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Everything posted by Jimmy93

  1. @karpaz: > can you put info for resolution 1024x768 ? how i must use numers … 1024x768 = 31x23 max_mapx = 31 max_mapy = 23
  2. Jimmy93


    Thank you :)
  3. Jimmy93


    Anyone got any clue where i could download the thilesheet used/similar to make the edges/cliffs in this image. ![](http://img812.imageshack.us/img812/3596/85022793.jpg)
  4. search for .bmp and replace with .png?
  5. ' move GUI picAdmin.Left = 544 picCurrency.Left = txtChat.Left picCurrency.top = txtChat.top picDialogue.top = txtChat.top picDialogue.Left = txtChat.Left picScreen.width = X picScreen.height = Y picCover.top = picScreen.top - 1 picCover.Left = picScreen.Left - 1 picCover.height = picScreen.height + 2 picCover.width = picScreen.width + 2 or just click on the picScreen (picturebox) and find the height: / Width: in the properties of it.
  6. Yeah that helped alot, thanks :)
  7. Hey! So i've added an tilesheet with 512x512 size when i add an 32x32 tile into the game it dosnt get transparant, it gets white background which is very ugly… i removed it from the image in photoshop then saved it back to .bmp and the problem still exists any suggestions?
  8. Jimmy93

    Hosting online?

    ^that im not sure of. as i said i was ingame playing around with my friends then we went on lunch so i turned it down then when i got back i turned it back up again and neither of us could log in
  9. Jimmy93

    Hosting online?

    i've portwarded because it worked fine before i went on lunch then when i got back i started it all again and nothing worked :/
  10. Jimmy93

    Hosting online?

    So i changed the ip=xx.xxx.x.xxx in client/data files/config.ini and the port = 7002 (original 7001 couldnt run on that) changed the port inside server/data/options.conf to port= 7002 (original 7001) And when i try to login it says server seems to be down? Ip address comes from http://www.whatismyip.com/ Any suggestions on a solution?
  11. I tried that robin and nothing is running on 7001\.
  12. It loads the console down to creating map cache… Loading system tray... "error pops up"
  13. when i start up the server.exe i get "Run-time error 10048 Address in use" I had the files on my laptop before and moved it all over to my stational computer and when i start the server now i get error :< Any ideas? i tried redo it all and reconfigure it all.
  14. Equipment & Inventory Where do i change the placement of those? i mean i can change the images but still needs to code it so they lay on correct position.
  15. Lets say i made a new gui at 1400x900px in photoshop and want to add it in. if i resize the width and height in source it dosnt becomes in px version. so how do i know what width and heigt is 1400x900 px?
  16. Yes i did read your tutorial and tried to follow it as much as possible but your files looks diffrent from mine..
  17. alright, i'll try that.' Didnt work… maybe i've wrong version? i used this version of vb6.0 on my other pc which is xp 32x and this is win7 64x. does matter?
  18. After installed vb6.0 enterprise edition yes. also restarted it after installed sp6 too
  19. oh alright, will try that now then. tnx Nope still the same…
  20. by delete source code u mean uninstall vb? and yes i've re-booted it
  21. Thanks Robin, except it didnt change anything…
  22. i've installed the Visual Basic 6.0 SP5: Run-Time Redistribution Pack (vbrun60sp5.exe) yes :p here's what makes it unable to load. any ideas on how to fix? Line 198: Class MSComctlLib.ListView of control lvwInfo was not a loaded control class.
  23. When i start up visual basic 6.0 it works fine. i can create a new .exe form etc… but when i load the eo project files it says following: Object library not registered. ![](http://img806.imageshack.us/img806/1513/namnlsgd.png) When pressing OK it loads the project but no files/forms/modules is in it. I had it working on my other pc but i bought a new one and got this prob atm. would be very thankful if anyone could help me out.
  24. I have a question about this "Shop" and "NPC" If i make a shop and a npc how do i make so the shop opens if i talk to the npc?
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