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Admiral Refuge

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Everything posted by Admiral Refuge

  1. @Bloodmorphed: > I'm pretty sure thats not free. I've worked with Moodle before, it's free.
  2. Before I get a million PMs in my inbox asking, "How can I C? Teach me???" I'm just working with Dewald at the moment, but I do plan on maybe setting up courses or something. PS: @Dwald: I wasn't on much yesterday and won't be on much today, but we'll cover the math library soon enough.
  3. @S.J.R.: > He failed at the last when he was b'balling some hoops (also at the first, same position). > > Regards, > Stephan. Also, take a look at the flag in last one. At least he didn't wear a green sweater when using a green screen. Oh wait…
  4. And now he's learned something new: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OXpMu06osrc And also, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMCyLwiu45E
  5. So far we don't have an official maintainer for the VB6 version yet, but this is the direction Eclipse is heading: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72573.0.html
  6. Profile -> Look and Layout -> Change Theme -> MLP Do it.
  7. This topic has pretty much degenerated from it's original goal at this point, so I'm going to lock it. If you guys want to continue the java conversation, do so [here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,350.0.html).
  8. @Princess: > They are not the ones you have to worry about! > > ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/200226f49bb20c48e94775bdb88ac0fb.png) But if you look really, really, hard, you can see the gold speck on the black part, which is consistent with an Admiral hat :o
  9. On the subject of benchmarks, we actually are doing one here: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72622.0.html Stephan's latest C benchmark just killed my FORTRAN's record with the big numbers ;~; (still generating between 2 and 1,000,000,000 and hoping I don't run out of memory, and it's taking much longer than 102 seconds).
  10. @reggin: > You make it sound like I'm the fanboy here. I'm simply clearing up a few misconceptions/misleading statements. My apologies, it is hard to say if you're a fanboy, shill, etc., since you signed up just to defend Java in a C topic in a VB6 forum. @reggin: > Can I just say that C can be object-oriented. Using structs is object-oriented. I hope to god you don't simply use global variables when programming state. OOP is very applicable. Maybe you are talking about polymorphism. I have to agree, many novice programmers simply cannot write effective code because they over-do it with tons of layers of abstraction. Still, polymorphism can make code more robust. I would not say that using structures are object oriented design. OOP is – by definition -- a design focused around objects. Your functions are stored in objects, the very existence of the program relies on objects. Java is an example of a completely object-oriented language, every procedure is implemented in an object and the objects themselves are executed and manipulated. You cannot have OOP without polymorphism, encapsulated methods, inheritance, et. al. simply because those are fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming. And that's where the overhead comes in. As I said many times, go look at wxWidgets's [wxRearrangeList](http://docs.wxwidgets.org/trunk/classwx_rearrange_list.html). When someone does something like: wxRearrangeList listController; It calls the Default constructor (wxRearrangeList()), then, it creates (and calls their constructor) the following objects: wxCheckListBox which calls wxListBox, which calls wxControllerWithItems, which calls both wxItemContainer (which calls wxItemContainerImmutable) and wxControl, which calls wxWindow, which calls wxEventHandler, which calls both wbObject and wxTrackable. No, not only are these taking up memory as you were pointing out, but they also are having their constructors called! The program is creating 10 additional objects, allocating memory for their functions, data members, this is object-oriented programming. It is possible to have object-oriented programming in C (I've done it before), but what we're doing is not object-oriented programming. We're not having global variables everywhere either, as there is something called "_Structured Programming_" – it's not the same as OOP. As far as what else you were saying with the networking, etc., I can't comment on much of that, it's more of Stephan's field.
  11. Where the heck are all thees Java shills coming from? …this is like, the 2nd or 3rd person that registered on eclipse just to defend Java, I wonder where Zeta posted the URL.
  12. @Stach: > Im just curious why you chose C over C++. Not saying its better, I was just wondering. It's been covered a few times [here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,72573.0.html) and [here](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,350.msg758181.html#msg758181). Generally speaking, we're trying to avoid the overhead of object-oriented programming while remaining as small and fast readably possible.
  13. I want to make a custom group for myself, and set this as the userbar: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/f6b79550327f46a62dd60436c88d1432.png)
  14. This topic has been moved to [Off-topic](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?board=1.0). http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=72634.0
  15. @Jon: > The actual smiley: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/8ca87489f69e91e48938275bbfbaf998.PNG) VERY FUNNY….. :O Actual smiley: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/200226f49bb20c48e94775bdb88ac0fb.png) It's a freaking Admiral!
  16. Just a note, Stephan will be the head developer, not me. If you already know another programming language (that is, you know if-else, loops, etc.) you'll be able to learn C pretty easily. I believe Rithy is making the migration, so he may be able to give some input on what he's doing. With abit of searching, I did find an [introduction](http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/c/lesson1.html) to C, but the best way to learn it is to just play around with things. Eventually C-related tutorials and resources will become available on Eclipse.
  17. This topic has been moved to [Questions & Answers](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?board=2.0). http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php?topic=72619.0
  18. ~~I went ahead and split this~~ Actually, I decided not to yet. @Zeta: > Java is better than VB6 so why are you trying to argue otherwise? I may have missed the post, but who's saying that VB6 is better than Java? @Fear: As for saying it's equal to another language, I disagree for the same reason I say C is not equal to other languages. Ada, for instance, supports everything that C (and C++, with the Ada95) supports, yet has other features as well (including breaking out of nested loops without gotos). Though Ada is _very_ strict in their compiler, so you really don't have too much flexibility – though I do like how they have pascal strings already implemented, the language is way too static, but I digress. At the moment, you can do things in C that you cannot do in Java, and C is faster than Java. It is true that Java is getting faster in the past six years, so once it's up to the speed of C, Ada, and Fortran77, then you can say it is on equal terms with those compiled languages.
  19. @MrMiguu: > They're **similar** to the _ByRef_ arguments in VB6, amirite? Sort of. There's two things in C that point to memory addresses of the variables: pointers and references. The ByRef would be the latter.
  20. @Rithy58: > Pointers? Is that the thing that Java Programmer doesn't have to do but C/C++ need to? > I don't even know what it is but I'll research on it now. > > So far, I've been learning the basic of C such as the If Else Statement and Function(Argument) return, etc. > You know, some really basic one. > > Sincerely, > Rithy Yeah, you don't deal with pointers in Java, but it's something used a lot in C/C++. They're very easy (I use them all the time) once they "click" for you (for lack of a better term).
  21. @Zeta: Fair enough. @Rithy58: DevC++ is fine for learning C in Windows, since it enforces standards more than MSVC. Though for compiling releases on Windows, a properly configured MSVC will do a better job at making the binary than MinGW (DevC++'s compiler). But you wouldn't have to worry about this stuff when learning. On linux, I just use a text-editing software (like gedit or vi), then compile it in gcc, via console. P.S.: Also, if you start to get confused with things (*cough*pointers*cough*) let me know, I'll be glad to answer any questions you have.
  22. I can't speak for Aion, but I thought Guild Wars was written in C++. Can you link me to your sources?
  23. @Hamster: > Soo…what does Fabio do then? I've never really understood his role. > > Anyway, off-topicness aside; I'd love to use and learn a different language. Fabio sits in a dark corner and faps to JVM. …once in awhile he releases a version of Solar Eclipse to rickroll people
  24. @Admirаl: > Considering the majority voted yes, and considering there seems to be a majority who wants me to be the programmer or lead developer, I'll accept it. At least, when I am done with these two weeks of my final exams. All I can say, Stephan, is EPIC. To be honest, if this goes down, I couldn't think of anyone at all that I would be more comfortable with, as head dev, than you. ![](http://www.zgeek.com/forum/gallery/files/3/4/9/6/kane_clap.gif)
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