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Everything posted by cronius

  1. -strokes beard- Okay then? Ah yes my big sexy spells, are they still used by anyone/in the bundled pack?
  2. Howdy, My name is Cronius, I'm attempting to get back into spriting, and bereft of what to do I thought I would make a thread where you can request some tiles/object etc and I will try and sprite it. I'm doing this for practice so don't expect anything outrageously good, so take it or leave it. :huh: Rules: 1\. Tell me what you want, some basic description at the very least (if you ask for a chair, I will shoot you.) 2\. I'm doing small things, not entire tile sets. So if you need a particular THING and can't find it in an already existing tile sheet then ask away. 3\. Nothing animate, I'm not doing animations. Nor things that are alive. 4\. Any other vital information. 5\. One request at a time. I'll let you know when I've finished it. 6\. Specify tile size. [ie; 16x16, 32x32, 64x64] Keep it under 128x128\. Please only request something if you generally need it, not if you just want something for the hell of it that can be found in a billion other tile sets.
  3. I'll stick around, probs not as active as some other members. But I'll throw in my two cents from time to time. At the moment I'm just doing some pre-lim spriting for my own ideas. ^_^
  4. Thanks for the quick response. Answers most my questions pretty well. Oh by core-users I mean't dev/admin etc, the main contributors to the community. Although judging from the multiple/quick responses to this thread it seems quite active. I see eclipse is still using RTP.
  5. Hi there, Cronius here, long-time relic of playerworlds based engines. I was mainly active on Konfuze back in the day (04ish?) but I was active on Eclipse for a short period. Anyway to the point, I just have a few questions regarding the current eclipse community. Yes I realize I could most likely scour the forums picking up tidbits until I have a fairly accurate picture of the community, but I'd rather be direct and just ask some questions. 1\. Whats the most up to date eclipse backed engine/ has it splintered into several? 2\. Wheres Marsh/ Who are the main mods now? 3\. What are the most significant improvements to the engine in the past year or two? also what are the major current limitations? 4\. What is the most-developed game at the moment/most impressive as far as the community is concerned? (more so bugless/custom coding then graphics) 5\. How active is the core-user group? 6\. Is a new release on the horizon? 7\. Has there been any upheaval/massive changes to the eclipse comm lately? and finally, does anybody remember me? Thanks again, Cronius ;)
  6. I'm a relic of Konfuze, pop in too see how things progress from time to time. Good to see eclipse is still alive.
  7. There very nice Soljah. Holy shiz when do you become global mod? Do you remember me? haha
  8. Hey there, I'm Cronius, but you can call me Adam. Looking for on-the-side work. Real quick side writeup before anything else. I was originally an active member of the konfuze community (post-pw, pre-elysium) Writing articles, providing graphics etc. Theres quite the possibility that a few of you are still using some of my resources, probs bigsprite/bigspell sheets i created as well as tilesets etc etc. I was an mod on konfuze up until it went offline permo. Many evolutions later i was active in this community, 2006-7\. After a while ive come back, mainly to help out and boredom. At the same time im currently working full time and studying the same. Anyhoo, nice to meet you. -blinks- Quick run up of skills. Major: - Graphics creation, mainly branding ie logos, titles banners, etc. and general design. - Enhancement of Graphics ie improving quality, color etc (All styles from monochrome to 24-bit) - Web design (basis design) - Web hosting (Any size/scale) Other: - Spriting - Coding - etc skills ie writing, proofing, editing, promoting, advertising I'm a reasonable jack of all trades, and I'm willing to consider any freelance work. Please bear in mind Im not looking to join a project in dev etc. I'm working towards financial incentive. Honestly that means Im not interested in pro bono work unless its for a very high quality/original project. Its not my intention to provide examples of all my abilities. Tell me what you need and ill prove to you my capabilities before I sign on. If no one is interested that is fine, i have a few other side-projects. If anyone has questions drop me a line. Cheers, -cronius
  9. Heres a little banner thing I just did for someone. Rate. ;) (There gifs, so as always let them load and play twice, so they play properly.) Unanimated: ![](http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/2750/blanklogocopyts1.jpg) Animated Small: ![](http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/4029/logoanimationminipe6.gif) Animated Large: ![](http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7246/blanklogodo2.gif) Animated Large(without text glow): ![](http://img339.imageshack.us/img339/4927/blanklogo2pc4.gif)
  10. cronius

    My Art.

    Heres some of my art. ;) Rate/Review/Critique, whatever. :P The Watcher![](http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs13/i/2007/079/a/3/The_Watcher___Flamed_by_DefeatedHorizon.jpg) Liquify The Love Cove![](http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs14/i/2007/058/f/6/Liquify_The_Love_Cove_by_DefeatedHorizon.jpg) Virtual Girl![](http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs18/f/2007/123/b/c/Virtual_Girl_by_DefeatedHorizon.jpg) Le Ciel vs La Mer![](http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs15/i/2007/049/5/e/Le_Ciel_vs_La_Mer_by_DefeatedHorizon.jpg) Anatomy of a Flower![](http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs14/i/2007/044/3/b/Anatomy_Of_A_Flower_by_DefeatedHorizon.jpg) Out Of Time, Out Of Luck![](http://ic1.deviantart.com/fs14/f/2007/041/1/d/Out_Of_Time__Out_Of_Luck_by_DefeatedHorizon.jpg)
  11. Hmm simple really. Im working around the design for my Chaos Gate website. This is the design I have so far…please rate. (There is NO functionality atm, it is purely design based...its 100% from scratch too, no templates I say :P) Check it: [http://www.thesolis.info/eclipse/Chaos Gate.html](http://www.thesolis.info/eclipse/Chaos) Tell us what you think? ;)
  12. Okay this is a revised version of the 'What are you listening too' only now its WHO. So dont spam the topic with every song you are listening too (Album is alright too), just tell us who you are listening too. Five artists MAX. Okay? Great. Ill start off: 1\. John Butler Trio - Grand National 2\. White Stripes - White Blood Cells 3\. Red Hot CP - Everything 4\. Nirvana - Unplugged in Ut 5\. The Killers - Sams Town
  13. cronius

    Chaos Gate

    **EDIT: This is the newer version, its 110% Original, tell me what you think.** I decided to use this as my main image…. Creepyish is what I was going for. :D (Img Source: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/51286159/) ![](http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/8906/chaosgatev3origalintycoxi3.jpg) Please rate again. :P Hmm the logo for a game im working on, its the first version. Tell us what you think. Ill probs do another post sometime with all the flashy stuff, but for now this is it. ![](http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/4758/chaosgatecopytx7.jpg)
  14. cronius

    Sucky sucky

    Last week has sucked. This is my first week of mid semester holidays and ive been sick and bed bound the whole time…its really gay considering i only get two weeks of holidays..... im too sick to do anythin at it really sucks. Doc says ill should get better by the start of next week but i dont know :S Ive also missed work so i have no money, and the docs consult was $50 by itself.... Ugh anyone else out there missed out on good stuff due to sickness?
  15. cronius

    Green Apple?

    Green apple smirnoff shots. Whatcha think?
  16. Hey there. So you want a coolish sig for your game? But you dont have one? Well request one here and I'll do one for you. Just post what text (exact text, type), what colors you want and what sort of background etc you want (ie fractle, image, etc). Here are some I prepared earlier (hehe, always wanted to say that). ![](http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/7598/variationbannercopyhf5.jpg) -and- ![](http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y143/carey55/LST.jpg) So request away. Ill do them as there requested.
  17. *[WIP] = Work In Progress Hello, alot of people are already using my old BigSpells sheet so I thought I would extend it a bit. This one has more then 80 BigSpells. I plan to update this one again too, maybe add another 40\. If anyone is looking for something specific post it here. (Specific **NOT** being "A Fireball plx" etc) Anyway, enjoy! _I think the generic BigSprites is also mine, so I might make a newer version of that too! (If you want me too, say so..)_ **FIXED! WHA CHING! 30/8/07** ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/smf/gallery/2_11_04_07_8_07_22.png)
  18. Hmm you know what? French Words. Try to think of ten french words (without cheating) and post them here (with translation). The rules are the forum rules and you cant say a french word that someone else has already said. Native french speakers are allowed. (Im not one, im learning…) My ten: 1\. Je ~ I 2\. Hiver ~ Winter 3\. Froid ~ Cold 4\. Chaud ~ Hot 5\. Peur ~ Scared 6\. Une ~ One :D 7\. Verte ~ Green 8\. Parle ~ Speak 9\. Gris ~ Grey 10.
  19. After reading Frog Immortals post "My Best Animation Yet…". I decided, I havent animated in a while using GIF's....Today I decided hell why not do it myself? And this is the result...maybe a avatar? Im not sure. Its pretty not heavy too (whole animation is like 70kb). However frame by frame almost killed me, 70 layers and over 70 frames. >.< Anyway tell me what cha think :P Out of ten? I think we should have an animation monthly comp. :O Here she is: ![](http://img15.imgspot.com/u/07/38/05/Cronius1170931256.gif) (Watch it twice, you know how gifs are the first time round :P)
  20. Hiya, Im trying to get as many tilesets, charsets (spritesets and itemsets) and effect sets as I possibly can. Im trying to get them in .zip or .rar format. (They dont have to be workable by eclipse) So if anyone has like a whole lot of any of these can they winzip/zip/rar it and pm me? It would be really helpful. Thanks. :P
  21. cronius


    Hmm a Best / Worst / Favourite of subjects at school. Lets begin :P Best: Economics Worst: Calculus Favourite: Phys Rec
  22. Ive just made these graphics by request for timus. Please tell me what you think. Also I would be interested to know if anyone knows how to create a good looking scroll graphic from scratch in photoshop, and if you can please share :D Edit: And they belong to Timus now, so please dont use them ;) Banner Variation ![](http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/7598/variationbannercopyhf5.jpg) Banner Variation (Blank) ![](http://img252.imageshack.us/img252/1567/variation2bannerblankcoan0.jpg) Larger Variation ![](http://img267.imageshack.us/img267/9518/variation1ay6.jpg) Larger Vairation (Blank) ![](http://img249.imageshack.us/img249/7251/variation1blanklf3.jpg) Logo (Wasnt asked for, but eh what the hey?) ![](http://img260.imageshack.us/img260/7568/crusaderslogopg0.jpg) So…what ya think? ~ Cronius Edit Update: This is a banner request for revangale. Little running away with myself here. Just gave him what he wanted. ie That color green background, title, size, and pictures from one of the zelda games. (Also if anyone has a good zelda font please pm me) ![](http://img15.imgspot.com/u/07/26/02/LOZlh1169883962.jpg)
  23. cronius

    Im back.

    Eh Im back once again. Back from a three months+ downtime after my nvidia over heated and burned out my whole computer :'(. So now Im back for whatever, and although I cant use eclipse atm due to me using a mac, Im back to do graphics and music or whatever contribute when Im bored. Maybe I'll host/sponsor some games I dont know. Anyway. Hiya :lol:
  24. cronius

    Free Ipods?

    Im wondering if anyone has ever gotten a "Free Ipod" or know of anyone who has actually gotten one through one of those affiliation sites? Out of 1613 members theres gotta be at least one :O. Anyone? Oh and of course…..if you want to try a "blah blah blah blah" just click here for a free ipod: [http://ipods.freepay.com/?r=32943206](http://ipods.freepay.com/?r=32943206)
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