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Everything posted by jazzman170

  1. what was the flash command again? (the one to make the game window pop up and it loads a game/movie.
  2. all the info from all of you is very good, tyvm, and ill work on all the things told here on this topic! thnx for all future upcoming tips too! all is much appreciated!
  3. the problem with my tilesets is that some of the buildings are in different sets, so all my tilesets are just a big jumbled mess all over the place lol. its a little harder for me to not mix them as i need tiles from 3 or 4 tilesets. well maybe 2 sets actualy. but thanks for the comment! ill definatly keep that in mind and see if i can fix it with using only 1 tileset.
  4. tyvm :D that gives me the curage to work harder on them and do more. i hope to improve as far as i can, so that i can start making those nicely detailed maps that i have seen some people do. tyvm for the compliment :D
  5. Hey guys, this here is my first map, so i would just like to know how well i did on it? does it need more work? if so where at and what at? thanks for all comments in advance! ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Screenshot_0.jpg)
  6. ok i did everything you asked. i still respawn in the same place that im killed, and changing the scripted item case 0 one, i changed it from Sub to Call, and no it didnt fix it. but tyvvm for helping me get rid of a few minor bugs/erros :D anybody else have any helpfull advice? all is much appreciated!
  7. ok i added the " ' " but it didnt change anything ^^ thanks for trying tho! anybody else have any comments about this one? lol :P
  8. I was messing around with my scripts to add other scripts, and had to change a few things. i got my town portal script working (i didnt make the script), the script where you run on the scripted tile and it sets it so you can type /town to return to it at any time, or when you die you return to that location. But now when and if you die before you have that location saved, you go nowhere lol. its not a huge problem cause i can just make it so a player when they start, runs right into the scripted tile, but even so i dont like haveing this little bug in my script. can somebody please take a look at my main.txt and check this out to see where i messed it up? thanks in advance! i know its a lot, but any help is well appreciated! ' Eclipse Evolution 2.7 Scripting File ' Global Variables Public GameName Public MAX_MAPS Public MOTD ' Color Constants Public Const BLACK = 0 Public Const BLUE = 1 Public Const GREEN = 2 Public Const CYAN = 3 Public Const RED = 4 Public Const MAGENTA = 5 Public Const BROWN = 6 Public Const GREY = 7 Public Const DARKGREY = 8 Public Const BRIGHTBLUE = 9 Public Const BRIGHTGREEN = 10 Public Const BRIGHTCYAN = 11 Public Const BRIGHTRED = 12 Public Const PINK = 13 Public Const YELLOW = 14 Public Const WHITE = 15 ' Admin Constants Public Const ADMIN_MONITER = 1 Public Const ADMIN_MAPPER = 2 Public Const ADMIN_DEVELOPER = 3 Public Const ADMIN_CREATOR = 4 ' Executes when the server initially loads. Sub OnServerLoad() GameName = GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName") MAX_MAPS = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS") MOTD = GetVar("MOTD.ini", "MOTD", "Msg") End Sub If Trim(MOTD) "" Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "MOTD: " & MOTD, 11) Call HighScore(Index) End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 4 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " (Administrator) has joined " & GameName & "!", 12) End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 3 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " (Developer) has joined " & GameName & "!", 12) End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 2 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " (Mapper) has joined " & GameName & "!", 12) End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 1 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " (Moderator) has joined " & GameName & "!", 12) End If If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", 12) End If End Sub End Sub ' Executes when the scripts are reloaded. Sub OnScriptReload() GameName = GetVar("Data.ini", "CONFIG", "GameName") MAX_MAPS = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS") MOTD = GetVar("MOTD.ini", "MOTD", "Msg") End Sub ' Executes the MOTD is changed by the client. Sub ChangeMOTD() MOTD = GetVar("MOTD.ini", "MOTD", "Msg") End Sub ' Executes when a new character is created. Sub OnNewChar(Index, CharNum) End Sub ' Executes every second, based on the server time. Sub TimedEvent(Hours, Minutes, Seconds) If Minutes = 0 Then If Seconds = 0 Then Call AdminMsg("Don't forget to vote for Eclipse.", YELLOW) End If End If End Sub ' Executes when a player presses the CONTROL key. Sub OnAttack(Index, Damage) Dim Target If Int(Damage) > 0 Then If Int(GetPlayerTarget(Index)) > 0 Then Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(Index) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) End If End If End Sub Sub OnArrowHit(Index, Damage) Dim Target If Int(Damage) > 0 Then If Int(GetPlayerTarget(Index)) > 0 Then Target = GetPlayerTarget(Index) Call DamagePlayer(Index, Target, Damage) Else Target = GetPlayerTargetNPC(Index) Call DamageNPC(Index, Target, Damage) End If End If End Sub Sub PlayerHit(Index, NPCNum, Damage) If Damage > 0 then Call NPCAttack(NPCNum, Index, Damage) End If End Sub ' Executes when a hotkey is pressed client-side. Sub HotScript(Index, KeyID) Select Case KeyID ' Executes when any player presses the PageUp key. Case 1 ' Executes when any player presses the Delete key. Case 2 ' Executes when players press the End key. Case 3 ' Executes when players press the PageDown key. Case 4 End Select End Sub ' Executes when something on a custom menu is clicked. Sub MenuScripts(Index, Clicked_Index, Menu_Type) Dim MenuTitle Dim FieldMessage MenuTitle = getplayermenuclicktitle(Index) FieldMessage = getplayermenuclickmsg(Index) Select Case Menu_Type Case 1 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Clicked picture number " & Clicked_Index & " on the menu named " & MenuTitle, YELLOW) Case 2 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Clicked field number " & Clicked_Index & " on the menu named " & MenuTitle & ". The field text was " & FieldMessage, YELLOW) Case 3 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Clicked label number " & Clicked_Index & " on the menu named " & MenuTitle, YELLOW) End Select End Sub ' Executes when a player logs into the game. Sub JoinGame(Index) If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", GREY) Else Call GlobalMsg("Administrator " & GetPlayerName(Index) & " has joined " & GameName & "!", YELLOW) End If Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Welcome to " & GameName & "!", WHITE) If LenB(MOTD) 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "MOTD: " & MOTD, BRIGHTCYAN) End If Call SendWhosOnline(Index) End Sub ' Executes when a player logs out of the game. Sub LeftGame(Index) If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", GREY) Else Call GlobalMsg("Administrator " & GetPlayerName(Index) & " has left " & GameName & "!", YELLOW) End If End Sub ' Executes when a players experience exceeds the next level requirement. Sub PlayerLevelUp(Index) Dim TotalExp Do While GetPlayerExp(Index) >= GetPlayerNextLevel(Index) TotalExp = GetPlayerExp(Index) - GetPlayerNextLevel(Index) Call SetPlayerLevel(Index, GetPlayerLevel(Index) + 1) Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index, GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) + 1) Call SetPlayerExp(Index, TotalExp) Loop Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have " & GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) & " stat points.", BRIGHTBLUE, 0) End Sub ' Executes when a player uses one of the points given on an attribute to level up. Sub UsingStatPoints(Index, PointType) Select Case PointType Case 0 If GetPlayerSTR(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your strength!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerSTR(Index, GetPlayerSTR(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more strength!", WHITE, 0) Case 1 If GetPlayerDEF(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your defence!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerDEF(Index, GetPlayerDEF(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more defense!", WHITE, 0) Case 2 If GetPlayerMAGI(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your magic!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerMAGI(Index, GetPlayerMAGI(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more magic!", WHITE, 0) Case 3 If GetPlayerSPEED(Index) + 1 > 1000 Then Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have maxed your speed!", BRIGHTRED, 0) Exit Sub End If Call SetPlayerSPEED(Index, GetPlayerSPEED(Index) + 1) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You have gained more speed!", WHITE, 0) End Select ' Remove one point after the sub in question is done Call SetPlayerPOINTS(Index, GetPlayerPOINTS(Index) - 1) End Sub ' Executes when a player steps onto a scripted tile. Sub ScriptedTile(Index, Script) Select Case Script case 0 Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "DEATH", "playerdie_map", GetPlayerMap(index)) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "DEATH", "playerdie_x", GetPlayerX(index)) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "DEATH", "playerdie_y", GetPlayerY(index)) Exit Sub case 1 Call Uber_Scripted_Tiles(index) Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No tile script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ' Executes when a player clicks on an OnClick tile. Sub OnClick(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted tile has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No tile script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ' Out-dated: Executes when a player chooses yes or no on a player prompt. Sub PlayerPrompt(Index, Prompt, Value) If Prompt = 6 Then Select Case Value Case 0 Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a Yes answer!", CYAN) Case 1 Call GlobalMsg("This is case 1?", CYAN) End Select Else Select Case Value Case 0 Call GlobalMsg("Hi This is a No answer!", RED) Case 1 Call GlobalMsg("This is no case 1?", RED) End Select End If End Sub ' Out-dated: Executes query box responses. Sub QueryBox(Index, Prompt) Value = GetVar("responses.ini", "Responses", CStr(Index)) End Sub ' Executes every time a player drops an item. Sub OnItemDrop(Index, Map, ItemNum, ItemVal, ItemDur, ItemIndex, InvSlot) End Sub ' Executes each time a player changes map. Sub OnMapLoad(Index, OldMap, NewMap) End Sub ' Executes whenever an NPC is killed. ' Note: Death occurs as normal externally to this script. Sub OnNPCDeath(Index, Map, NPCNum, NPCIndex) Call BattleMsg(Index, "You killed a " & getnpcname(NPCNum) & ".", BRIGHTRED, 0) End Sub ' Executes when a player is killed by another. ' Note: Death occurs as normal externally to this script. Sub OnPVPDeath(Attacker, Victim) Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has been killed by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker), BRIGHTRED) End Sub ' Executes when a player dies in an arena by another player. Sub OnArenaDeath(Attacker, Victim) Dim Map Dim X Dim Y Dim Data1 Dim Data2 Dim Data3 Map = GetPlayerMap(Victim) X = GetPlayerX(Victim) Y = GetPlayerY(Victim) Call GlobalMsg(GetPlayerName(Victim) & " has been defeated in the arena by " & GetPlayerName(Attacker), BRIGHTRED) Call SetPlayerHP(Victim, GetPlayerMaXHP(Victim)) Call SetPlayerMP(Victim, GetPlayerMaXMP(Victim)) Call sendHp(Victim) Call sendMP(Victim) Data1 = GetTileData1(Map, X, Y) Data2 = GetTileData2(Map, X, Y) Data3 = GetTileData3(Map, X, Y) Call PlayerWarp(Victim, Data1, Data2, Data3) End Sub ' Executes whenever a player casts a scripted spell. *******Level Up Spell********* Sub ScriptedSpell(index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Dim mpneeded 'Declare the MP variable mpneeded = 5 'The amount of MP needed If GetPlayerMP(index) >= mpneeded Then 'Check if the player has the required amount of MP Call SetPlayerLevel(index, GetPlayerLevel(Index) +1) 'Increase the player's level by one Call SetPlayerMP( Index, GetPlayerMP( Index) - mpneeded) 'Substract the MP thats needed Call SendStats( Index) 'Updates the player's stats call playerMsg(Index, "You granted a level!", WHITE) End If End Select End Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No spell script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ' Executes whenever a scripted NPC does an action. Sub ScriptedNPC(Index, Script) Select Case Script Case 0 Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This scripted NPC has no apparent use.", WHITE) Exit Sub Case Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "No NPC script found. Please contact an admin to solve this problem.", WHITE) Exit Sub End Select End Sub ' Executed whenever a slash command is sent to the server. '******************************** Sub Commands(index) '******************************** On Error Resume Next Dim i Dim TextSay Dim n Dim m Dim C Dim test Dim mapnum Dim x Dim y dim tile dim map m = GetVar("Data.ini", "MAX", "MAX_MAPS") TextSay = GetVar("Scripts\Command.ini", "TEMP", "Text" & index) i = 1 C = 0 ' If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 5)) = "/wish" Then If Len(TextSay) > 6 Then TextSay = Mid(TextSay, 6, Len(TextSay) - 5) Do While C = 0 If GetVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i) "" Then i = i + 1 Else Call PutVar("wishes.ini", "WISH", "Wish" & i, Trim(TextSay)) Call PlayerMsg(index, "Thank You For Wishing!", 10) C = 1 End If Loop End If Exit Sub End If ' If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warpmeto" Then If Len(TextSay) > 10 Then TextSay = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9) ' Prevent hacking If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 12) Exit Sub End If ' The player n = FindPlayer(TextSay) If n index Then If n > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(index, GetPlayerMap(n), GetPlayerX(n), GetPlayerY(n)) Call PlayerMsg(n, GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to you.", 14) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ".", 10) Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped to " & GetPlayerName(n) & ", map #" & GetPlayerMap(n) & ".", ADMIN_LOG) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 12) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp to yourself!", 12) End If End If Exit Sub End If ' If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 10)) = "/setportal" Then n = Mid(TextSay, 11, Len(TextSay) - 10) If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have created a portal opening at this spot! You may now return to this spot at any time by typing /portal " & n, 10) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "PORTALS", "map" & n, GetPlayerMap(index)) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "PORTALS", "x" & n, GetPlayerX(index)) Call PutVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "PORTALS", "y" & n, GetPlayerY(index)) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 12) End If Exit Sub End If ' If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 7)) = "/portal" Then n = Mid(TextSay, 8, Len(TextSay) - 7) mapnum = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "PORTALS", "map" & n) y = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "PORTALS", "y" & n) x = GetVar("scripts\charextras\" & trim(GetPlayerName(index)) & ".ini", "PORTALS", "x" & n) If GetPlayerAccess(index) >= 1 Then Call PlayerWarp(index, mapnum, x, y) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You do not have that ability.", 12) End If Exit Sub End If ' If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 9)) = "/warptome" Then If Len(TextSay) > 10 Then If GetPlayerAccess(index) < 2 Then Call PlayerMsg(index, "You need be of a higher access to use this command!", 12) Exit Sub End If n = Mid(TextSay, 10, Len(TextSay) - 9) n = FindPlayer(n) If n index Then If n > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(n, GetPlayerMap(index), GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index)) Call PlayerMsg(n, "You have been summoned by " & GetPlayerName(index) & ".", 14) Call PlayerMsg(index, GetPlayerName(n) & " has been summoned.", 10) Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(index) & " has warped " & GetPlayerName(n) & " to self, map #" & GetPlayerMap(index) & ".", ADMIN_LOG) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", 12) End If Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot warp yourself to yourself!", 12) End If End If Exit Sub End If ' If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 7)) = "/warpto" Then If Len(TextSay) > 8 Then TextSay = Mid(TextSay, 8, Len(TextSay) - 7) n = TextSay If n > 0 and n
  9. ok im trying to use barons uber scripted tiles. i added all the script and so on, but since the update now when i go on the scripted tile and type my /case uber , it says its not a valid command, which would mean that the command part of the script is not working. here it is, can sombody please fix it? im using the newest EE2.7 Sub Commands(Index) Dim TextSay Dim PlayerID Dim MapNum dim tile dim map ' Get the command and arguments from the cache. TextSay = Trim(GetVar("Scripts\Command.ini", "TEMP", "Text" & Index)) ' Split the command into an array. All arguments are seperated by spaces. TextSay = Split(TextSay) Select Case TextSay(0) Case "/testscripts" Call TestMain(Index) Exit Sub Case "/help" Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Social Commands:", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "'msghere = Broadcast Message", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "-msghere = Emote Message", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "!namehere msghere = Player Message", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Available Commands: /help, /info, /who, /fps, /inv, /stats, /train, /party, /join, /leave, /refresh", WHITE) Exit Sub Case "/calladmins" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) = 0 Then Call AdminMsg(GetPlayerName(Index) & " needs your help!", BRIGHTGREEN) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You are an admin! You cannot call for help!", BRIGHTGREEN) End If Exit Sub Case "/admin" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Social Commands:", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, """msghere = Global Admin Message", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "=msghere = Private Admin Message", WHITE) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Available Commands: /admin, /loc, /mapeditor, /warpmeto, /warptome, /warpto, /setsprite, /mapreport, /kick, /ban, /edititem, /respawn, /editnpc, /motd, /editshop, /ban, /editspell", WHITE) End If Exit Sub Case "/warpmeto" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then PlayerID = FindPlayer(TextSay(1)) If PlayerID > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, GetPlayerMap(PlayerID), GetPlayerX(PlayerID), GetPlayerY(PlayerID)) Call PlayerMsg(Index, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(PlayerID) & ".", BROWN) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Player is not online.", WHITE) End If End If Exit Sub Case "/warptome" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then PlayerID = FindPlayer(TextSay(1)) If PlayerID > 0 Then Call PlayerWarp(PlayerID, GetPlayerMap(Index), GetPlayerX(Index), GetPlayerY(Index)) Call PlayerMsg(PlayerID, "You have been warped to " & GetPlayerName(Index) & ".", BROWN) Else Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Player is not online.", WHITE) End If End If Exit Sub **If LCase(Mid(TextSay, 1, 5)) = "/case" Then If int(getplayeraccess(index)) > 2 Then If Len(TextSay) > 6 Then TextSay = Mid(TextSay, 6, Len(TextSay) - 5) If trim(textsay) "" Then tile=int(getplayermapXY(index)) map=int(Getplayermap(index)) Call Putvar("scripts\mapextras\" & Int(map) & ".ini", "SCRIPT",Int(tile), trim(Textsay)) Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have bound tile number " & int(tile) & " to the script " & Textsay & "!", 13) Else Call Playermsg(index, "You must give a script name or number.", 13) End If End If Else Call Playermsg(index, "You have insufficient access to use this command.", 13) End If Exit Sub End If** Case "/warpto" If GetPlayerAccess(Index) > 0 Then MapNum = TextSay(1) If MapNum > 0 And MapNum
  10. wait so i need like a "sprites" for the 32X32 ones, and a "Sprites2" for the 64X32? if not that, im confused by whatyou mean lol.
  11. yep that fixed the problem with the 32x32 sprites ! thanks :) but now a new problem, when i goto the 32x64 sprites, its messed up with them, like number 300 would be its head, and 301 would be its body. any fix for that one? lol :P
  12. im having a problem where i goto create a NPC in 32x32\. When i select it to be number 1 on my npc list, it will show my little warrior guy. Apply it, works fine. Now when i choose number 2 on that same NPC, it skips the actual number 2 and goes to number 3 even tho in the game editor it still says its number 2\. Its acting as if its 32X64 when im on the 32x32\. Any fix or am i just not editing something in my server folder? Thanks in advance for all replies.
  13. Ok, for the 32X64 items.bmp, why is it when your in eclipse and your making items, you cant scroll down past PaperDoll Area 5? like if you try to scroll down past 6 (in this case i added a bunch of items down their), You cant, it only goes to a little past area 5. Will this be fixed soon i hope? its quite an annoyance to have such a small amount of space to put non PD items in. (please no comments like "just use the space you have" or anything of the sort :P thnx in advance) Preferribly i would like to get a response from one of the people that help make the engine :P
  14. I made these the other day. Was thinking of keeping them for my game, but i thougt it would be better if i just contributed. So here they are :) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Trade.jpg) Trade Menu Above. ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/ShopTest.jpg) Shop Menu. ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Shop.jpg) Another Shop Menu. ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Newcharacter3.jpg) Charcreate1 ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Newcharacter2.jpg) Charcreate2 ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Newcharacter.jpg) Charcreate3 ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/NewAccount.jpg) New Account ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/MainMenu.jpg) MainMenu ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Login2.jpg) Login ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/IPConfig.jpg) IpConfig ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/DeleteAccount.gif) DeleteAccount ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Credits.jpg) Credits ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Bank.jpg) Bank EDIT: Just made: ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/Login2-1.jpg) Those were all made by myself, no credit necessary.I used "AcidSp!kes" Tutorial to make thanks, so if any deserves credit, its him for making such a good understandable tutorial. Also heres a Fix Items one that was already posted in this section of the forums. I take no credit for this one: ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Game/FixItems.jpg) There are still a few other GUI's like "Guild" and those that i havent gotten around to making just yet. But for now, i hope u like some of these. Enjoy!
  15. jazzman170


    Is the space of the Items in 32X64 going to be upgraded? it seems all the items of my items.bmp are cut off, as is section 6 and 7 and part of 5\. Will this be updated anytime soon? I dont plan on upgrading my engine to 32X64's until this part gets fixed which is why im asking :) Thanks to those for answering in advance!
  16. jazzman170

    Menu Music

    I was just wondering, how do i add music to my menu??? I have the newest version from touchofdeathproductions.com but i have no clue where or how to add music? maybe that version just hasnt been released yet?
  17. Is it possible to make it so one of my NPC's that is walking around in jail runs a shop whenever u attack him? If so, how would i do this? And also, how about quests? same thing, with NPC on attack runs the Quest of my choice. Thanks to those who answer :)
  18. ok this realy sucks. just all of a sudden my scripts stop working…the only thing that has changed is the damn auto-updater always doing its thing every now and then, and this time its realy done it. I have not added any new scripts or anything, and my entire scripts are not working. I cant use anything like /8ball /help /admin /anything! no matter what i use nothing is working. It all worked like 2-3 weeks ago and now that 2-3 weeks has passed and i decide to run my server to work on it once again, i cant! does anybody have any similar problems? and also, when i try to post my whole main.txt in here, i cant cause it says its blocked and wont let me continue due to it possibly being me trying to hack into the system! wtf is up with all this shit????? sorry guys but i have about had it, i didnt do all my scripting work and adding all my things into the scripts for nothing. Does anybody have any solution? please, it is realy pissing me off. If their is anybody scripters that can check my main.txt then PLEASE! i beg of you, PLEASE find the problem, i realy want my server to work with what i have in the scripts. Here it is in the link below, since i cant post it, i uploaded it to sendmefile.com Here it is: http://www.sendmefile.com/00441051
  19. Hello again guys. I was just wondering, is their anybody that would like to buy RC from me? i paid $55.00 for it, and its too difficult for me due to scripting cause i know nothing of scripting lol. I would be happy to sell it to anybody for $25.00 US Dollars i guess using Paypal. I have never used PayPal but i do have a Debit Card. If this is against the forums rules then sorry bout that and plz delete this post. If anybody is interested, then just either PM me or reply back to this message. I do understand that its risky for most of you as none of you know the kind of person i am, but not like i wanna get banned from these forums or arrested for fraud or anything like that lol.
  20. I was just wondering, how do we get popup windows to come up when you walk onto a certain tile? I was in a person's game called KirbyWorld, and they had a room with different sprites all along the walls. When you walked to the very end of the map behind the sprites, a popup window came up and it said in text at the bottom "would you like to buy this sprite for 10000 gold?" and along with a popup window of "yes/No" If this was hard coded then i hope to have it scripted soon, as this would be VERY usefull. I would love to have something like "Would you like to throw 10 gold into the pong?" "POPUP- Yes/No" then if yes, it calls a part of a script that makes you have a chance of getting double back your money, or a special item. like a 1 in 30 chance of getting a special item, and 1 in 15 of getting double your money. Not only that, but their would be SO many different types of things like that you could do. Quests and such too.
  21. Hello guys. Its been a while sense i have been to this website. I can see a lot of awsome features have been added and this is truely a game maker that i do not see dying anytime soon. I thought i should just stop by and say so. And also that the reason i have been gone is because i am currently helping in the development of a game called Animistress. I am the mapper of this new game and just thought id share some of the screeny's i have taken to the community :) Oh ya, this is not advertisement in any way lol. Besides, the games not even close to be up and ready to start haveing people play it. So anyway's, heres some screenshots i have taken :) hope you guys like em. They arent much, and a lot of the game is going to be changed with new enemy's and lots of new features still need to be added. Here they are :P **This ones just me screwing around with the terrain.** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/bm_screenshot_112.jpg) **This ones the first Ditch type crevace i made** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/bm_screenshot_006.jpg) **Heres where i made the ditch have a slope so u can walk up/down it** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/bm_screenshot_012.jpg) **Same as above** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/bm_screenshot_014.jpg) **Same as above only front view** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/bm_screenshot_111.jpg) **Heres just a bundle of mountains i made** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/041b4edc.jpg) **This one im quite happy of, as i figured out how to make perfectly shaped ramps** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/New%20Animistress/a5ae2cbe.jpg) **This is of me running with my swordstaff along with a blue shard (the blue effect thats stretching as i run) and i edited whats called "Glowing Dust" so it looks kinda like a flame, but of course the real dust looks better then this, i just edited it not knowing what it would change and this is what i got :P** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/New%20Animistress/Dust.jpg) **Heres what the dust originaly always looked like.** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/New%20Animistress/admin.jpg) **Heres the dust and shards** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/1ce85e30.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/6dfdb6d9.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/1e4a622e.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/803a608e.jpg) **Hmmm….2 paw's can mean only one thing...** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/d9189829.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/1385836f.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/19370164.jpg) **Heres an inside look of a guild tower. The enemy's you see in the middle were just testing to see if we could make them inside the guilds.** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/8f7f78a9.jpg) **Their realy wasnt much of a limit to how much dust you could put on the longest weapons you could make :) (this wep you see here is NOT the longest you can make :P )** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/7e5c9147.jpg) **You can also have Pet Dragons of many different types and colors** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/82904666.jpg) **Heres a Dungeoun** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/268fb906.jpg) **This pic we were just messin around :P** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/324473ed.jpg) **This was a BOSS of the realm which was called "Lower Lab" short for Lower Labrynth. If you could kill this guy "Reorth", he would drop an ingot which was known as "Chitin Ingot" which was the second strongest metal type in the game which was used to make weapons.** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Extras/89667b58.jpg) **This here is what i had worked on for quite a while. At first the volcanos i made SUCKED. in fact ill show you guys a picture of the suckyest one i have lol. But hey, practice makes perfect :) and i have gotten prity good with it. So heres whats known as Fire Mountain which is what i made and called :)** ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Fire%20Mountain/FMT1.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Fire%20Mountain/FMT2.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Fire%20Mountain/FMT4B.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Fire%20Mountain/FMT3.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Fire%20Mountain/FMT5B.jpg) ![](http://i59.photobucket.com/albums/g301/jazzman170/Fire%20Mountain/FMT5.jpg) And theirs some of the pictures i have :P as you can all see from the fire volcano it sucked in the beginning, and it got better as i worked with it. The last 2 are of the same volcano but different views, and so far is the best volcano i have made. Im sure i could make better, but i think it looks prity good :) So what do ya all think? Its not a major 3-D game like most, and its a low bandwidth game so even people on dial up can play it at good speed (may lag here and their).
  22. jazzman170


    For some reason, my music is not playing since i added like 5 new midi's last night and restarted server today. Anybody know what the problem would be? do i have to name the new ones a certain name?
  23. jazzman170


    Is their a way to higher the amount of cases we can use for the scripted tile? right now its at 100 in the beta, so just wandering if i could higher it :)
  24. May i suggest marsh, to have it where when you equip a weapon, it shows you the Requirements and what it adds, but yet it doesnt show how much Defence, or Attack it has. This is something that would be nice :D what do u guys think?
  25. What is the point of having the npc's having a "Say" box if when you attack a guard or Friendly unit they say nothing? how do u make them say something when u try to attack? cause if its sapossed to happen, its not happening with me.
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