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Everything posted by Braiton

  1. Yes but in this case we are making a tree. Using roof tiles and fringe is rather pointless so we just use the fringe layer for the top of the tree and we save us some valuable time.
  2. @Timmah: > You would have to make female version. Male is the default character in EE. There are many female sprites in the Resources Category. > > For your tree, please try using roof. That is what I use, and when you walk "on" it, it you disappear because it looks like you are walking behind it. EE 2.7 does have female and male options. Also, using the roof attribute is just a waste of time. Thats what the Fringe layer is for.
  3. Uh…well, its almost impossible to look closer into the image, but i guess thats the night/day system. If you don't like it disable night time on your game.
  4. Ya, its very old, back from 2006/07. At least i could rescue it lol.
  5. [THIS](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,33922.0.html)
  6. The point of making game music is to make it short and have it loop, while you play. You don't need an "Original" piece of music thats worth 17 minutes in length without reapeating a single note or section. Game music is more oriented towards the background/ambient feel. Generally, people who play are just casual gamers/people that are not paying attention to every note, beat of the song. Now, if we have a single note (to give an example, im exagerating) loop constantly in the background, then that, yes, its annoying. About the oraginality of tracks, yes, i agree. Ripping them of other games is just not right; unless your making a fan based game and you want to give it the feel your actually playing that game.
  7. @AkselJ: > Paperdoll is like he requested. Paperdoll sheet comes wih EE 2.8. Oh didn't know that. Dont really use 2.8 because i don't need it. Anyway, i prefer him to find what Paperdoll IS, how to use it properly, etc. first than having him activate paperdoll and then come back asking more questions on how to use it, etc.
  8. @AkselJ: > No need to search - just set Paperdoll to 1 in Data.ini > > Except for the HP losing thing it is excactly what he wants. You can enable energy drain when in combat and when running in Data.ini. The HP loss thing can be made in SadScript. Yeah, i know, thats why i began with: "Not sort of what you want…" Also just telling him to search about Paperdoll, so that he can actually see what it is and find some paperdolled sheets, etc.
  9. 2 = Its called Paperdoll. Search around. 3 = Not sort of what you want, but theres already an "energy" system integrated that goes down as you run - the higher your stamina/speed the slower your bar goes down.
  10. Well, i did make a step by step tutorial on how to install it. If you can't do it by yourself get someone to do it for you.
  11. Braiton

    Compile Error

    No, i dont know how the code is or what you want to do so i cant really tell you, but yes, just delete the ones that are repeated so there will only be 1 left.
  12. Braiton

    Compile Error

    Ambiguos name means you have the same thing twice. Compile again, find the line that returns the error, check if its already there, if it is, delete it.
  13. Works fine for me. Maybe you changed something in the item that you shouldnt. I used to get that error when editing items before making this code when editing certain items but i fixed em. Try deleting the item's .dat file and then making it again.
  14. You need a copy of VB6 and eclipse's source. Then you'll be able to edit it.
  15. You click the + sign next to the stat. Its not so visible with the default GUI so maybe you didn't see it. Is that what you mean? Couldn't understand what you meant.
  16. Go into your server folder, go into classes and change the X and Y location for each class. I think thats what you mean. If you wanna know the X and Y coordinates, go into your game, open the map editor and hover your mouse over any tile. The caption of the map editor should return you the X and Y values of where your hovering your mouse.
  17. @wartemplar: > This tutorial is free *facepalm*
  18. @Yakura: > Erhh, i was talking about Braiton.. Oh, noes i'm going to get it :'( No, i like being the centre of attention sou i mizspell on purpoz.
  19. @Batman: > Lag, my friend. Then Batmand and Robin have another secret partner called Lag! I knew it!
  20. Wait, if you where looking at Robin's profile, and he was looking at yours….then...who took the picture??
  21. Read the tut. I posted each code seperately so you can add the ones you want. Just add the Class and attack speed codes.
  22. Braiton


    You need VB6 to edit the source and ONLY VB6\. Other versions wont work. Also, you have to pay for VB6\. Its not free.
  23. Its easier, as already mentioned above, to make a tile with the skeleton, then go to the NPConDeath sub and then you use SetTile and timers. Thats it. No source edits needed. Unless you wanna make a function so you can directly call it. But meh, 1 extra line of code is not worth it.
  24. @Damian666: > well, your way does work when you dont use warppoints robin, but when you do use them, it warps to new map, and then decides to set teh x and y right for the player. > > it warped me across a whole map ^^ > so, i think its needs still a little work :) > > Damian666 I just tested Robin's and its working fine. Warps work fine, moving around doesnt make it jumpy, and it fixes the problem.
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