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Anna Comnena

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Everything posted by Anna Comnena

  1. Anna Comnena


    I dunno. I did observe that 3 global moderators were in that topic. I didn't think it needed to be locked personally as it didn't resort to open flaming, and it seemed to be following it's natural course. But, one guaranteed topic that can cause nothing but trouble, is posts complaining about any forum officers and their actions. Moderators are normal people too remember and subject to flaws. But remember an internet forum is not like being on the street, there are rules, some of them can be arbitrary, and so can the users that enforce the rules. Basically we do what we think is needed, sometimes we are wrong, but most of the time we aren't and often we do little things you don't even notice, or things you expect (like an idiot making dumb post and getting warned, you all reply with "lol pwned"). In the end, this is Marsh's personal board, he could do whatever he wanted to it, if he doesn't like a moderator or user for any reason it's his perogative to deny them any access to the board. So yeah, locked because these topics can be bad. If you don't like a moderator's decision send them a PM.
  2. My game will beat everyone else's. Gonna sign a deal and get it a retail release packaged with Duke Nukem Forever.
  3. @DrNova: > Not neccesarily true. > Hell even most the Zelda games themself have zero continuity, all are essentially different stories in differently layed out worlds, with simply the graphical theme and key names kept similar. > > The land of Hyrule can be pretty much any way you want it, and any story within reasonable limits, since each zelda took major liberties itself. Then what would make it Zelda?
  4. @shrig94: > Black People's standards have gone down…that is the only way you can explain it.... :(
  5. Don't make a fan game. Also an MMO based off and action/fighting game would be boring, you'd have to do a lot of source editing to make more action. Legality, just use generic knock-offs I guess.
  6. Because how can you make Hyrule that is recognizable and playable for a bunch of players without having major characters which would break any story continuity from the series itself? Every iteration of Hyrule is different, which one would you pick? Also each iteration really doesn't have too much depth in the gameworld as a whole. The settings are there purely for the stories the games themselves tell, there isn't too much room. For an MMO to work, you need to have an open world that the players can make their own stories in. Hyrule is simply not large enough to do that. And again like I said about fan games it's hard to do that without ruining some continuity in the official series itself - this due to not being much background space in the world. Besides, do you really want to see a game with 100 Links and Zeldas running around?
  7. No but I mean a limited chance. Once the game gets to the "shut down" stage the game is basically over and you sit there watching nothing for 20 minutes waiting for the infected number to count down to dead. It's boring.
  8. @JBA: > I like KFC better than any other fast food place. KFC quality has really gone down in the last few years I've noticed. :(
  9. I sort of miss Myshuki, she was entertaining. Also what happened to Lidnel? The eastern European representation on Eclipse halved when he left.
  10. Yeah another thing I don't like is when land borders close how an airborne pathogen can not cross. Seriously you can't even close borders off entirely to people, much less an airborne microorganism. Like this one game I had, Mexico was completely infected but the US was scot clean. You mean to tell me the US-Mexico border had no crossings at all? I know this game is fiction, but that's completely unrealistic! Also another game I had all of Eurasia was entirely infected except for Russia because of closed borders. Yeah right, you'd probably have to have the entire population of Russia standing along their land borders, arms-locked red rover style, to prevent anything crossing that border. :P Yeah Godlord, good for you, you can talk about some stupid thing to show off some superiority. Madagascar is possible to get, but it's usually relatively hard because it only has access via ship, and usually by the time you have enough infected population that someone will actually go there, it's been spotted enough so that governments shut down inter-regional travel. And the best way to ensure widespread infection is low visibility, ideally parasites, which take a long time to do, and in advanced mode causes the harmless trait, which then takes longer to kill off everyone when you go to that stage. So yeah you wind up killing everyone but it takes half a year to do it so you have a low score. And besides it's just a running gag of the last couple weeks, get over it. :P ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/annacomnena/silly/copypasta-pandemic.jpg)
  11. Disclaimer, I didn't draw that, one of the MSpaint artists on /v/ drew that.
  12. ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/annacomnena/silly/madagascar-is-safe.png)
  13. There will still be the oral portion of the exam, right? :la:
  14. Yes, teacher. Will that be on the exam? :P
  15. I'd say 3 because it has so many different levels and play styles. But I always liked 2 because it's so different.
  16. Basically it's a folder in the Server/Scripts directory that stores INI files for maps. Usually it's a MAPNUMBER.INI and it contains some entries that the quest or skill script checks to run (like what quest trigger or resource is in that map.
  17. @Chakkra: > Private servers suck… Thats for the opinion, maybe if you put atleast one reason why, you wouldn't get warned for spamming. :P
  18. Om nom nom? ![](http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v400/annacomnena/silly/samus-omnom.jpg)
  19. I just used a parasite and was able to wipe out humanity. Took awhile though, I actually went AFK for a bit and came back to get the "humanity overcome" game over message. Oddly my score was 55k. I wonder if lower scores are better? I got a 130k score earlier today and I didn't even kill half the humans. What worked out for me was keeping a low visibility for awhile. Parasites take forever to evolve so it's a waiting game. It probably took two in-game weeks before it started spreading; and it would only be one or two people at a time. But it stayed under the rader so every region got infected long before they started shutting things down. Once they were paranoid enough to start working on a vaccine I decided to increase visibility to get more infections (boils and nasty stuff like that). Luckily the first vaccine trial failed so that bought me time to continue infecting everyone without really killing. Then I began with the Insanity symptom and that was good for starting to kill people off and finish off infecting everyone. :evil4:
  20. And try to avoid visibility and lethality. Once deaths start that's when governments get paranoid.
  21. @Klanz_online: > i hate wow… That is great and useful to the topic. Warned for spamming. :P
  22. Taco Bell is seriously the McDonald's of "mexican" food. Not that it's particularly bad, but it's not great. Good for eating on the cheap occasionally but not something to eat often.
  23. No buy a diesel car in 15 years when your forest grows enough to tap. :P That is a neat resource though, especially for farmers who use a lot of diesel machinery and have the space to plant. I wonder how water-intensive or climate sensitive the trees are though.
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