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Everything posted by lexkymbeth

  1. I searched the site using the search bar but no luck!? I'm looking for a realistic sprite Male and female! no big heads, no small/short body. Realistic Person(s) thanks if you could help other wise please don't respond with ignorant responses! thanks!
  2. i'm not fully sure how to use it i just experimented with it xD
  3. Thanks!!!! Wow cant beleave i spent for every trying to do this my self!. if i can right a frame mask like im doing: http://solonline.x10.mx/rdc/search.php?Link=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vrealms.x10.mx thing i can make a search engine. thanks S.J.R. van Schaik also!
  4. Well been a long time since ive posted -.- but i was wondering if any one know how to use php like google/youtube dose >! search?rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS427&aq=0&oq=eckipse&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=eclipse#pq=eclipse+game+games&hl=en&sugexp=lttmoc&cp=18&gs_id=1d&xhr=t&q=eclipse+game+game+maker&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS427&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=eclipse+game+game+&aq=0j&aqi=g-j1&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&fp=1&biw=1600&bih=785&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&cad=b And >! watch?v=cG4zMAg5V3E i really want to know how to make search.php?Something%here but i cant Google it because i don't know what it is called any help? Project: http://solonline.x10.mx/rdc/
  5. i would look in modCombat & Player + look for a tut on PvP Tile and look what one should look like
  6. i am tring to use sendkeys i keep getting a error saying; @vb6: > Permission denied any one no how to fix? Useing code: ``` sendkeys "blah Blah" ```
  7. thanks, what Scootaloo said i was thinking of that, but souls right >.> im going to make a user system some time much easier to kick/ban
  8. @Soul: > ``` > socket.close > > ``` > Keep in mind: this closes the socket client side. The server has to send a message to the client that it needs to close. The server should also refuse messages from kicked people until theny reconnect. > > Also, I'm not sure if your chat is integrated into Origins or if it is a seperate entity. If it is integrated into Origins, you'll have to clean up Origins too. its not, thanks tho xD i thought no one would tell. so when i send a packet to the client ``` socket.close ```will close just that client or them all…?
  9. I'm making a chat in vb6, it has name list, and chat, blah, blah… but i don't know how to kick people i was wondering how do i close win socket to a client?? its not in EO so i posted here. xD
  10. Well im tring to add something to the sever were it popups and gives name level etc… but when i try to get the name: ``` GetPlayerName(txtName.Text) ```its not working? any help i looked thur the modHandle… cant find it Same for lvl ``` GetPlayerLevel(txtName.Text) ```
  11. Created by me. tells time when the sever shuts down and!! restarts it. reminder: it needs to be put in sever folder
  12. Download Face Maker [http://www.4shared.com/file/RPSJ_PWB/RPG_VXP_-_FaceMaker.html](http://www.4shared.com/file/RPSJ_PWB/RPG_VXP_-_FaceMaker.html) Download Character Maker [http://www.4shared.com/file/yzcBBJ-Y/RPG_VXP_-_Character-Creator-St.html](http://www.4shared.com/file/yzcBBJ-Y/RPG_VXP_-_Character-Creator-St.html) Download Tile Set maker [http://www.4shared.com/file/aIM7BR2Y/RPG_VXP_-_tileset_maker.html](http://www.4shared.com/file/aIM7BR2Y/RPG_VXP_-_tileset_maker.html) There you go! have fun ;3
  13. @Muffen: > So, basically you ripped 4 tiles from an RPGVX tileset, posted them here and didn't give credit. Love it. ??? Never said I made em. If they made thim thin hupla to Rpgvx
  14. @Gianni: > ``` > If GetPlayerClass(index) = 1 Then > Player(index).Map = 1 > Player(index).x = 4 > Player(index).y = 4 > ElseIf GetPlayerClass(index) = 2 Then > Player(index).Map = 2 > Player(index).x = START_X > Player(index).y = START_Y > ElseIf GetPlayerClass(index) = 3 Then > ' code for class 3 here. > End If > ``` Awsome! But were dose this go? Im gessing difrent place?
  15. its in the sever modConstants seach for``` Public Const START_MAP As Long = 1 ```i think
  16. @Ryoku: > -off topic- > > Ya legally you only can copyright anything you make just by putting your name and the year next to a copyright mark, so long as you can prove you made it. > > -back on topic- > > If your lazy then it shouldn't be a problem to do the coding, its sooo simple. this way is actually MORE work in the long run. this tut gives you the hole code ;p not that hard [http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,76419.msg819626.html#msg819626](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,76419.msg819626.html#msg819626)
  17. @HeartHunt3r: > Oh.. i see .. Ryoku is right it works > > this is my DrawPlayerName > i also removed the End If in this part > textSize = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Text) > > SO THIS IS THE REAL CODE WORKING FOR CS:DE > > >! Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal index As Long) > Dim textX As Long, textY As Long, Text As String, textSize As Long, colour As Long > >! If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 0 Then > Text = Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - Lvl: " & Player(index).Level > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 1 Then > Text = "[TESTER] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 2 Then > Text = "[DEVELOPER] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 3 Then > Text = "[ADMIN] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 4 Then > Text = "[OWNER] " & Trim$(Player(index).Name) & " - LvL: " & Player(index).Level > End If > >! textSize = EngineGetTextWidth(Font_Default, Text) > > ' get the colour > If GetPlayerAccess(index) = 0 Then > colour = White > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 1 Then > colour = Blue > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 2 Then > colour = Green > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 3 Then > colour = Red > ElseIf GetPlayerAccess(index) = 4 Then > colour = Yellow > End If > > textX = Player(index).x * PIC_X + Player(index).xOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - (textSize \ 2) > textY = Player(index).y * PIC_Y + Player(index).yOffset - 32 > > If GetPlayerSprite(index) >= 1 And GetPlayerSprite(index) textY = GetPlayerY(index) * PIC_Y + Player(index).yOffset - (D3DT_TEXTURE(Tex_Char(GetPlayerSprite(index))).height / 4) + 12 > End If > > Call RenderText(Font_Default, Text, ConvertMapX(textX), ConvertMapY(textY), colour) > End Sub thanks! i didn't test it
  18. ohh i see what you mean. no you would have to code that
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