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Everything posted by emblem

  1. Oh I'm thinking of class functions, dur. Okay I'm officially an idiot
  2. Forgot about calling conventions. Pretty sure Visual Basic invents it's own calling convention, where it pushes a pointer to a variable to store the return value in on to the stack before the parameters .. So it would explode pretty badly. xD
  3. @S.J.R.: > Bitwise rotations (used in encryption, not to mention that Intel has introduced instructions to perform AES encryption), all arithmetic instructions (used to implement BigInteger et al.), all bitwise instructions [including BSF, BSR, BT, BTC, BTR and BTS since the 80386] (used to implement bit sets containing n bits, instead of a mere 32 or 64), SIMD [3DNow!, MMX, SSE, AVX et al. [x86]; Altivec [POWER]; ARM Neon [ARM]; etc.] (used to implement vector- and matrix-optimisations), timestamp counter [RDTSC, RDTSCP, etc.] (code profiling), byte order swaps [XCHG, BSWAP [x86]; RLWIMI [POWER]; etc.], and so further are all important reasons to use machine code or Assembly as neither the language and the compiler of any of those languages will support it (properly). Haha, you totally have a point here. I guess I should add a third clause to that: You only really need asm for detouring, code optimization, and when you can create an assembly listing that handles a specific task better than the compiler can. Although through recent experiences, the compilers now-a-days seem to handle code optimization pretty well. … Except they seem to swap registry values a lot more than they should. Ignore my terminology, I learnt from less than creditable sources. @S.J.R.: > Nevertheless, it's a neat way of abusing machine code to get things that get called frequently optimised. Yeah. It was really fun to learn how to do this. :P @S.J.R.: > If VB6 just had proper support for those. I wonder how horribly VB6 would explode if you tried to call CreateThread from a C DLL with the thread start pointing to a function in the VB6 application. Haha. Must.. resist.. trying.
  4. This is like, three posts condensed into one. Bear with me. :D @Whack: > ``` > Minimap = Minimap > ``` … Oh lordy. * * * @Growlith1223: > Hey i keep getting an error when trying to add this in…when i try to compile it, it says: > ``` > Compile error: > Statements and labels invalid between Select Case and first Case. > ```And then it highlights: > ``` > Call Engine_BltFast > ``` :O > plz reply DX See this part? ``` Select Case Npc(MapNpc(i).num).Behaviour Call DDS_BackBuffer.BltFast(MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, NPCrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY) End Select ``` Change it to this: ``` Engine_BltFast MMx, MMy, DDS_MiniMap, NPCrect, DDBLTFAST_WAIT Or DDBLTFAST_SRCCOLORKEY ``` * * * @Debbie: ``` If Map.Tile(X, Y).Type = Map.Tile(X, Y).DirBlock >= 1 Then ```What the hell are you trying to do here? xD
  5. I still think you're old. Seriously, look at how old he looks: ![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_YH3PaQkfSoE/S-LcVkiGH-I/AAAAAAAAEV4/XctZiccuypo/s1600/staypuff.jpg)
  6. emblem

    Item error

    Under what situation does this happen? Like, what is dropping the item?
  7. Actually, if you close the socket on the server side the client side socket should raise an error saying it was closed. That's how TCP works.
  8. Needs more red, and green. Other than that, flawless! You should look into a job as a graphics designer, seriously!!
  9. He asked if there was a way for the client to check for updates. Yes, there is. In the client and server there's three constants: CLIENT_MAJOR CLIENT_MINOR and CLIENT_REVISION. If these values do not match on the client and server, the server will boot the player when they try to log in and say there's an update available. Good luck!
  10. You could make tags and``` tags synonymous, and make the new line before the instruction tag optional. This would make the open blocks look better. :p You could also make it parse the "commands" based on the first word of the the command converted to lowercase, so you could still pretty-format the guide so it's human readable. :P So in the end you could do something like this .. [spoiler] Lalal this is an introduction, could be parsed by Automata and displayed to the user before the script is applied (once you get a GUI version working!) Open: [tt]src/modConstants.bas[/tt] Replace this: [code] Public Const MAX_PLAYERS as Byte = 20 [/code] With this: [code] Public Const MAX_PLAYERS as Byte = 50 [/code] Finished! (This counts as an EOF, closes last open file etc.) [/spoiler] ```
  11. @S.J.R.: > Trollolololol. > > Yours faithfully, > Stephan. I love you.
  12. emblem

    Pixel Portrait

    Yeah if it's your style it's good. (I totally forget what your style looks like, been too long! xD) But it looks like it has way too much dithering. :P
  13. I was going to wait till you guys got farther but now I won't. >:l
  14. He actually is asleep right now. Too bad I'm not. 0
  15. - Visual Basic 6 - EO has a resources system, pretty sure you can expand that to add fishing. - Run the client in the IDE. You'll see the changes. xD
  16. @Scrooge: > You're too ugly. Woah I can't tell the difference..
  17. @Marsh: > Comon guys im only 23. Olllddddd :) Happy Birthday. xD
  18. @Soul: > Happy birthday! You forgot to mention that he's old.
  19. @spork: > Happy birthday, unlike the rest of these guys I wont comment on your exceedingly old age and shorter life expectancy from the current date. Unlike Alan, I will. Old person!
  20. @olife1: > i really appropriate the comments. thanks for everyone's input. > > * * * > > also while where on the subject of solar eclipse, why not right it to run on the jboss application server? Don't double post. That's against the ru– @Scrooge: > It's called the 'Modify' button. Use it. FF Robin. You ninja. Ontopic: @olife1: > also while where on the subject of solar eclipse, why not right it to run on the jboss application server? That version is no longer in development. Hasn't been for years.
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