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Posts posted by lel

  1. > Why isn't my experience showing? It should be half-way.
    > ![](http://s10.postimg.org/hwloktmvt/helpew.png)

    That's been an issue with a lot of core engines. I saw a fix for it around here a while back. I decided not to worry about it since it wasn't too serious. Thanks for sharing with me.

    I will add something for you soon and we can see if that fixes it for you. 

    P.S clean your inventory lol
  2. > men shroom doom is pretty hard it take 7 - 10 min before we kill him me and orbegon when we kill him it give no exp what the nuts

    Well honestly your not even suppose to be able to take him on for a while lol

    To be fair, it does say on the guide that he is "for high level players looking for rare loot." 

    The loot you get from him requires something special coming out in Chapter 1. 

    If you want to spend a while fighting something as a team I recommend the strangest in Tripass for exp. 

    > Well if there is then you can type in a name then it will be cut off in the game, but I can still ask.

    I'm very sorry you have had troubles with your name, I will look into getting your name fixed in the future. It will be a while thou. 

    > sorry for the double post but is this ok?![](https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/573x454q90/163/no4g.png)

    No that will happen every once in a while. As long as you don't try to make it happen, it won't happen too often. I found many times thou if you are playing with low internet speed it will happen a lot. 

  3. We pretty much did everything we said we were going to do in the previous post (adjusted warp tiles, fixed roof). The more serious issue mentioned has not yet been addressed yet, it will probably have to wait until tomorrow.

    So….. we tried to take on the second boss at lvl 9... (and lvl 10 I think as well.) It was a mess.... Lets just say when everyone was saying the game was too hard at first earlier in the beginning, I thought it was too easy. Now the second boss.... I'm saying is way too hard. There is some huge adjustments that need to be made to that boss as well as the rest of the related chapter ( Chapter 1.) We are working hard to try and release Chapter 1 before you the players finish Chapter 0.

    Chapter 0 has been a great accomplishment, and the feedback we have received has been so satisfying (and helpful !) we are doing our best to bring to you exactly what you would want and expect from Chapter 1\. I'm also happy to announce that there will indeed be a very very big change to development that we think you as the player will be incredibly happy to hear about..... But for now..... it's a surprise. 

    On behalf of the Endless Waltz Management Team - lel, 

                                                                                             Thank you very much for your interest in Endless Waltz!
  4. The roof issue is of some concern. As far as using Npc block tiles, this will almost never happen. Those tile types leave too many opportunities to take advantage of enemies. We will look into possible solution maybe just simply changing one of the warp tiles to a slightly further location from the entrance and offering another route into town and into Trispass (and any other area that MIGHT be added in the near future-.^ ) there is a more serious that we have to look into, that will take priority first. Until than, we deeply apologize for the weight of burden you experience during gameplay.
  5. there's actually a different warp tile for every space in that area. 3 in total if I remember correctly. Its kind of hard to explain, but try warping to the next area using a different tile. if you look closely you'll notice that there's not only just one tile to Warp you to the next map
  6. I am very use to a game called Final Fantasy XI. 

    You spend about a solid week or two trying to get to level 10.

    From that point you are pretty much forced to join parties to get higher. 

    My game is a thousand times more forgiving than FFXI lol. 

    I personally feel like my game is way too easy…. This comes from someone that beat Diablo 3 on inferno with a hardcore character ( no cheating)....Which is probably the hardest thing to do on that game. So I realize my exceptions of easy and hard are not the same as the general public.
  7. > Thanks, but I have not released anything about my project yet. I want it in a good state (Alpha or Beta) then I would like to release it to the world! (Mainly Eclipse & Indie sites)  :D

    Well with what you have shown so far, I'm greatly impressed.
  8. > Hey lel, I'm wondering if there is a update section or a page saying what future updates may be, if so can you direct me to it, if not then could you think about making one? I really like this game.

    Well… In general this is a great idea. With our game, after chapter 1 is released people will quickly understand what to expect from other updates. We're extremely excited you like our game! We will take in consideration your suggestion.

    For now, please accept this in advanced.

    Chapter 1 will have the following solid changes. 

    1 new area and 1 new town spread across 4 new maps ( arguably 8-9 new maps)    

    Additional 1 hour of game-play that adds to the story and cut scenes.     

    Crafting ( very basic at first but will quickly expand) 

    Complete control over your ability to change classes without losing your level. 

    The plan to release this chapter is one week.

    We kind of felt like this chapter is missing at least a little something something..... It's hard to explain..... 

    So we are probably going to push back the release until we can add that little something something to it so it matches our exceptions.
  9. This is an amazing game. With ,if not the best, close to the very best of people working on it. From the programmers to the artists. 

    Endless Waltz wishes to get itself  to the level of production this game has reached to one day, but it's not our goal =)
  10. > Men i cant get out of the house because those chair asking me too sit and i cant talk to the girl and the moving i fell like its bug when i move it go back again feel its very laggy..btw i will make you background i will give to you tomorrow right now i will sleep

    Okay I will send you a PM in a second. After you respond to the PM and I have seen your response we shall fix the issue as soon as possible =)

    Until then, try these things out.

    1. After talking to the "Snitch" (and leaving the "upstairs" area) you should be prompted to "talk to the front desk." The auditor is a very busy person. She will not talk to you if you rudely go around the desk to talk to her. You must wait your turn and talk to her from across the desk.  

    2\. After talking to the front desk she will ask you to go around the corner (while still inside the hotel) and downstairs to the library.

    This will not be possible until you have finished talking to her. 

    3\. Once you have went to the library, you can now leave he hotel. 

    4\. The library is full of very necessary information, thus everyone is required to go there before leaving and playing with the other members fully. 

    Should these things not help you we will still be able to help in some way. We  are sure.
  11. > hi i am playing your game, right now :D, just a quick question, is there a way to change the control? i got used in adws bottons sorry :>  
    > and bout the game, yes it is indeed nice, well animated, the graphics is really nice :D thumbs up

    Sorry for the inconvenience. This is not something we will be looking into as of recently.

    Thank you for your interest in Endless Waltz!
  12. Thanks a lot Some of those are really noticeable like you said. I probbly won't address all of them. but you can be assured I'll address those really horrid ones. 

    Thanks Orb! 

    Update- party members not being able to attack the same target is now fixed.
  13. So you have done about everything I asked. Yet you still can't get the game to start!


    You leveled up your class, you feel like you have good gear, but you can't beat this boss?

    Well we're here to maybe….. "try" to help you with these issues. Rather it be the game won't start., or you are finding the game difficult.Now if your problem could have been solved by just simply running the "Run-time files" then we're ignoring you. If your difficulty with the in game content could have been answered in the library or the guides in the game. We're also ignoring you. 

    If you have a very good computer, that I consider high end…AND your game won't start at all. Try this client.[Click here to Download. ](http://www.sendspace.com/file/xmgrsi) And replace it with the other file called "Endless Waltz" that is like 2.45 MB and looks like a suite of armor.

    Helpful hints!

    >! HH 1\. If you are trying to run this game on something really old like windows 98,  something as new as windows 8, or a mac. I'm sorry. I do not currently have any support for this yet.
    >! HH2\. If you are trying to run off some really bad computer with loads of viruses, or slow CPU, or 500 mb of RAM AND you can not get this game to run properly. I'm sorry. I do not currently have any support for this yet.
    >! HH3\. Please use common sense. Many issues you may incur might be caused because you are doing something you need not to do. For example… when talking to/ or interacting with an event or NPC. You need not to keep pressing CTRL over and over after you have activated the event. 
    >! HH4\. I have had some troubles before with a computer I was using. I found cleaning it ( viruses scanning, de-fragmenting, and "Error checking were incredible helpful and solved many of my issues.
    >! HH5 Many of your fellow Eclipsers around here have played Endless Waltz with no troubles at all. You may want to ask yourself why you alone are having a problem no one else is, before claiming there is fault on our part.
    >! HH6\. Once you have concluded there might be some error with in the game that is our fault, please try to be as detailed as possible when reporting this kind of error, this way we may better server you =) 
    >! HH7, Please try not too use a lot of your internet while playing this game (i.e downloading, streaming videos and music.) or anything that may slow your internet speed down. This will especial cause problems with your story progression or interaction with NPC's and such.

    In game Hints.

    >! 1.The first boss is not meant to be fought at early levels before 6 or 7\. Nor is the first boss meant to be fought with other players.
    >! 2\. every area of the game has a new piece of equipment for every class ( at least that's my goal.) So. if you have not received a new piece of gear, you might want to stay in that area for a longer amount of time. Should you  have spent countless hours in an area and not found a piece of equipment for your character. Ask me about it. Might add something there. 
    >! 3\. Be patient, its suppose to be an MMO, not just some normal RPG.
  14. Thanks Knight =/

    IDK why but I always end up working on my game even when I shouldn't….. So.. with that being said...

    1.I just removed the problem for players not being able to attack the same monster while in the same party.

    **This change has not yet been applied! I still need to get the technical support team to apply it. It will be done soon thou.**

    2\. I'll be adding a "Having troubles? quick guide. For some having troubles loading the game or just finding the game too difficult in general. I did find that people with very good computers ( Emphasis
      on "VERY"
     can not load the game at all; in which, I shall give them a client that should work.  

    3\. I'll be working on "chapter 1" very shortly after this post.
  15. I'm still quite sick… and while arguably I could still play just fine and do some updates... I have not been able to stay awake for much longer than 30 mins at a time or so. Thus I can't quite promise I'll be keeping with the "Play with lel this Saturday" update. Also the party bug where player in the same party can't attack the same target, is very very fixable (and will be fixed) this also might not be done until I get a little better.   

    I do apologize for any inconvenience but do very much appreciate your support.
  16. > **Orbegon, on 17 Dec 2013 - 7:01 PM, said:**

    > When talking to the seeker, I had red named animals attacking me! So I died several times just trying to talk to her! Maybe you should put a block off around the npc so that other monsters dont collide with the conversation.    ;)

    > The prices are too high in the first shop, and yes I never killed a sheep and I keep dying trying to.

    > -Scott (Orbegon)

    **>! About the Seeker – your info was especially helpful because it tells us the first seeker wasn't too hard to find (YAY!)
    >! The seeker is particularly difficult to talk to if you are not the right level for that area. We will take blame for this… because we forgot to add the suggested level to the guides. (Tripass is a suggested lvl 4 btw. Iwe'd stay there until lvl 8 but you could probably move on by 7.. doubtful but possibly 6.) Now based on the reactions We're getting from many about the beginning area being too hard, we're guessing you're not even level 4 yet lol. Once you are a high enough level and if you have properly distributed your points, you can easily take on these slimes before attempting to talk to the seeker. If you feel your level and point distribution is adequate, and you still have problems, we'd recommend asking a friend to jump on and give you a hand ; furthermore, if no one can help you through it, we'd would be delighted to give you a quick hand =). Also while investigating this issue we found an issue with the NPC's that we had to correct... mostly my fault. That issue was fixed.**

    **Richy, on 17 Dec 2013 - 10:13 AM, said:**

    > 3: Most of the time, the combos don't work. The code is being too sensitive in the timing of the attack instead of how regular games handle their combos by using a two/three button combo within the weapon delay time, instead of having to time it so perfect after a delay time…

    Actually the timing of the combos isn't particularly picky at all lol. If you watch the video we posted about combos, you'll see yourself and learn how to do combos a lot better. It's not a combo system like dynasty warriors or some other famous games with a combo system where if you don't press the next button with in a certain time it restarts your combo. Our suggestion is to slow down a little. Once you get the hang of it you can release combos like its nothing = )  **As far as the other issues…. Fixed!

    1\. You said the beginning was too un-balenced, we have heard your plea, and responded with action! Changed the health of every monster and lowered them. This in turn required us to lower the pets stats a summoner summons as well.

    2\. We also felt the exp gain could have been a little more forgiving. So I increased exp gain by more then 2x as much for some enemies!
    Then we went in with the weakest equipment and weakest set up for all the classes and tested it all out. We was easily able to smash on the enemies even if I missed a couple of combos.

    NOTE: Rare monsters were not effected or changed for this adjustment (mentioned above) at all, as they were not applicable to the problem.

    3\. We found the sparker was way way too weak compared to the warrior. Re balanced him out and did not “gimp” the warrior at all.

    4.Lowered the prices in the shops by a lot! Also more than 50%. We also added an extra item to buy. The amount of gold you get will not be increased however.

    5\. We are currently ( as we speak ) editing more detail to the “guide”s in each map. This should probably get edited before you even read this. However I personally have been at work and awake since 10pm my time, it is now 10:40am my time. Its possible I will fall asleep before I finish. If I do…. I will post a picture for all of you that has keyboard prints on my face, so you can all laugh at me.**

    **Eye to eye: Lets talk for a second, come here, sit down next to me will you? **
    **I feel like if you can get two hours or even one hour in without the game crashing, this is fine. Even in my experience of playing games like Diablo 3 or Borderlands 2 the game would crash on me for something out of my control, or I would get stuck in a wall, or something like that and have to kill myself or restart. This would and could possibly happen once every 30 mins on me! This has never really bugged me. All games have some bugs in them, and I expect mine to have more than a professional leveled game like those mentioned above. **
  17. > **Mohenjo Daro, on 17 Dec 2013 - 7:27 PM, said:**

    > Well, I found two bugs;

    > 1) When you are walking, if you time it right or by accident and walk into an NPC that is moving where you are, they are sent back to their spawn, minor but still there.

    > 2) I am a summoner and was hit by a blob thing, squishy or something, for give me, I can't recall the name, and it hit me and I had a Error, something about script out of range, I don't have the message but can probably get it again if needed.

    > **>! We are very sorry, we can not fix these issues specifically. Do not fear thou! These issues may get fixed once we stumble upon a problem that is in our extreme concern range. We realize after reading such a thing, you may wonder exactly what kind of thing we are looking for; however, the things we are extremely worried about are not the kind of things we want someone to go out of their way looking for. I hope you'll understand this mind set, and know we greatly appreciate your report, and hope to hear more from you!**
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