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Everything posted by AdrianC

  1. AdrianC

    [ELI] Trojan

    K, honestly this is your last change. Any more smart ass comments and I guarantee that nobody here will help you. Now, I've just downloaded the library files and installed them, thinking that maybe someone hacked into the eclipse server, and replaced them. Ran a few virus scans on them, and didn't fin anything, so I'm pretty sure the library files are clean. Now, what operating system do you have.
  2. Umm, I think you're supposed to pay for a commercial license with breeze actually.
  3. AdrianC

    [ELI] Trojan

    You know what? Just get the fuck out. I don't owe you anything. And you didn't get the virus from eclipse.
  4. Reiners? Eclipse community tileset (not yet complete)
  5. Its illegal to use any of the gfx that came with the engine, even if you modified them. If you try to make any money off of it, you will get sued.
  6. AdrianC

    [ELI] Trojan

    What antivirus are you using? And again, your trojan isn't from eclipse.
  7. AdrianC

    [ELI] Trojan

    Lol, its definitely not from eclipse bro.
  8. Np. I had that problem at one pt and had no clue why it doesn't work. Its just an admin bonus. Just like being able to teleport anywhere. Tip: Hold shift and click anywhere on the map.
  9. Alright, I will. Studying right now, so I'll do it either tonight or tomorrow.
  10. You did nothing wrong, it works ok. Lol, should I explain? They won't attack you because you're an admin.
  11. I've seen so much weird shit from PETA, its not even funny.
  12. AdrianC

    Epic Game

    Lol, nah, I'm good. Don't do fan games. I might look into the 3D thing for you guys, when 3.0 comes out. Shouldn't be too hard.
  13. AdrianC


    Lol, didn't read that part. Whats res hacker.
  14. AdrianC

    Epic Game

    @Yhello: > It's a GFX project, not everyone can do so :3 I'm not talking about the tileset, there's an actual game. @Corey: > there doing sci - fi , we're doing PAPER MARIO!! Fan game? Ok…
  15. AdrianC


    *Checks* Its true! Finally… Use EE2.7.
  16. AdrianC

    Epic Game

    Umm, why are you guys starting a new community project, since there's already one out there?
  17. AdrianC


    > The first video just uses rotation over the x-axis, very easy to get that done with both OpenGL and Direct3D, you can even do it with some 2D library if you know some maths. > > The second video also uses rotation but then over the x-axis OR the z-axis (I didn't see any sprite which used both) so it should be theoretically possible with a 2D library too, but it's way easier with something like OpenGL. Well yeah, thats what I said. You just need to make the trees and houses stand up and you're good. 3.0 uses Direct3D I guess, so it shouldn't be a problem.
  18. AdrianC


    @Yhello: > I mean, not just tilted… I mean like in those vids Yeah, and I said I'm pretty sure its possible. I didn't say its easy, but I said its possible.
  19. AdrianC


    Umm, as far as I know, 3.0 is technically in 3D. You just need to tilt the camera a bit, and make the trees stand up. Would be possible with a few source edits, I guess.
  20. Oh, nah, thats just me not using the tiles correctly. Basically Anna made two water tiles, so that we can actually animate the water. This would make the water look like its moving. What I did was, I used one of the tiles for the river, and one for the ocean.
  21. Could you point out which tile is slightly off? Like, count how many tiles from the top, and how many from the left hand side. EDIT Ok, I think I know what you're talking about. I'll try to move it around a bit, but it might be complicated.
  22. @Yhello: > Adrian, the red mushroom is supposed to have white dots on it, not invisible ones xD. > > And also, nice jobs so far guys. You made them, right? Could you maybe dim the colors down, a bit, they are sorta "shiny" right now. Not sure how to explain it, they just don't blend in very well. Also, lol, I've been waiting for someone to do cliffs, they are crazy hard.
  23. The only way that will happen is if only one person works on the whole thing
  24. @ÅÐмiядζ: > 410 replies later ;) Lol, she's a major contributor so… Keep submitting stuff ppl.
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