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Everything posted by quintensky

  1. I need a logo for my game, and since i'm total sh*t with pixels, im asking someone to make a SIMPLE logo for me.. i want it to look something like this: **Name: Krayta Online Style: medieval (like wood, stone, you know?) Colors: nothing specific really, maybe some brown (wood) and grey (stone)?** if anyone coud help me out, i would be VERY thankfull
  2. Eon - Celldweller (EON is the name of the song)
  3. my desktop ![](http://i46.tinypic.com/ejfvb6.png) nothing special…
  4. quintensky

    Logo Request

    @Chief: > Why would you do a crappy one after I already gave him a great one? Loading Trollface.avi
  5. awwwwww thats just too bad :( well nothing else to do but just get rid ofthe chatbox and use the text drawn to screen thing
  6. shouldn't this be in source tutorials? anyway: ~~one question: where do i put the first part of the tutorial? the subs, i was thinking in ModCombat, but then again, it's not about combat, its about targetting, but then again targetting is a part of combat, and thats where my brain gave up on me…. se where do i put those subs?~~ nvm, i downloaded the compiled version that you included with your post, and i'll just check where everything belongs
  7. alright, and erwin, can i make like a Gui over over the picscreen? because then i could just make a transparent box in photoshop and place it over the picscreen, not very professional but oh well :P
  8. ohhh! so that means… Eo can't do what i want?
  9. i have seen a couple of tutorials about a transparent chatbox, but none of them made the chatbox transparent AND make it able to be on top of the picscreen, i want my chatbox to be about 70-80% transparent and over the picscreen, if someone could hlp me find an existing tutorial about that, that would be great :)
  10. @Ryoku: > in "CanPlayerAttackNpc", above "CanPlayerAttackNpc = True" add > > in "CanPlayerAttackPlayer", above "CanPlayerAttackPlayer = True" add i think i put it Under it :P ill just try again
  11. i want to make like a function thats does this: in a cave, you press [Tab] (
  12. Is this Graphical, or only commands?
  13. quintensky

    Game Icon

    how do i make a .ico image?
  14. oohh so there is 2 way to do it? cool, i used the ''Key Open'' as it is easier for players :P
  15. quintensky

    Game Icon

    how did you do it?
  16. The window itself, should be made bigger in The project it is reffered to as: frmMain, you just click it and move the blue boxes around, make the picscreen fit inside the frmMain, also: you have to move the gui around, just drag your inventory, spells etc. nect to your picscreen, make sure EVERYTHING fits inside the frmMain EDIT: thats was your question right? i see you're using Altairs quest client :P same here bro! i didn't feel like putting in that HUGE change to the client
  17. this is Probably the most dumb question ever but i can't figure it out, by asking this, im going to make a total fool out of myself, i realize that, so please no hatefull comments replies. what is up with the ''key''' atribute? there are 2 of them, one is named ''key'' the other is named ''key open'' i made a key item, and i want to make a barrier that can only be opened with that key, it doesn't make any sense, the ''keý open'' thing is done word coördinates… and the other is: picking an item, i just don't get it because they both just won't work, please don't hate me for this question
  18. i now realise… that my question was really dumb this, ty for reminding me what was wrong
  19. after my problem with visual basics, i encountered a new problem, take a look: [![](http://img824.imageshack.us/img824/4041/fsdbsfdhdfhdrfhdg.png)](http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/824/fsdbsfdhdfhdrfhdg.png/) how do i fix?
  20. @kira423: > I am not sure about Portable, but I am running windows 7 and these are the instructions I used to install VB 6 enterprise. It may help you to get enterprise working right on your laptop. These instructions work without using the XP emulator. > > http://www.fortypoundhead.com/showcontent.asp?artid=20502 Well that did the trick :) i am VERY thankfull for your help :D
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