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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. zade_o

    Action bar!

    Alright I'ma try revamping the whole thing and storing both the name and the id number instead of just the name or something along those lines because searching for a match in the spellbook is becoming ultra confusing.
  2. " Don’t be fooled by how common a glass of water is, according to the University of Arizona, 80 countries are in the midst of water shortages which actually threaten their citizens’ health and the economy. They also state that 40% of the world’s population, over 2 billion does not even have access to clean water or sanitation. So, as you could imagine, tensions exist between those of the world who do not have water and those who do. The situation between those who do not have water and those who do is severe because the majority of water sources reside in areas of aggression making it even harder and more strenuous to obtain the water and or redirect the water to other countries lacking natural resources. This could eventually lead to wars and international disputes over dwindling water resources which could further involve our own country in the affairs of others to maintain alliances and the like. You may feel as though this means next to nothing concerning you because you feel like the odds of global wars over water is far too minute for practical thinking. However, the situation is very real and the problem is encroaching upon us like an assassin in the dark. BBC News says that the United Nations predicts water will be the single biggest cause of conflict and war in Africa in the next 25 years. I know you’re wondering what does that have to do with you because you don’t live in Africa. Azul Conservation Products provides statistics on their website concerning the usage of water. According to the site, between the years 1950 and 2000, the U.S. population doubled and the demand for water tripled. The point is the world’s population is wasting a large amount of water in times in which water is becoming increasingly scarce. You should be doing all you can to help preserve and prolong the life of our water sources. Doing so is actually very easy yet very effective. Turn your water off while brushing your teeth. Generous.org claims this will conserve up to 5 liters a minute, which may not seem like a lot. However, consider this, if the entire adult population of England and Wales cut off the tap water while brushing their teeth, it would conserve 180 mega liters a day which is enough to supply 500,000 houses. Imagine how much more could be conserved if the entire population of the United States cut off the water. Better yet, imagine if the whole world’s population participated. Another way you can help is to repair all of your dripping faucets. American Water & Energy Savers says that if a faucet drips at the rate of one drop per second, it will waste 2,700 gallons a year! So just by fixing your faucet you can save 2,700 gallons a year and if every person fixed a leaking faucet, that number could shoot well into the hundreds of thousands of gallons. Also, avoid unnecessarily flushing your toilet. For instance, instead of flushing insects, or waste, just throw it in the trashcan. Little things of that sort can be a major help to the worlds shortage of water. Another example is, instead of using water to thaw meat, just leave it in the refrigerator overnight or use the defrost mode on your microwave. Azul Conservation Products also says that Americans use an average of 100 gallons of water each day. The company says that if 100,000 people cut their shower time by 4 minutes each shower, they would conserve 250 million gallons of water a year. Yahoo says the world population as of July 2007 is about 6.6 billion. 6.6 billion divided by 100,000 is 66,000\. Which, once multiplied by the amount of water conserved each year by cutting off 4 minutes from each shower, would save the world over 16 trillion gallons of water a year! So, in times where it’s predicted that 36 out of the 50 United States of America are expected to experience water shortages in the next 5 years, I’m sure it’s clear to you now that you need to contribute to the effort to save water in order to make the world a better place for you and future generations. It’s not like it’s a difficult process, just taking faster showers and cutting the faucet off while brushing your teeth can save immense amounts of water. Conserve our water before it’s too late."
  3. zade_o

    Action bar!

    Ah yeah. I guess it's not that much more coding. Still, more than I wanna do.
  4. zade_o

    Action bar!

    Just spells. I never thought about letting items be put on there as well. That would be terrible amounts of coding. screw that. haha
  5. zade_o

    Action bar!

    actually i figured that out in like 3 minutes lol.
  6. zade_o

    Action bar!

    Uh. hopefully tonight or tomorrow. Gotta type up the casting code and test it and make sure it's all good first
  7. zade_o

    Pixel art tiles

    it's called Vikings
  8. zade_o

    Action bar!

    yeahhh. I saw that sub. So i guess scanning through the spellbook to find a matching name, then call memorize to that spell, and then cast it?
  9. zade_o

    Pixel art tiles

    Alright. I'll stick to the green and dark green ones. the brown ones were attempts at fall colors lol
  10. zade_o

    Action bar!

    Just wanna say first of all, after I get this goin, I do plan to release it. This is how it's working at the moment, you open your spell book and double click a spell, then it checks all the slots on your action bar - if it doesn't find an open slot, it tells you you have no slots available. - if it does find an open slot, it puts that spell there (icon and everything) To clear a spot on your action bar you just right click the icon and *POOF* lol All of that works, and hitting the number keys or left clicking will cast the spell in that slot. The thing is, all the data is stored by the name of the spell not by the number… How could I actually call the cast command? I'm thinkin, go through all the spells in your spell book list and find the one that matches and go from there?
  11. zade_o

    Pixel art tiles

    So the darkest green one up there is the one I should work with?
  12. zade_o

    Pixel art tiles

    Well good cus that's what I modeled them after =) ![](http://s4.tinypic.com/34y6vjn.jpg)
  13. lol nice. I also wonder what his "official" business is because he uses Gmail email (wow that rhymes….fucking awesome) and most "official" businesses have their own email server...cus it looks...you know....official.
  14. zade_o

    Pixel art tiles

    Whats wrong with the sprite? Cus it's paperdolled so I guess any advice you have on that I could use too. I was thinking of doing a real dark outline so it doesn't blur into the ground as much
  15. Damn. Spainion pwned that bastard….
  16. zade_o

    Pixel art tiles

    ![](http://s4.tinypic.com/awb7td.jpg) just tried to make some this morning. I know that the color on the very right looks very gridbased but what about the rest? Comments?
  17. It's not that. I think I've narrowed it down to the fact that the NPC is dying to fast for the damage to be displayed.
  18. When I do a hit that kills the NPC, whether it be a one hit kill or just the final blow, the damage doesn't show and I don't like that. i've been going back and forth between the client and the server source trying to figure out what to do to make sure it shows and then the NPC dies, but I can't figure it out. any advice?
  19. Uber. I'll have that one done in a minute. I'm working on the last 2 up there
  20. Well. tbh I don't really like Reiner's tile sets but the majority of people do so I don't think my opinion should really matter lol
  21. score. got it. I thought i tried that but i actually tried the reverse… (int)tnl isntead of int(tnl)....freakin javascript stuck in my head.
  22. [lvl] 1=0 2=83 3=174 4=276 5=388 6=512 7=650 8=801 9=969 10=1154 11=1358 12=1584 13=1833 14=2107 15=2411 16=2746 17=3115 18=3523 19=3973 20=4470 21=5018 22=5624 23=6291 24=7028 25=7842 26=8740 27=9730 28=10824 29=12031 thats a sample
  23. Lol. so i guess i'm not gonna get anywhere by posting here?…haha
  24. LMAO. Well thanks for the help, now I understand. hahahaha. Well have a nice nap. I'll be here…pulling my hair out.
  25. Well, I looked up elysium and found this http://rpgdx.net/showgame.php?project_id=334&sid=2c9f07fdc6029da803e148b65f76a850 but uh…if you don't wanna use our engine....GTFO our forums!
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