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Tic Tac 2

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Everything posted by Tic Tac 2

  1. Whenever i cast a spell, it never goes off cooldown. "Spell has not cooled down yet!" Paying you 5 dollars if you fix this for me. PM me if you'd like to fix it for me. **FIXED: This bug happens if you do not have any spell icon files.**
  2. People can speedhack and shoot a lot of projectiles at once. But they can't do it with normal melee weapons when attacking npcs. I used this fix to prevent that: [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/131308-bug-fix-correction-in-time-of-attack-npc/?hl=%2Btime+%2Battack](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/131308-bug-fix-correction-in-time-of-attack-npc/?hl=%2Btime+%2Battack) But how do i make bows shoot arrows no faster than the set attack speed?
  3. People can still speedhack bows, how do you fix this?
  4. > Find where it draws in the text and then put a Case for if admin, else this color (I think that's all you need) The problem is i've been looking a long ass while but i can't find it, lol
  5. If someone's message starts with ">" i'd like to make the text green. How would i go to make this? I'd like for it to work for both map messages, global and pms. Example: [Map] Admin: Hello [Map] Admin: >Hello [Global] Admin: Hello [Global] Admin: >Hello
  6. > This exactly. Try to make sure it actually fixes the bug without causing more before you post a tutorial. > > > > Cheers. It does fix the bug, although Peaverin's version allows multiple events to run at a time without activating the same one, so it's just a better solution.
  7. > > A movement for granting women political, social, and economic equality with men. This is the literal definition of 'feminism' although many women interpret this wrong as "crush all white straight men"
  8. > Two friends of mine had the same problem. It's because their DPI is too high, it has to be at 96\. It's very easy to change it. This tutorial explains it step by step: > > [http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/443-dpi-display-size-settings-change.html](http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/443-dpi-display-size-settings-change.html) Thanks, i'll tell them to try this. If it works i'll set thread to solved. :)
  9. The game is now in testing. I've patched a couple of bugs and made a bunch of skills trainable. ![](http://i.imgur.com/Gj1fUs8.png)
  10. For some users, mainly windows 8 users and sometimes windows 7 64 bit i've seen that their resolution gets really fucked up and they can see everything except for the chatbox/event dialogue, which makes the game unplayable for them as a lot of the game requires interaction with events. **What their game looks like** ![](http://i.imgur.com/b16aKRL.png) What it's supposed to look like ![](http://i.gjcdn.net/imgserver/screenshot-thumbnail/898x1000/119978.jpg)
  11. > Try this fix, made by Benjo on this topic: [http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/136814-ew-how-to-modify-npcplayer-speed/#entry937530](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/136814-ew-how-to-modify-npcplayer-speed/#entry937530) > > > > Private Sub CheatCheck_Timer() > If SpeedHack + 6000 < GetTickCount Then > 'do kicking stuff here dont forget to log this > End If > SpeedHack = GetTickCount > End Sub > > Timers are affected by speed hacks, gettickcount is not, Basically, If 6 seconds goes by faster than 5 seconds, you know it Is a speed hack. > > Have a timer on the client interval 5000 with the above code, adjust it to suit your needs and it works. > > The speed will still be hack-able, but it will be much more hard and simple Cheat Engine users won't be able to do it. The main problem here is that the speed is set client-side. It should be completely rewritten server-side, or send the player's speed from the client to the server every sec and check if the speed is modified and kick/ban the user. I put this is modServerLoop right?
  12. > Already done by someone in Sub CheckAttack you need to delete line of code with event and It wont happen again.This is also nice and you can put 2 fixes in your source to be sure. NICE AND SHORT If you do it in Sub CheckAttack people with high ping can still activate it 2-4 times. Plus, if you use another client or modify your client you can also bypass it. This is entirely server-sided, so it's better.
  13. EO3.0 has a gamebreaking flaw. You can activate an event more than once by holding CTRL down and getting a reward 100 times. For this, we're gonna put a check at HandleEvent to make sure you can only run 1 event at a time per player. **SERVER SIDE** **Step 1: In HandleEvent Sub, find this** ``` If TempPlayer(Index).EventMap.CurrentEvents > 0 Then ``` Step 2: Above that, paste this ``` If TempPlayer(Index).EventProcessingCount >= 1 Then begineventprocessing = False Else ``` Step 3: Add an "End If" under the other End Ifs to the bottom of the **If TempPlayer(Index).EventProcessingCount >= 1** **Then** part. Now you are done. There is no client side fix needed.
  14. > Is Lavos going to share the fix with everyone else? Or just for you? I think a bug fix like that should be shared with the community. I fixed it myself, although i couldn't have done it if Lavos didn't find HandleEvent i didnt even know that sub existed lol. still paid him ill share it
  15. **[This post is a contract between me and Lavos.] I'm paying him 10 dollars after he fixes two of my problems: Event system multiple duplications and Hunger system not draining sometimes. If he solves these for me i'm paying him 10 dollars. And if i don't you can ban me.** _Help from other people is still welcome though._
  16. > Hey. > > If it froze when he was AFK, the source of the problem is in the code that manages **_what_** makes the hunger going down. > > Could you post a screen of your code, or the link to the tutorial, so I can see what's wrong. > > EDIT: Don't read my last sentence. I saw you already posted your link (sorry xD)< > > > > EDIT 2: Okay, so, I read the code, and it seems to have absolutely no problem. So, I'll ask you to try some things so we can find the real source of the problem. > > > > First: try reducing your hunger timer a lot, so it is extremely visible to see your hunger going down. 1 second should be good (60 ticks I think). > > > > Secondly, do you have any "Away" system that activates when a player is afk? If so, the problem might be there (If there is one in the features of the engine, the problem could come from there too) > > > > Thirdly, Try using extremely quickly multiple food items. There could be a glitch there that blocks your hunger when consuming food too quickly. > > > > Then, don't forget to activate debug mode each time you do this, to see what happens when you do anything. > > > > Also add the hunger value to the debugger to see if it is a display problem. Hey. I'll try reducing the hunger timer so it's fast. I don't have any away systems i think, i'm using eclipse the final frontier. (EO3.0 expansion) i'll try the third suggestion too. Also, I have debug mode activated, but i don't see any form of window of code or anything. Editing when i've done this. EDIT: Reduced the timer now so its easier to debug. EDIT2: Eating food fast doesn't seem to cause any difference. Also, i have three different kinds of hunger. Hunger, thirst and Energy. But since those scripts dont interact with each other in any way i doubt that's a problem. I just did the tutorial three times but renamed hunger to thirst and sleep the two other times. EDIT3: It's not a display problem. You're supposed to die when your hunger/thirst/sleep hits 0, and some people never die of hunger depletion. Can you take a look at my code through TeamViewer? I'll pay you if you fix this for me
  17. From this tutorial: [**Hunger System**](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/index.php?/topic/136474-evb-eo2x-hunger-system/) I have a problem. Sometimes, Hunger will stop draining for people sometimes. I'm not sure when this happens but one guy is stuck at 67% hunger, i'm stuck at 100%, another guy is stuck at 44%. If somebody could look at the code in the tutorial to see what's wrong, that would help a lot. And if anybody would like to help me on teamviewer, i'll pay you 8 bucks. **Status: Unsolved.** I'm trying to debug. Edit1: Tried shutting of the server abruptly, this does not stop the timer from going down. Edit2: Eating something does not make the timer stop. Edit3: Updating the map via map editor does not make timer stop. Edit4: Tried most events, events do not make timer stop. Edit5: Dying to an NPC does not make the timer stop. **Edit6: According to one player, it froze when he was AFKing.**
  18. I have a problem. Sometimes, Hunger will stop draining for people. I'm not sure when this happens, but if somebody could look at the code to see what's wrong, that would help a lot. DEBUGGING Edit1: Tried shutting of the server abruptly, this does not stop the timers from going down.
  19. All the other times it worked fine to update, but now it says version4.rar is not a RAR archive. wut do
  20. I'd like my event to warp me to another map, then wait 5 seconds, then warp me elsewhere. But it stops processing after the first warp, so i get stuck in the second map without getting warped again What would i have to do to fix this? Where in the source code? I tried removing ``` TempPlayer(Index).EventProcessingCount = 0 TempPlayer(Index).EventMap.CurrentEvents = 0 ``` in Sub PlayerWarp. But it gave me errors. :-( **EDIT: Fixed. If anybody else has this problem, try making another event on the second map and make it a Parallell process. Make it have you wait the five seconds and then teleport you.**
  21. I've put this code in Sub LeftGame ``` If GetPlayerMap(Index) = 33 Then Call PlayerWarp(Index, 1, 1, 1) End If ``` It's supposed to warp player to map 1 x = 1 y = 1 if the player is on map 33 when exiting the game. But it doesn't work. When i log out i still find myself on map 33. **EDIT: The actual map check works works. There's something wrong with the warp code.** **I changed the warp code to a globalmsg "test", and that strangely works when you log out on the map. But not the playerwarp part.** **EDIT2: I placed Call PlayerWarp(Index, 1, 1, 1) in a custom script for events, and it works.** **It seems that my placement of the script in Sub Leftgame is wrong. Where do i put it to make the player get warped upon logging out in map 33?** **EDIT3: Fixed. I put the code in JoinGame instead. The problem was that the account gets unloaded before executing the script. When putting it at the bottom of JoinGame i can check if the player spawns in map 33 and send him away. I'm using this for my boat script where you wait on a boat for 5 minutes before arriving at your destination. But if you log out during this time the events timer will stop, and you will be stuck on the boat when you log in.**
  22. > Or, you know.. Instead of doing this crap client-sided fix it properly and check if a player is already in an event before performing any other logic. Could you help me making this? I'd very much like to learn how.
  23. > The client side fixes will fix anyone mashing the key. Now they will have to spam the packet instead. Which to be fair does require a tiny bit more knowledge. But not much. It only half-fixes it. Keep in mind that the client side fix only comes into action when the event window pops up. But if they have PING, it takes about 0.2 seconds or more depending on their ping for it to pop up, allowing them to activate it once more.
  24. Bumping to keep it all the way up.
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