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Everything posted by Odin

  1. @Matlock: > You fell for it. Ive known Robin was an alien with supernatural programming abilities for some time. > > On topic: I use EO cuz I suck with vb and dont want to risk brain hemorrhage. Ok… for one. VB and directdraw8 are the freaking easiest languages to use. A down syndrome blind monkey could learn it, so im not sure why your praising him. plus hes a straight prick who gives out his work for free and then whines and complains that people are stealing it. So no, hes not an alien with supernatural powers. Hes a bitchy little douchebag snob with moderate programming skills whom you all praise and worship as a damn god... He needs to learn his place, and im here to put him in it.
  2. Odin


    It them down to fit a power of 2 grid. I use 512x512
  3. Odin

    [CS:DE] Road

    Ok. Design your map without the road in autotiles. Then, change the tile placement setting to fake. Then draw your road… Shouldn't be too hard
  4. Odin

    [EOv2.0] Dead body

    http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/board,34.0.html Now search… Like you've never searched before!!!! And if you can't find it.... Code it yourself!!!! Not that hard
  5. Odin

    [CS:DE] Map Size

    AND to recompile, just right-click on "client.vb" and click "make" I can't give you the source because I can't find the form o.O
  6. Odin

    Attacking problem

    Edit the source. Create a formula to calculate the desired rate of increase.
  7. Odin


    Not sure, I believe this is the wrong forum to post this in. Maybe…
  8. There is no form you edit. Only a module. Its 100% code, so you'll have to learn DX8
  9. Not possible. Flash is a TOTALY different language. If you want this to happen, learn it. It's accualy fairly easy!
  10. Odin

    CS:DE Animations

    Here, read this thread: http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf/index.php/topic,74293.0.html
  11. Odin

    [CS:DE] Map Size

    So you solved the problem, Ondra?
  12. Odin

    CS:DE Animations

    @Domino_: > Don't be idiot, use EOv2.0 > If you don't know something look in CS:DE source….. And don't be a dickhead. Your most likely using the wrong texture sizes.
  13. Odin

    [CS:DE] Tilesheets

    Why is this topic not closed yet? The problem was solved
  14. I'm sure you could find something over in the tutorials source!
  15. Odin

    CSDE Released?!?

    If you cant compile, you can't use it. Say if you were to edit the source, you'd have to recompile it. And without vb6 that's impossible. So…. Your gunna have to wait.
  16. Odin

    Quest Maker

    By editing the source. Make an "If" statement somewhere, most likely in your quest start function
  17. Odin

    [CS:DE] GUI Edit

    Let me apologize for attempting to learn. And I didnt understand what they meant by power of 2, I do now, And I said I **THINK** you can compile without VB6\. I had already had VB6 installed, so I thought it was a basic computer command, not a VB implemented one. But… you know... your always right. >.>
  18. Odin

    [CS:DE] GUI Edit

    I noticed that it wasnt there in client.vbp. I was wondering… Lol
  19. Odin

    [CS:DE] GUI Edit

    XD ROFL Woops :P
  20. For a second there I thought you were talking to me XD. Scared me for a second!
  21. Odin

    [CS:DE] GUI Edit

    Yeah it does. Heres a pic: ![](http://i54.tinypic.com/2uh09ia.jpg)
  22. Wow. Goodjob. Free would be nice, but It will cause a leak and it will take away the "rarity" in Crystalshire. Btw, Robin. I've waited almost a week for "Activation" on crystalshire. I REALLY want to play!
  23. Odin

    [CS:DE] GUI Edit

    Yeah, I found it
  24. Odin


    If you want autotiles…. use every OTHER version of Eclipse. Even Crystalshire DE.
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