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Everything posted by Myron

  1. @Toshiro: > This is just plain out sad.. :/ Welcome to the Internet.
  2. God, I wish I had this idea before he did..
  3. Where did you download CS;DE?
  4. How strange, they also have the same board names. It's almost like all the Runescape script kiddies decided to join forces and make a better "Eclipse", because they are more mature and all that. Edit (LOL): [Eclipse Nexus Rules](http://eclipsenexus.forumakers.com/t6-rules-of-forum). [Eclipse Rules](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72426.0.html). [Licensing Nexus](http://eclipsenexus.forumakers.com/t1-eclipse-licensing). [Licensing Eclipse](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,29732.0.html). And more.
  5. Oh look, it's a list of topics with people who asked this before you: [Password Protect/Encrypt & Compress GFX](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,61562.msg650273.html#msg650273) [How do I encrypt files?](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,67871.msg732077.html#msg732077) [[EO] Game Encryption](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,69075.msg743501.html#msg743501) [Keeping Safe Client Files](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,74469.msg798935.html) [How to hide the Graphics?](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,64892.msg695356.html) [How protect his graphic's file?](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,76047.msg815645.html) [How to encrypt my graphics.](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,79157.msg848720.html) [Graphics Encryption](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,61444.msg648573.html)
  6. Well then decide for yourself, do you want them to continue playing with your graphics with no care in the world or do you at least want to show they stole your shit? Because like I said, they can just rip it from your game. It's not really something you can stop. Almost every game can be ripped, as you can see from the many ripped 2D graphics on the Internet. If you don't want people to steal your shit, then don't make it public and keep it among friends or just don't make a game at all.
  7. Even if you manage to somehow encrypt/secure your whole graphics, you can't stop those players from just ripping it from your game. If one is dedicated enough to want to DDOS you for it, it won't be unthinkable of that person to just make screenshots of your game and rip it by using paint. You can't really prevent theft, but you can prevent people from claiming as their own by showing your graphics publicly first (You can just add watermarks to protect it from getting ripped). That way your whole topic is proof that those graphics were made by you (If they were at all) and if someone ever steals it and uses it for their game without permission, you can use your topic as evidence.
  8. Try on a different computer. If it works there, check to see what could be blocking your connection to those games on the current computer. Example would be that your anti-virus is blocking the connection. While this is the Questions & Answers board, this board is for any questions 'regarding any aspect of Eclipse development', you're better off posting things like this in the Off-topic board. Also try hitting Google for the answer to this problem, I'm sure there are more people who faced this problem.
  9. @Joost: > female dogs know me. Your imaginary friends don't count.
  10. ITT: Romeo and Juliet.
  11. Myron

    Cake Versus Pie

    That may be right, but Cake is the only thing you should bake ;)
  12. Myron

    Cake Versus Pie

    And if you mean with advanced, basic compared to cake then yes, you are correct.
  13. Myron

    Cake Versus Pie

    @renzo: > Pies will change your entire Outlook. That's correct, if you have a MS Outlook 2010 version, it will jump to 2003 after you eat pie.
  14. [Topic](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,77496.msg830129.html#msg830129). My opinion hasn't changed.
  15. @7804364: > all you people are wrong, That's right, it's usually the majority of people that is wrong. And with your grammar, experience and ability to keep your shit to yourself, I think I might just believe you.
  16. Because your childhood will be ruined if you're not at least 18 years old and see Marsh's wang.
  17. @7804364: > thats horse shit, everyone hates me cause of this thread! Everyone is a big word as is hate. Don't make the same mistake you made when you made this topic; basing things on a feeling you get on a whim.
  18. I actually already have the 'Problems' copied in a notepad file, will probably do them once the series of manuals I'm following mentions the commands you are using :).
  19. @7804364: > and most games are similar with a diffrent name. And you're blaming that on Eclipse Origins and the MMORPG maker being made in VB6? Look, it's not that VB6 or EO is limited, it's just that people come here with the dream/intention on making a game and in the end drop it for the lack of motivation. You can't blame that on the MMORPG maker or EO, seeing most of them never even bothered opening EO's source code. If that was one of your main motivations on making this topic, at least do it properly and comment on how most of the people here, severly lack creativity and originality.
  20. ITT: Someone makes another 'one of those' topics where he/she states that the forum is dying. All I'm saying is that the forum was "dying" last year as well. I do think it's nice how an only recently registered member has to tell everyone this forum is dying, lolok. ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-crrhNTC6dfA/TdXSLNS_R9I/AAAAAAAAB6I/h4J27xT7d3c/s1600/End-is-near-785574.jpg)
  21. It's already too late.. He posted, so there's no turning back now.
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