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Everything posted by zade_o

  1. That's why I'm saying we should just edit the images from this theme.
  2. zade_o

    Attack Sprites

    It's a section on the forums.
  3. zade_o

    Attack Sprites

    No problem. If you want it to look really nice, find the True 3-Frame movement mod in Source Tutorials and then in your sprite sheet, set it up like this Walk 1, Standing still, Walk 2 It looks flawless
  4. zade_o

    Attack Sprites

    O walk frame 1, X walk frame 2, O attack frame
  5. Sorry I fixed it, it should've been VbKeyF. anyways, yes. You'd have to use the mod where you have to press enter to talk. Then it would be ``` If KeyCode=VbKeyF Then If txtMyChat.visible=false Then SendHotScript(5) End If End If ```
  6. the keybind needs some source edit too. go to the source and go to frmMirage, then find form_keyUp, add something like this ``` If KeyCode = vbKeyF Then Call SendHotScript(5) End If ``` then go to the main.txt and find sub HotScript and add ``` case 5 'flying stuff ```at the end of all the other cases
  7. partly yes. The player sprites seem to have the actual up, down, left, right frames. The monsters only have ISO frames. You could do ISO with some source mods.
  8. start from scratch. i mean… can't we basically just edit all the images from this theme?
  9. I can't find anything better than starting from scratch
  10. Yeah but i have like 800 custom tiles…. soooo... that's a lot to redo in a new style.
  11. Alright slym, glossy theme it is. nobody cares to give their opinions but like 3 people so we're going with those 3 peoples' opinions. =)
  12. ok, put both .bmp and .jpg in the folder, then open up source and go to frmMirage go in the code and find: ``` Private Sub Form_Load() Dim Ending As String For i = 1 To 4 If i = 1 Then Ending = ".gif" If i = 2 Then Ending = ".jpg" If i = 3 Then Ending = ".png" If i = 4 Then Ending = ".bmp" If FileExists("GUI\800X600" & Ending) Then frmMirage.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GUI\800X600" & Ending) End If Next i End Sub ``` change it to this ``` Private Sub Form_Load() If FileExists("GUI\800X600.bmp") Then frmMirage.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\GUI\800X600.bmp") End If End Sub ```
  13. It should work so that if you delete 800x600.jpg and replace it with 800x600.bmp that it loads the BMP file.
  14. You do realize that when facing down your character is holding the sword in his left hand and when facing right he's holding it in his right hand?…
  15. glossy sounds good but then again like 90% of forums/sites now a days are glossy so fantasy also sounds good…..... ughhh tough choice
  16. I'm not using them anymore. Tyr talked me out of it cus I have a shit load of custom tiles. Way too many to redo.
  17. well i was about to post a link to my game but then a demon swooped through my dorm window and was like… "I'M RANDOOOOO SAID I'M RANDOOOOOO" and I was like... huh? So then he replied saying "bitch if you post a link to your client or a screenshot, I will rip you in half." and i was like.... prove it. so he walked over to my roommate and said "I'M RANDOOO!" and ripped him in half. I was like.... holy shit. So I didn't post a link or a screeny and the demon said... "that's right bitch. I'M RANDOOOO" and flew out the window. (hopefully someone gets the rando joke.)
  18. Chief nevermind. Tyr talked me out of switching graphic styles since i have a huge mass of custom ones and that's a lot to redo.
  19. Aw cmon mannnn. you didn't read the one single line under the animated picture?? haha
  20. Yes there's a way in 2.7\. I already gave a hint. Mess with the numbers in the subs bltPlayer and bltPlayerTop
  21. ![](http://s5.tinypic.com/2q88vfl.jpg) ahah. Keep in mind all the tiles are going to change too.
  22. I realize they're not bald, but with all that hair, paperdolling helmets will be a pain.
  23. Alright I can try to add a bit more. Maybe really short buzz hair isntead of shiny bald. something. Btw, it will get resized a bit because I need to make it into like, proportionate to 96x64.
  24. If i make it smaller I'll have to redo the whole head cus shrinking it will mess up the pixels =(
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