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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Whoevers idea it is to make a Dragon Ball Z mmorpg please e-mail me at [email protected], I have some great ideas for how we could make the greatest DBZ mmo ever.
  2. Thank you guys, that helped me a bunch. I overlooked the part where you make a player admin in the server's window. I appreciate the help.
  3. I have tried typing "/admin" and also trying to press the insert key and neither of them work.
  4. Sorry for posting this again. I just found my last question and got the answer. So disregard.
  5. I haven't yet been able to use the game maker program. Whenever I try to log in it says the server is down.
  6. I am new to Eclipse and I tried to "Log In" to start making a game and it says the server is down. I'm not sure if it is just me or is it the server that won't let me on. How do I start making a game?
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