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Everything posted by BeNjO

  1. It works for me Edit: Removed image
  2. BeNjO

    Donation Goal!

    @'Yuko': > I'm donating my time, does that count? Nope.
  3. Reminds me of the vb6 users vs c#/c++ etc users.. Just because you like, it doesn't mean it's automatically the BEST for everyone. I Agree with JC (duhh).
  4. BeNjO

    Donation Goal!

    Donated $10 like i said i would if the mmorpgmaker.com link was fixed. Ty
  5. BeNjO

    Donation Goal!

    I would donate, But seems you were more than happy to ask for donations but not spend the time to fix the URL / respond on the other thread. I'll donate when this is fixed.
  6. Can't wait, Everyone is waiting for a game to play! < 3
  7. New Skywyre Engine guide : http://www.eclipseorigins.com/thread-85376-newpost.html
  8. Yeah, Normally when they come from USA they have been steep'd enough, But these 3 bottles seem to have been made/flow over night right to my door lol
  9. Never heard of them nor infused with Melatonin, Never had a good experience with the sleeping pills I was on after surgery. Would be scared to try it but think it would be fun to try haha. I would offer to swap some juices with you (unopened ofc) but we can both buy them online haha. I've seen someone making weed ejuice, but in my honest opinion it seemed like a total waste of weed. They put a huge back of weed in a pan of warm ejuice and gently warmed it. Will admit the juice got me high..but the amount of weed that went into the juice was crazy and IF I smoked pot then i'd rather of had the bag haha. You americans make the best juices. Our british stuff is about as tasty as a bar of soap. Never found a decent flavour, that's why I moved to USA juices and havent looked back since.
  10. Fixes: * More elaborate Error messages at character creation, * Health needing to be
  11. Hahaha, Trust you Evan
  12. Na, i use the Aero Mega (i got this wrong on other post) at home and sometimes a sub tank, but when im out and about I use a sub tank/triton (when it works) or the stlantis V2\. I have / had loads of tanks, I try all the new tanks when I think there worth buying, But even the V2 hates 100% vg juice and end up dry hitting or not enough vape. Even using the same juice as i started it tends to be selective :( Edit: I use the Mega mainly for the cheap heads ( a box for a few quid) and less amounts of vape but same nic hit. Its my really old but very reliable tank, I'v gone through 3 sub tank mini's since they came out and two normal sized pro tanks. They seam to break around the insulator at the bottom, Not sure if its slight juice leakage that ruins the insulator but they just get trashed. Want the V2 sub tank but no buying another tank until these break. I have at the moment sub tank v1 atlantis v2 triton aero turbo aero mega (the one that takes 2 atty heads) sub tank mini v1 nautilus atlantis v1 and some other trash that I dont remember name/brand there just for show. Edit: The picture of my flavours are my old ones, I went through every single flavour (not incl menthol/sweet types like gummy bears etc) on my online shop (all shops in my area stock the cheap chinese stuff, the small thin bottle on my bottles pic) I'm currently using Njoy - Sacre Coeur, Versus Vape - Annex, Versus Vape - Dominion, Which are terrible, which is strange, I've had both company's flavours before and the njoy samba was in my top 5 at one point, but these 3 taste like the cheap Chinese stuff. Not sure if its the high noise' I chose, but just terrible. Chosen to steep them and give them a shake every couple of days when iv replaced the air inside the bottle.
  13. Best flavour iv ever used was The Peoples Vape - Tundra, really nice cold vape, Has a kind of menthol effect to it but, I put it down to more of breathing in icey air when its winter. Hate mentol type and wasnt advertised as mentol but really nice either way. out and about stuff: ![](http://puu.sh/ihgUz/69d897b80d.jpg) ![](http://puu.sh/ihh2y/5e9b545c8d.jpg) Home stuff: ![](http://puu.sh/dQAZf/ae1ace2b4e.jpg) Old pictures, My old iTaste 134 next to my P3 (tanks were just to show, not used on these mods) ![](http://puu.sh/dQukR/8b22587346.jpg) ![](http://puu.sh/dQv0z/82680180e4.jpg) Used to love reviewing stuff and posting it in a blog, I took it down in Jan as just didn't have time to do it :(
  14. Haha, a post what your using thread xD still look forward to your input on tanks though, Mainly youtubers are sent stuff for free so kind of 'bought' opitnion.
  15. Bah just relised this is a thread about reviews etc, deleted my stuff haha. Looks good Tyler
  16. Might of being downloading the old version when I removed the download. Honestly not sure as it works for me/matt and a friend who came on to test :(. Noticed a few errors, Regardless of what you choose for a class the little tool tip at character selection and when you hover over a player it says the wrong tool tip. Army button and health potion in the tutorial do not make sense. Hoping to have stuff done and live today.
  17. Ok, something messed up, Fixing it now.. Its what I get pushing it live at gone 4 AM :( –--------- All fixed, new installer works now haha, All bugs gone!
  18. @'3KMaster': > Hi guys, anyone know why in my game appears these small traces in the screen? > ![](https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/11913111_981766351898943_1059070831_n.jpg?oh=b60c23787ddce3d17c99bec1554e4e38&oe=55DBC7F2&__gda__=1440480482_e0a219ded87ac5549dc6f72162df706a) I think this is your DPI settings, not sure what they need to be, play around with them :)
  19. You are doing the 'did cast = false' in all cases, Or for testing purposes you are facing UP with the above fix correct?
  20. Awesome! Cant wait to see more. Just a heads up your ordering is wrong :p But looking neato :D. @'RomeOnline': > (In order left to right) > 1\. Scimitar like item > 2\. BattleAxe like item > 3\. Sprite in basic bronze armor > ![](http://i.imgur.com/3ip4m0d.png)
  21. Yeah, The revision is not set until after all the files are downloaded. That way no files are skipped or half downloaded.
  22. Finally, First Beta test is out! Download from the website [Downloads Page](http://www.divisionoflife.com/download.html) Or Installer (Game + Launcher) [Here](http://www.divisionoflife.com/update/Division%20Of%20Life.exe) Installer (Launcher Only) [Here](http://www.divisionoflife.com/update/Division%20Of%20Life%20Launcher%20Only.exe) New launcher is LIVE! You should delete everything to do with Division Of Life on your computer and redownload the new installer. Go crazy! I advise you to NOT to close the launcher during downloads.
  23. Hey Seal, Thanks dude, most indepth feedback so far! I'll look into the quest stuff tonight, been working on the new launcher Matt made for me. Heres a sneak peak: ![](http://puu.sh/jLSCb/97f4794d98.jpg)
  24. 1\. New launcher is being made by Matt, Current launcher sucks way too much :) 2\. Same as above buddy, Its stupidly broken! 3\. Do you mean, No mouse hovering its just there, Static? 4\. Not sure which email box you mean, Char creation or Login? 5\. That is something I am actually doing right now, I threw the information in as a to-do thing just needed something there :) 6\. Could be a possible thing to do! 7\. The tutorial will have this in the future. 8\. Will add this in, Before I upgraded to Unity 5, my Unity 4 version had this, but Unity 5 broke alot of things. 9\. The skills are as is, mainly because the skills can be used at any level, it just requires a set amount of Magic to use them. Maybe seperate them into tiers or something? 10\. I noticed this also when testing patcher, Something seems to be resetting it and will look into this! 11\. The settings are at the bottom right, but I will add the Esc menu :) 12\. Full settings will be added after BETA, I tried to set draw distance etc higher just whilst in beta and didn't add it in the settings menu. 13\. I know healing npcs worked, Didn't now buffing them worked too. The main reason it's this way is for the Taming and because AoE spells used to hurt your own character (like real life). 14\. Good call on this! 15\. Will double check the code for that quest. Quests are randomly created and offered so will look into this. 16\. Torch light is being worked on, It used to function like the hanging lights near Vendors but since the upgrade they broke so I just disabled them until I had a chance to work on them. 17\. Will check into this too! Good catch! 18\. I spotted this too whilst patching. Tey are meant to be the easiest to kill but some how managed to get range (and they can hit from quiet far too!). Thanks for reminding me! Best feedback so far! Thanks for trying it out. Did you have any issues with settings menu displaying or main menu clicking (having to double click randomly). Not sure on the version you have since the patcher basically screwed me over. The current .RAR on the website is the current uptodate client whilst Matt works on a actual working one! Hmm my edit didn't work :( The server is an 8 core @ 2.4GHz Atom with 8gb ram that sits in France. It has a 100 MB dedicated line just for us!
  25. @'GalacticGlum': > @'Baron: > > > Are you all blind? I get to test it, get rare loot before other players (higher selling prices then), and get to stay a member when it opens to everyone > > why pay to test content when everyone will get to play it eventually for free? Answered above. People seem to forget, Time and money goes into a game. Take my DoL for example, As soon as people saw the premium they started claiming pay to win without even knowing what it was. If I want to have premium.. I will and same for this guy. Not everything is free in life. Don't like it? Don't buy it! You might say, well, it's made with "just Eclipse" well people who use the next step might judge. c#/c++ might look down on vb6 as we have seen many times on here, but people who use Unity might look down on "c#/c++ users, but people who use something more expensive/better than unity would think Unity sucks and worthless the same as people think about Eclipse. So where ever you are in the chain, there's always someone who's going to think the base engine/coding language etc sucks and is not worth anything.
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