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Everything posted by Kusy

  1. Kusy

    IPhone Game

    @Robin: > Release it on Android. I'd definitely go out of my way to torrent it. Not because I don't like or don't respect you Slym. I just don't want to support Apple milking you from your hard earned 100 bucks just to let you submit your work > pirate logic. Another thing, fancy graphics is not something I'm looking for in a game that I'll play for 15 minutes on the metro, twice a day… it helps, but is not the main selling point, nor is the story. Keep that in mind.
  2. Kusy

    Date advice

    Don't do romantic shit. Ever. Just flex like Kreator does. It gets all the sheep and koala bears hot. On a side note, I was serious about romantic stuff… don't try to do that unless you know she likes it. Being romantic freaks some girls out, being romantic on first date freaks most of the girls out.
  3. You don't join a "gaming company" when you have every right to suspect it would feed on your ideas out of fear that money earned from their first and most likely last successful product will eventually dry out… In other words, even if not Cube World's potential - definitely lack of it in Mojang.
  4. Kusy

    Megaupload closed

    I don't see how "hacktivists" are doing anything even closely relevant to being useful and productive. All they are doing and were always doing is pissing few people off, making some web tech's life harder and hype that pointless shit up. Honestly, when was the last time anything they did made a positive effect on anything? Not to even mention DIFFERENCE? And don't make me laugh Rusher. When it's time to take action you will what? Change your anime signature to another one?
  5. You handled it poorly by underlining his typos Jungle… you should have handled it like this: > @Aáron: > > > He can't wait 'til Wolly makes it available to people to play. > > I'm not sure if I understand you bro. aka. like a boss.
  6. Kusy

    Megaupload closed

    This whole SOPA thing is full of dicks. The most fascinating thing is why the so called gaming industry is backing it up. It's incredibly shortsighted from that point of view, some big companies backing up censorship in the name of bigger share of the market? That makes no sense, especially since they decide to use third party sites like fan-blogs and streams for marketing. The beauty of Anonymous is that they don't face any repercussions because there are so many people out there? The fact that you don't know about people being arrested, sued and convicted, doesn't really mean it's not happening every time they actually violate the law, and they do.
  7. Kusy

    Megaupload closed

  8. I'm playing that shit mate xD Not to mention doing fuckloads of paintings, 3D graphics and shitty after effects animations for university.
  9. You being the wowfag? And me the torfag? The game gets boring when you hit levelcap and do your class quest… whatever happens with the game is entirely dependent on how often and how much of new content will arrive. Otherwise even I won't be playing for too long. For what I got from the game and from the amount of time I spent in it - it was money spent well, especially it wasn't really my money. I will probably roll an alt or two because I have 2 months of game time to use, then we'll see what they'll add to the game in the March update. Besides Azk, I'm assuming your opinion is based on YouTube videos of screencaped forums, abuse of a bug that was already fixed? And... some text? I don't get you, you're a) trolling or b) butthurt about something. Possibly both.
  10. One of those games you remember well but playing it again would ruin all your memories.
  11. Wasn't SOPA already suspended by that silly congress of yours?
  12. ✔ Point 1\. Tell everyone you're an atheist. ✔ Point 2\. Say that religion is a lie and is wrong. ✔ Point 3\. Say that wikipedia is lying (at least when it's not doing your homework for you). ✔ Point 4\. State an obvious fact that is well known to everyone but you just only recently discovered. ✔ Point 5\. Cite the Bible. ✔ Point 6\. Reassure everyone that you are an atheist and that religions is a lie and is wrong. Nice "I'm close to puberty and I want to discuss serious things" thread. It's ok. Just don't do it again.
  13. Kusy


    @ZoSo: > A person who reads kotaku, respekt Kotaku's shit. Ho ho ho ho.
  14. They don't have anything like that sadly.
  15. Woob woob! Let's talk about shit we don't know anything or/and don't really care about! ![](http://i1.kwejk.pl/site_media/obrazki/2011/12/17ace6754f89ee4e4b86b141c15be24c.png?1324297807)
  16. Kusy


    1\. Go to Riften 2\. Drop an amethyst in a crowd 3\. ???? 4\. PROFIT!!!
  17. Yeah, because you are playing and know that Roby. Nope, the game is different than you average MMO, the killing quests are not grinding and they disappear quite soon only to return in form of optional bonus quests that you do on your way to a mission objective. Also, what do you mean Zonova?
  18. And as usual, Azkanan's comment has nothing to do with the topic.
  19. My life is forfeit… this game is the best MMO I have seen. Level 21, Jedi Guardian and can't get my face off of it, I like absolutely everything that's going on, not a single thing that I would hate or that would discourage me from playing it. Only thing that needs fixing is the UI but it's a priority for the developers from what I heard.
  20. Kusy


    Tiber S Chuck N Lucien L The Lusty Argonian Maid Jesus C… my favorites.
  21. Kusy


    Well, obvious troll is obvious.
  22. Kusy


    I'm testing something. Sorry that in this thread.
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