I doubt Robin would know who Kevin is since his name is IDoFreePixel on these forums :huh: But anyways, thanks for the input Robin; we'll see what we can do. Now, let's get back to posts relevant to this topic and not start a war :cheesy:
  6. I think what really needs done is group collaboration on new comics. I, for one, didn't see much conversation in the Psithyroi chat about the comic in the OP, but then again I haven't been on much lately :P
  7. As a side note, most information will now be posted on the forums/on the site. We will still be using this topic, but for major updates and such. Please make sure to register :) EDIT: Also, keep in mind your forum account will become your game account and website account! They will all be linked.
  8. @K722: > Liking those torches. ;) They'll have particles in the actual game. Forgot to mention that my friend is helping me with a particle system for the engine.
  9. Yeah, and just to point out to people that may be wondering, the things Kevin (IDoFreePixel) has been posting are just **images**. It's not actually put into a playing format as of now. I'm still working on the engine. It's getting to that point though :cheesy:
  10. @MrMiguu: > Clicking on other players? > > You act like I haven't thought of this before. Well as far as an xbox version goes, i was thinking of having one of the joy sticks, once flicked in a direction, get the nearest target-able object in that direction away from the current target, and show target selection by a moving glowing box, or something like that, if you know what I mean. A virtual cursor doesn't sound very practical.
  11. @K722: > Well, if your using XNA, you could later port the game into WP7 and X-Box. :) Exactly, I was thinking about a xBox360 port in the future. if it ever gets popular… That'd be kind of sweet.
  12. @K722: > They are hard coding the engine in C# Yeah, I'm building a new engine with C#. And if anyone would like to know what i'm currently doing… Right now i'm current working with the networking aspects of the engine, getting the client & server to communicate and send messages in an orderly way. The engine will be using XNA, there will be platform physics (Farseer Physics library), and *most* of the actual game content and features will be scripted with LUA using the LuaInterface library for .NET. That way, the engine can later be used for even more games. I'm also thinking about using MySQL to store account information on the upcoming Psithyroi website so that on the website you may use your user login for Psithyroi as your forum account (and your avatar can be what your player looks like), you may search users and look at stats, organize clan meetings, and maybe buy premium items from a cash shop. But once again, this idea is still being worked out. :cheesy:
  13. Once the engine's progress is midway done we will be getting a Psithyroi website up, which will also include a message board (because posting loads of information about a large game in this one thread is complicating organization)
  14. @Sealbreaker: > I really like your pixel art, even though I'd love to see some engine-progress and information posted here soon :) > > good luck, I'll keep an eye on this :) > > -seal I'll start posting about the engine soon.
  15. Glad to see we have several potential players already :P
  16. @MrMiguu: > What kind of project is it? I'm making an engine for the game with C#/XNA since the Eclipse engine isn't really a good method of creating this game to the fullest. Right now it's IdoFreePixel, Legend, and I.
  17. @Boxman: > Well if anyone wants to do some multiplayer for a while: > > Pure gold.
  18. @Robin: > @CrAzY: > > > Funny how you're much older than me, and I'm the one who's being mature ;D > > Maturity? I pointed out why your design model is flawed and you ignored both points. > > I'll say it again. Steam's rise in popularity was due to the player's _requirement_ to use Steam to play Valve's online games. > > Valve already had a huge following of gamers before they released Steam. > > Your little project has no reason to exist. This isn't a game publishing site, it's a game _development_ site. Building up a product specifically to distribute games made specifically with a single engine is short sighted. There have been… what, 3 games released with Eclipse that have actually gone anywhere? > > Also, if anyone _did_ manage to make a decent game, I'm sure they won't be trusting the distribution of their project to some kid who's idea of an aesthetically pleasing signature is a radial gradient and a picture of someone's hand. *Semi-large sigh* 1)I was talking about your reaction post, ya know, with the girl's face. AKA spam. 2)I took in mind your points, and rebutted them. 3)I understand what Valve is. I was using them as an example. 4)No need to call it a little project in the demeaning way. I realize, it really is little. 5)I understand it's a game development community. I've been here for about 3-4 years. This is for people who have actually **finished** the basis of their games, and are ready for distribution. They don't have to be projects that have actually _gone somewhere_. 6)What is there to trust? It's advertising. Advertising is good no matter where it's coming from. I have no ability to do anything that would change their game or it's users in any way shape or form. 7)No need to call me 'kid', teen is just fine ;) 15 years old and happy about it. (especially since I don't develop in vb6) 8)Old project. Old signature. But, thank you for reminding me to change it :icon_surprised:
  19. Funny how you're much older than me, and I'm the one who's being mature ;D
  20. @shadowdeath: > Interesting. It is actually a good idea, But it might become an annoying thing like Hamaichi. If you need the program to view it, it might become like Hamaichi in the sense that no one will download it. If you make it open, so only the installer needs to download it and others can access it without the program, then this will become very successful. > Just my Ideas, > ~Shadow_death_ I'm with ya on that part. Just think of it as a distribution software. The game does **NOT** need Eclipse Go to run it; it would run just like any Eclipse game does already. The idea of Eclipse Go is to make the games easily accessed because they will all be focused in one area. And making a community system for it (and no, I dont mean like a forum) would make it even greater. And the idea of having it web based as well means users won't even have to download or install anything at all. @Robin: > Terrible way of delivering content unless you've already got a long-standing reputation as a decent games distributor. > > The only reason Steam is so popular is because it's a core part of playing the games online. This system has absolutely no purpose. Don't you realize how popular Eclipse is itself? And how do you think things get popular, anyways? Things such as Steam don't get popular out of no where, and they don't get popular because their old, either. And how can you say it has no purpose? People won't enjoy always heading to this forum and sifting through all the junk just to find a game to download. The system can be used as a great distribution network for actual **GOOD** Eclipse games. And, also, if you don't like the idea don't worry you won't have to partake in any of it if you don't want, not forcing you :icon_music:
  21. Just delete it, I see why I left the community in the first place. Don't need to develop for people who don't actually respect others' ideas.
  22. Alright I apologize if someone has already asked this, but I'd like to know where in the source (of Eclipse Origins) are the [vars im guessing?] to change the screen render size… If you know what I mean.
  23. heh, I was bored so I gave it a go for the hellz of it. (Click pic to see full) [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/b71ffd6a0b415a374cc54033bbc6da40.png)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#b71ffd6a0b415a374cc54033bbc6da40.png)
  24. Total time logged in: 77 days, 6 hours and 38 minutes. ;D
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