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Posts posted by zade_o

  1. Alright, I put it in the top post. I'm trying to make it look like he's kinda hunched over ready to swing his maul at all times

    took a while to find an example, but this is kinda what I'm going for.
  2. Now that i'm not worried quite as much about paperdolling stuff, I went with a slightly more lively pose for my sprite, it seems off in some areas to me.

    any advice or edits are welcome

    ![](http://oi51.tinypic.com/208gnps.jpg) v2: ![](http://oi56.tinypic.com/291drnc.jpg) v3: ![](http://oi53.tinypic.com/2d9btv.jpg)
    here's the old one:
    ![](http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/1895/newsprite.gif) v2: ![](http://oi53.tinypic.com/2hnoqqc.jpg)

    P.s. Ignore the 10 second weapon he's holding, that's just to show that it's meant to hold 2 handed weapons.
  3. Ah ok, now that the windows were changed to have the top down perspective the walls look much better without the side showing. Before you had no sides but the windows had sides so it looked odd.

    As they've all said this is much better and you're doing great.

    In regards to the tree trunk, if you're having a limitation due to size ( i don't really see why you can't use another 2 bottom tiles but that's beside the point), you should take off a few rows of the trunk near the tree so that you can get the roots to look normal. And probably put that trunk on all the trees so they all look nice haha.
  4. Without the sides it would have literally no depth at all and would look horrible.

    The shading on the trees give them an illusion of depth, you can't shade the front of a flat object to give the illusion of depth however so the sides are necessary.
  5. Tufts of grass along the bottom of the wall would be a nice touch, but don't make it repetitive, just do a couple here and there. Maybe make 2 tiles one with a larger tuft and one with a smaller tuft and just place em randomly in a few spots along the wall.

    I like the left wall better. And I think maybe pull the saturation in the grass/path down a bit since you can't really increase saturation on a gray wall.
  6. I think all he would need to do to fix that is a hue adjustment of somesort. The grass and sand seems to have a lot more saturation in comparison to the wall, the wall seems more drained and realistic because of that.
  7. Alright this is starting to look much better. I actually really like the grass and the dirt path. My only suggestion would be make a dirt path tile that has an extra rock, or even 2 separate tiles with rocks of different sizes in different positions and then place that tile in random spots on the dirt path. It adds variation and makes the ground more natural.

    You missed some details on the wall though, the edges where the opening are have no depth now!

    If you don't get what I mean I can create an example later today.

    This is starting to look nice though! Good job!
  8. The sharp corners in the grass are bothersome. Also the building at the bottom doesn't make very much sense, it's too flat compared to the angle of the rest of the graphics. You need some form of roof tiles for the building.
  9. ![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_8hn5ppc7REI/TLHv11PCE_I/AAAAAAAAAAU/ap3RMKegGpI/s1600/thorconcept.png)

    It was meant for my Vikings game (which I still have not given up, I will make it one day). Drawn with the mouse, I got a tablet shortly after and then smacked myself in the head.

    I eventually just saved it for future use in a portfolio, but I never did get any critique on it since I never showed it to anyone other than friends.
  10. Metasequoia is what I use currently, it's free with limits but I haven't met the limits yet.

    Also, your right sometimes it does take a little bit of working with cus the alignment gets off but that's just how I've seen it done in quite a few tutorials where they're working off of a drawn concept, it's how I made my first decent model.
  11. I'm only learning 3d because I actually want to pursue a career in game development and I'm about out of college so I really need to get a portfolio going for anyone to take me serious.

    My only advice as I'm not that well versed in 3d is that you use the tool that lets you just draw lines and then create stuff like arms and legs face by face. It would help you with the blob-like appearance, unless that's what you were aiming for. Like I said, I don't know too terribly much about it.
  12. Well everybody, I started playing again this past month. Feel free to add me, Bow of Ashes, all of my old friends except one guy has quit so…I need more people to talk to on there lol.

    In this past month, I've gone from 117 cb to 124, got 99 hp and def, raise attack from 86 to 93 and str from 85 to 90.  Slayers going pretty good too, almost 83 making a bunch of money off of it.

    But yeah feel free to add me.



    > Spent far too much money on equipment. xD 4m on the hat, 1m on the amulet, 1m on the cloak, 18m on the boots.

    The boots have the lent icon. you didn't spend 18m on them.
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