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  1. zenmen

    Event System

    Oh now i see.. damn THANKS!
  2. zenmen

    Event System

    Hi! I have a question, how to select 32x32 sprite? i cant resize this blue frame.. ![](http://s6.ifotos.pl/img/falePNG_rsxwphp.PNG)
  3. > EDIT: Actually, I'm doing that for ED now.. Could be useful right? Ohhh yes!
  4. event system 1.8 - hm this is the best time to create some tutorial for it, what u think? : D (i mean tutorial 'how to add this system to eo' not how to use it : D)
  5. My portfolio: http://www.speedyshare.com/FQR8X/GUI.rar If you are interested then please contact PW
  6. zenmen

    HPBar problem.

    Yes, I exactly do that at the begginging which gave me that effect: >! ![](http://s6.ifotos.pl/img/hpzleladu_rexqanh.PNG)
  7. zenmen

    HPBar problem.

    Joost, what about this code? ``` With Health_Bar If Player.Stats.Total_Health 0 Then HP = (Player.Stats.Current_Health / Player.Stats.Total_Health) * .Frame_Size.Bottom Vertex_List(0) = Create_TLVertex(.X + .Frame_Size.Left, .Y + .Frame_Size.Top, 0, 1, D3DColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), 0, 0, 0) Vertex_List(1) = Create_TLVertex(.X + .Frame_Size.Left, .Y + HR, 0, 1, D3DColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255), 0, 0, 1) End With ``` Its something change?
  8. zenmen

    HPBar problem.

    Haha now its crazy! : D Just look: ![](http://s6.ifotos.pl/img/errorPNG_renxsrx.PNG) :confused:
  9. zenmen

    HPBar problem.

    Thank you! But.. (yeah thats only me..) i have got some error (ofcoure i add all Publics etc in modGlobals and frmMain): Link: ![](http://s6.ifotos.pl/img/errorPNG_renxwnq.PNG) And there is some bugs: > HpTop = ImgHPBar.Top > HpHeight = Im**p**HpBar.Height > HpOffSet = HpHeight - HpTop and parentheses but I do not know how they should be: > Percentage = (GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP / GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP)**))** > ImgHpBar.Top = HpTop + (HpOffSet * Percentage) > ImgHpBar.Height = HpHeight - (HPOffset * Percentage) or: > Percentage = (GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP**)** / GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP)**)** > ImgHpBar.Top = HpTop + (HpOffSet * Percentage) > ImgHpBar.Height = HpHeight - (HPOffset * Percentage) I really thank you for your help! :embarrassed:
  10. Because bumping into things by accident say the least - is _**annoying**_.
  11. Hmm i can, but what i must do to activated this warp by clicking on it?
  12. How can I do that when I click on the graphics ladder moved me to another map? I would like for each ladder define another map. Similarly, with holes in the ground, and after entering it we were moving to another location. How should the code look like? Maybe on the forum is some tutorial for it?
  13. zenmen

    HPBar problem.

    That is, You will try to help me (read - do it for me ^ ^)? Unfortunately I do not know much about programming, so or I find a ready-made solution, or the GUI to be thrown away : P Anyway, now I thank you for the above help! :)
  14. zenmen

    HPBar problem.

    Now i dont see my bitmap of ImgHPBar. > If GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) > 0 Then > 'frmMain.lblHP.Caption = Int(GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) * 100) & "%" > frmMain.lblHP.Caption = GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) & "/" & GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) > ' hp bar > frmMain.ImgHPBar.top = ((GetPlayerVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / frmMain.ImgHPBar.top) / (GetPlayerMaxVital(MyIndex, Vitals.HP) / frmMain.ImgHPBar.top)) * frmMain.ImgHPBar.top + 589 > End If > > ' Error handler > Exit Sub > errorhandler: > HandleError "HandlePlayerHP", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext > Err.Clear > Exit Sub > End Sub
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