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Everything posted by or3o

  1. just be sure to search the entire project for the word sign and you should be able to find everything. if you have any issues i can try to help ya figure it out.
  2. Debuffs only work on other players not npcs. im aware of that i just thought the other guy who was having a problem didnt realize it, but judging by his latest post he may actually be having an issue.
  3. I suggest just downloading the client and server and just ripping the code from there. It worked perfectly the first try that way.
  4. if you wanna make it so the higher level your skill is the more damage you do to the resource you can add this ALL SERVER SIDE in mod player sub checkresource below``` rY = ResourceCache(GetPlayerMap(Index)).ResourceData(Resource_num).y ``` replace this``` Damage = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Weapon)).Data2 ``` with this``` itemnum = GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Weapon) FI = Item(itemnum).Fishing If FI > 0 Then Damage = Item(GetPlayerEquipment(Index, Weapon)).Data2 + (GetPlayerFishing(Index) * 2) End If ```and you can add more just by copying this part and renaming the different parts with the different skills you have added. Also if you dont like how much damage this adds you could easily replace the *2 part with something more fitting.
  5. I havent had a problem with it? i can set the exp differently for each resource and since it checks the kind of item im using I didnt have to make multiple scroll bars for different types of exp. If you have a better way of doing it I would be happy to check it out. Resource(EditorIndex).FiExp
  6. thanks agian! i was just considering doing away with the whole recipe as an item anyway. ill just make a new editor for recipes and it shouldnt be all that difficult. (better than my original plan of remaking a whole different inventory setup for em.) lol
  7. because im a total noob i guess, ill try n figure out how to do than now :) thanks. I am still not sure I can do that :/ basically i added the crafting system but instead of using recipes as items i just wanted to make a list of avalible recipes. if I do the function for each button i wouldnt be able to use the item editor to edit the recipes anymore right? sorry i keep asking soo many questions. I am just a noob trying to figure this stuff out.
  8. Does anyone know how to use an item that isnt in your inventory? basically I wanna make a button that uses an item but Im pretty sure when you use an item it checks to make sure its in your inventory first, I just wanna make it check my item editor for whatever number I want the item to be and just use it straight from there. if anyone can guide me in the right direction I would appriceate it very much.
  9. Hey I was wondering if you know how to make the pic use an item instead of teleport? im trying to make it so i dont have to have recipe items in my inventory and i would much rather just add a crafting frame with picures that call use item. so far i havent been able to figure it out. if ya could point me in the right direction i would be very grateful.
  10. i know just copying it wouldnt work, i would just use it as a framework to make a new one, i was just hoping there was some easier way of doing it that i didnt know about :) thanks for the input tho.
  11. Thanks for the reply :) now i just gotta go through almost 400 maps lol
  12. I almost forgot to thank you for this! Thanks a bunch.
  13. I updated the tutorial due to an issue a fellow forum member was having, now you just need to set the exp for the resource and it check based on your items fishing req, so to add more skills you wont have to add more scroll bars. also you have to have a success message for it to give you experience, ill fix that next time I edit my server :/
  14. Ok so im trying to basically add a seperate inventory that is only used for one type of item. i dont want to use it for trade of banking or anything like that, I just want it so if i pick up a particular type of item it automatically goes to that inventory. ive been considering just coping everything involving the original inventory and renaming it but I was just wondering if thats the right way to go about this? im basically gonna use it like the spell pic screen. if anyone has any insight or comments I would be thankful for it.
  15. Did ya ever get around to fixing the shop issue? If so i cant wait to implement this!
  16. when i log into my game the inventory is always open. i know it must be as simple as setting picinventory to false but so far i havent been able to find where i need to change the code. Can someone point me in the right direction? thanks in advance.
  17. thanks for the reply :) I tried it like that at first but I believe I forgot to add an (index) in there somewhere. thanks agian! the only reason I had it the other way was tons of trial and error and that was the first way i got it to work. fixing my source now
  18. yes you have to add the stuff Whitepinkbun posted also. and sorry i wasnt exactly sure how else to go about this so i made another sub :/ if you know a more efficient way please feel free to tell me. im still a noob
  19. Never mind figured it out. Thanks for all the help.
  20. If anyone has added the buff debuff spells and wants to use the timer to change back i figured it out! All serverside in mod player at the bottom add ``` Public Sub transback(ByVal index As Long) SetPlayerSprite (index), Player(index).SpriteOld Call SendPlayerData(index) End Sub ``` then go to mod serverloop find ``` If TempPlayer(i).BuffTimer(x) > 0 Then TempPlayer(i).BuffTimer(x) = TempPlayer(i).BuffTimer(x) - 1 If TempPlayer(i).BuffTimer(x) = 0 Then ``` and paste this right after ``` Call transback(i) ```
  21. Do you by chance know how to edit the maps files so ya dont have to delete all you maps?
  22. I recently added the buff debuff tutorial and i have to say it works great. I am just wondering if anyone knows how to use the spell duration timer to hide a paperdoll layer. Basically I want it so when the spells active an aura shows up and when the spell goes away it disappears. So far i have managed to make it show up when the spell is active but have been unable to make it go away after the spell turns back off. once agian any help is very much appreciated.
  23. I understand that your willpower affects the duraion. i am just trying to figure out how make it so a paperdoll layer is hidden when the spell runs out. thank you for responding tho. never mind I figured it out. and has anyone by chance figure out how to make it so a buff spell can have more than one stat involved? like say add hp but -int ?
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