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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    It's not uploaded to eclipse yet, I realize that can be a little confusing sorry.
  2. @Joyce: > The normal mode thing kinda bugs me as well. I unlock harder modes by finishing the game.. But when I'm done I'm sure as hell not going to follow the same story again just because it's a bit harder this time around. o_ O Than you got the wrong game, the game is made around the fact that you play the same levels over and over on harder and hard difficulties and on different classes I see no changes in this from diablo 2 - diablo 3 it's just how the game is made to be played.
  3. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    The guild admin panel that guild leaders use is graphical, everything else is command only.
  4. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    The founder(as I called it in this) is not able to leave the guild unless they, 1)Transfer the founder status to another member with the **/guild founder (name)** command or 2)Disband the guild which deletes the guild completely.
  5. From my understand from the last 5 times people asked(Have never used cs, saw robin post this), all the core code is there the only thing you need to do is convert the subs where it blt's(draws all the images to the screen) everything from the directx version eclipse uses to the directx version crystalshire uses.
  6. Connect your server to an online database for user authentication. It's not terribly hard but it isn't something your going to be able to do with out some programming experience or a lot of reading. Search around google for > vb6 mysql ado
  7. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    * Changed all player name checks over to CheckPlayerName Function [ ] * Added Bug fix to main downloads [X] * Finished adding Color guild names [ ] * Fixed lowercase guildnames [ ] * Added a /Lookup command to look up both players/guilds [ ] * Added Guild Rank to guildchat messages [ ] * Guilds cannot have the same name anymore [ ] * Admin tool for removing/changing Guilds/Guild Names [ ]
  8. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    Server side modGuild ``` Public Type GuildRec In_Use As Boolean Guild_Name As String Guild_Fileid As Long Guild_Members(1 To MAX_GUILD_MEMBERS) As GuildMemberRec Guild_Ranks(1 To MAX_GUILD_RANKS) As GuildRanksRec 'Message of the day Guild_MOTD As String * 100 Guild_RecruitRank As Integer Guild_Color As Integer End Type ``` Change ``` Guild_Name As String ``` to ``` Guild_Name As String * 20 ``` would limit it to 20
  9. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    @Goldside There is examples of this in other areas of the source/online. @tslusny These are the steps dealing with drawing the guild name, make sure yours looks like it. FIND: ``` Public Sub DrawPlayerName(ByVal Index As Long) Dim TextX As Long Dim TextY As Long Dim color As Long Dim Name As String ``` UNDER ADD: ``` Dim Text2X As Long Dim Text2Y As Long Dim GuildString As String ``` –------------------------------------------------------------ FIND: ``` Name = Trim$(Player(Index).Name) ' calc pos TextX = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(Name))) ``` UNDER ADD: ``` GuildString = Player(Index).GuildName Text2X = ConvertMapX(GetPlayerX(Index) * PIC_X) + Player(Index).XOffset + (PIC_X \ 2) - getWidth(TexthDC, (Trim$(GuildString))) ``` –------------------------------------------------------------ FIND: ``` If GetPlayerSprite(Index) < 1 Or GetPlayerSprite(Index) > NumCharacters Then TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - 16 Else ' Determine location for text TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).lHeight / 4) + 16 End If ``` REPLACE WITH: ``` If GetPlayerSprite(Index) < 1 Or GetPlayerSprite(Index) > NumCharacters Then TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - 16 'Guild TUT Text2Y = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset Else ' Determine location for text TextY = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).lHeight / 4) + 16 'Guild TUT Text2Y = ConvertMapY(GetPlayerY(Index) * PIC_Y) + Player(Index).YOffset - (DDSD_Character(GetPlayerSprite(Index)).lHeight / 4) + 4 End If ``` –------------------------------------------------------------ FIND: ``` ' Draw name Call DrawText(TexthDC, TextX, TextY, Name, color) ``` UNDER ADD: ``` If Not Player(Index).GuildName = vbNullString Then Call DrawText(TexthDC, Text2X, Text2Y, GuildString, color) End If ``` If your still having problems than the server is probly sending the client a NullString (If Not Player(Index).GuildName = vbNullString Then) so it would not be displayed, in that case you messed with something in the PlayerData Function.
  10. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    That's where you tell it what player you want to open the admin panel for, no need to define it per say just change it where are you trying to call this? If you don't understand the player index system your in for a world of hurting with any edit your trying to do on your own.
  11. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    It helps to tell us what variable it is pointing to =D
  12. Scott

    Linear spells

    No you need to find what array in that line is causing the rte, all baron did was clean it up to make it easy to read it fixed nothing.
  13. Possible, yes but if you plan on having effects like Yu-Gi-Oh gl.
  14. Scott

    Linear spells

    Well since its a rte 9(subscript out of range) this means you are trying to access a part of an array that does not exist. So if you don't know what an array is, it is a group of variables inside 1 variable to put it simply. So instead of doing something like,: ``` Dim Variable1 As Integer Dim Variable2 As Integer Dim Variable3 As Integer ``` We can do it like this, since there all the same type we can just bunch them into 1 group. ``` Dim Variable(1 to 3) As Integer ``` So now your error comes into place when we are trying to read from this array, there is only 3 variables stored in this array Variable(1), Variable(2), Variable(3) as we specified (the 1 to 3 ) this error comes up if your trying to access any number above 3 or below 1(changed with the array size). So you need to find which of those 3 arrays Baron kinda cleaned up for you is causing the error first.
  15. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    ``` Call ToggleGuildAdmin(index, TempPlayer(index).tmpGuildSlot, True) ``` The true at the end is for open(true)/close(false).
  16. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    @Moral Sub ToggleGuildAdmin @We9mak: > Now the problem of how to fix) > [![](http://s019.radikal.ru/i608/1204/9e/2b78bbc024dc.png)](http://www.radikal.ru) You delete your old accounts? Where is the error pointing to?
  17. Nice job on finishing it up, your first piece of code had so much useless looping. My whole point was why where you editing HasItem its used by other areas glad to see you got it working as you intended and made it separate.
  18. No point in arguing with a brick wall, but point blank he was trying to check to see if a person had multiple of an item and the fact is the current function does what he wants fine. All you need to do is call HasItem, if it is greater than 1 than it is stackable(currency) if not its a single item. > How do you know he wants to check for a stacked item everytime You just call that block of code(below) where he needs to check for the stack why are we even editing the sub? I could see if he made a sub that checks than removed it(like I think he was trying to do) but he went around it the wrong way. You just use this(ripped from shops) throw this in a function, replace the numbers with variables bam done. ``` Dim itemamount As Long itemamount = HasItem(Index, 1) If itemamount = 0 Or itemamount < 5000 Then PlayerMsg Index, "Not enough item.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If TakeInvItem Index, 1, 5000 ```
  19. I pasted it to point out the sub already checks for the amount, I pointed out the lines where it returns the value(thus re-affirming it needed no edits) which was the whole point of this tutorial than if you look how shops handle transaction you get a great example of working with stacked items(the code I posted above).
  20. It already does that only need a small edit for non currency. ``` Function HasItem(ByVal Index As Long, ByVal itemnum As Long) As Long Dim i As Long ' Check for subscript out of range If IsPlaying(Index) = False Or itemnum MAX_ITEMS Then Exit Function End If For i = 1 To MAX_INV ' Check to see if the player has the item If GetPlayerInvItemNum(Index, i) = itemnum Then ----------> If Item(itemnum).Type = ITEM_TYPE_CURRENCY Then ------------> HasItem = GetPlayerInvItemValue(Index, i) Else ------------> HasItem = 1 End If Exit Function End If Next End Function ```GetPlayerInvItemValue returns the value(amount) of that item if it is currency(can be edited for others) and returns 1 for non stackable single items.
  21. Why not ``` Dim itemamount As Long itemamount = HasItem(Index, 1) If itemamount = 0 Or itemamount < 5000 Then PlayerMsg Index, "Not enough item.", BrightRed Exit Sub End If TakeInvItem Index, 1, 5000 ``` Replace the numbers with variables and you got what your code does with out all those loops.
  22. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    Level 20 req: Just add a check in the createguild sub, exitsub if there under 20. Npc: Would need to do that on your own, I don't mind doing easy requests but that one is more than I'm willing to do atm.
  23. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    You didn't add this server side. –------------------------------------------------------------ FIND: ``` ' General Name As String * ACCOUNT_LENGTH Sex As Byte Class As Long Sprite As Long Level As Byte exp As Long Access As Byte PK As Byte ``` UNDER ADD: ``` GuildFileId As Long GuildMemberId As Long ``` –-----------------------------------------------------------
  24. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    Looks right hard to read on my iPad, test it that's the best way to find out.
  25. Scott

    [EO 2.0/3.0] Guilds

    I've been very busy I mostly reply from my iPad, but I do plan on fixing those issues soon within the next week I hope but don't hold me to it. If any major bugs come up I will make time for it like the last, the color is not a major bug so it can wait till I have more time to just do all the changes/minor bugs I want.
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