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Posts posted by zade_o

  1. hmm… how about something like this? (keep in mind this is a 45 second update so i didn't put time into making it look too nice.)

    -made the heads smaller and added the edges
  2. "in this day and age why does spiderman have to be black?"

    ….cus the person that MADE spiderman comics made tha MOTHA FUCKA black!

    God damn I'm so tired of people trying to promote racial equality, don't get me wrong, I'm all for it, but this isn't racial equality, this is jack asses that thing anything white is a racist thing.

    You want a black guy superhero? Made a movie about the later versions of the green lantern.

    I'm so tired of idiots in this world...
  3. just a quick edit. My idea of how to make the bird heads fit in more, and how you should handle the dialogue on menus instead of drawing buttons.

  4. ew…work on the shadows a bit man. the one around the border is fine, but around the text it kills the whole GUI. and the button seems very out of place, and has a shadow almost as bad as the text one.
  5. Hmm, the arms look a bit odd to me, kinda like he grabbed someone by the shoulders and is shaking them.

    And the stomach has that ethiopian adopt-a-child kinda look. I've found that with abs, it turns out better if you don't try to draw each seperate muscle and instead just shade to make that whole section stand out somewhat.

    I'll do an edit later when I'm on my computer again. It's not a bad start, just needs a few tweaks
  6. Oh so I was correct then lol.

    It would make it presentable, and it's semi-presentable now. It's just that it seems like this look should just be the generic GUI for RPG makers. There's nothing unique about it, nothing that sets a mood for your game.
  7. meh, looks like all the simplistic guis I see come from … I wanna say zoso, rory, and robin? Don't quote me on that, I just THINK that it was their games that I always felt had the same GUI with a different color scheme.

    No offense to them or you, it's not a bad gui or anything, just plain and too common.

    (don't flame me if i'm wrong about the people I listed, I admit I could be wrong)
  8. the things bothering me are the pins, which you already are thinking of other ideas so that's good.

    and the bottom roll part. it would cast a shadow on the parchment too just cus of the way it works. the highlight on the roll part is good, but it needs the shadow under the roll to make it look like it's on top of the parchment.

    if you look closely, yeah the texture seems a bit off, but i think when you slap some text on there, it's gonna be more difficult to notice.

    and i agree with whoever said make the buttons fancy calligraphy. don't ruin the illusion you've made by putting buttons on it, use images with fancy text/arrows/whatever.

    great job man, it looks nice.
  9. [http://vikingsonline.phpzilla.net/test.htm](http://vikingsonline.phpzilla.net/test.htm)

    what i have so far, actual menu system. I know there's flickering right now, that's because I haven't implemented the medialoader yet so don't bother saying "hey there's flickering fix that." and you won't be able to actually login, fyi.
  10. @ForsakenProdigy:

    > yea well ive been updatinf the server like crazy non stop its running beatiful but I tested the gun that I have already paper dolled most of them work its just the RPG's(Bazooka thay cauase a overflow with the server but all of them work exept the ones with Gigantic Explosion such as gernades and molotovs .I have also edited the sever and my own server so the run smothly together .. no the only promblem is is when I up date eclipse server I have to update mine ..

    jeopardy question: how many servers does it take to run a morpg?
  11.     I think the guy being so close up in the first one just makes it look too outgoing…idk the word, but I just don't like it. I do like the clouds from the first one, I just forgot to change them back when I did 3 and 4\. The added mountain silhouettes, to me, helps fill in some of the blank space. I can't decide if I like the title/buttons overtop of the guy or off to the side.  I liked off to the side originally because 1) it doesn't cover the art and 2) it' not as strict to symmetry and whatnot. Thoughts on that?

        I think the way you put it sounds good kin, cleaner. The old one looks sloppy to me. I'm not really using an engine. I'm just writing my whole game from scratch in java
  12. well I'm not working on eclipse so the main menu only has those options.

    I am having a hard time deciding on the composition though.

    At first I couldn't decide between this pose, or an axe stuck in the ground, or a close up of half of a vikings face. I'll post an image in a few that'll switch between different versions of this one and I'll get some more feedback about it.

    Ok there's the 4 versions of this. Also, in the 3rd and 4th versions, I can easily fix the clouds to look like the 1st version if that's the only criticism now. I tried to make it more abstract. Also I was thinking about animating the cloud background and adding an animated layer of fog ontop of the character but behind the Buttons and Title
  13. Well, I can say you're wrong because some priests of odin had horned helmets where the horns were carved into ravens. But in regards to the helmets with pointy horns, I will consider sticking to pure fact since i am going for a more realistic game
  14. I know that it's not completely true. Although I'm sure some of them had a few horned helmets… but anna you can't fight traditional icons! lol.

    if it makes you feel any better, pretty much the only horned helmets will be god items because you pretty much have to collect all the materials for any normal armor.

    I feel like I need to make the viking smaller so it doesn't look so cartoony-ish so in the process I may take off his horns lol.

    And thanks everyone!
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