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Everything posted by Connor

  1. I made 5 classes, each with 100 points on different stats and 1 on all the others. Here are the conclusions I came up with. Strength: How often/hard you hit. Endurance: How much HP you have. Intelligence: How much Spirit/MP you have. Agility: How often you dodge/parry or the opponent misses you. Will: Haven't figured it out yet, could be something to do with Critical hits. I could be wrong, but that's what I currently believe.
  2. Good job Wabbit, I was glad I got to test this earlier on. I'll be using this for my project, I would love to see more features in the future made by you. Once again, good job and thanks!
  3. Connor

    Friend System

    No one will just hand you it for free, the best you'll get is something from tutorials, if there's anything there.
  4. Starting to look like a 1944 Warfare game. ;D
  5. Connor

    Pixel Art

    Thanks for all the feedback. I'll take it into mind when I decide to make my next sprite.
  6. Connor

    New interface.

    Looks awesome! Love it, good job!
  7. I second what Erwin said. Putting the codes within a code tag makes them so much easier to read.
  8. I can't find this line, anywhere and yes, I've searched the entire project. ``` ' Drop the goods if they get it ```
  9. @Kemerd: > Those noses are too big. You just love picking on other peoples work, haven't seen any **great** artwork from you yet. The noses are fine in my opinion. On-Topic: The pictures look awesome. I couldn't do anything nearly as good! I'm afraid, I wouldn't pay for this service though, sorry. :sad:
  10. Connor

    Pixel Art

    @KratosƃĀ¢Ć¢ā‚¬Å¾Ć‚Ā¢: > U don't need gradient tool, just download Graphics Gale, and read some tutorials. I didn't say I needed a gradient tool, I said I didn't have one to reply to this part: "All you did for shading was slap a gradient on it.". Which I didn't I did it pixel by pixel, with nothing but the pencil tool in paint. These were my first attempts and I'm slowly learning, nothing from a beginner will always be perfect.
  11. No problem, enjoy!
  12. Connor

    Pixel Art

    @Kemerd: > Really? All you did for shading was slap a gradient on it. Looks like a pole. Work on that. I didn't have a gradient tool. I was using MSPaint. It isn't that good because there the first two sprites I've ever made.
  13. Connor

    Pixel Art

    @Zonova: > Yes, something very important. Theā€¦ well i'm not sure if this si the right turn, but i think it's called the gradient? Well, the shading, it doesn't look right. It looks too obviously fake-ish. Other then that, it's very nice. Very good for a first try. There was a tutorial somewhere on that... can't remember it now though Yeah, shading is something I need to work on. Thanks for the feedback. :)
  14. Connor

    Desert tribe

    I can't see anything seriously wrong with the cliffs, I can see the effect you're trying to create.
  15. Over my years on the internet, I've developed a love for video making. With videos, comes a need for SFX. So I've put together a package of the SFX I use, for others to use. I hope you all find it useful. ;) Enjoy! SFX Collection: http://www.mediafire.com/?d8f75ulby443121 SFX Collection #2: http://www.mediafire.com/?8m8snnm155r237s Note: All SFX were downloaded legally from FREE websites, so they are 100% free to use, and anyone can use them.
  16. Connor

    Pixel Art

    @GKO: > Thats very good, a hell of alot better than i could do. Thank you! I'm a beginner, first piece of art work that I did "pixel by pixel". I tried my best with the shading, turned out alright in my opinion. Although, do you see anything wrong with it? Anyway I can improve it? Any advice would help me a lot! :)
  17. Connor

    Desert tribe

    @Eltony: > I thinks its good a lot of detail i noticed something is there enough room for a player to get around? Good job pointing that out, it could become a large issue if people can't move through certain spots. That's one reason you may wish to consider cleaning it up a little.
  18. Ever since I came to this forum, people have said "no one will do it for you". So yeah, the easiest way for anything to get done, is to do it yourself. Just check out the stuff other people have recommended. ;)
  19. Connor

    Desert tribe

    I'm not too good with mapping, take out a few big tents and replace them with little ones perhaps? A bit of stuff next to the tents, removing that stuff could help too! Doesn't look to bad, a bit of messing around could make it look awesome! Just remember, different people have different tastes. Just because I think it's to cluttered, doesn't mean someone else will. Good luck! :)
  20. Connor

    Desert tribe

    Too much going on for my tastes, but good for a first or early attempts. Keep it up, I'm sure you'll improve!
  21. Connor

    Pixel Art

    Hey everyone. I'm far from being a good pixel artist, so I've decided to practice and learn a bit about it. My first item, was what I called the Ruby Sword. Not all that good, but it was my first attempt. ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/253d9d4a943676131f245afee1b5c0ab.png) This is the second picture I've ever made, very boring to be honest. I made it so I could mess around with shading and stuff. I call it The Spear. (Very original, I know) ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/703d5e044f01b2447a6e9db7c34decc8.png) I'll edit this post with other stuff in the future. Positive comments, and creative criticism please. :) Note: If you want to use these, for whatever reason. Go ahead. No credit is needed to me.
  22. @asdfawefasdf: > No. It's illegal to use them at all. I don't think many people really care.
  23. @Robin: > I swear to God if you misspell 'resource' as 'recourse' one more time I'm going to hit you in the face. You're hilarious. @shadowdeath: > Why would you post this without a tut or anything? It's a resource, not a tutorial. That is why he posted it without a tutorial. ;)
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