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Everything posted by santa-clause

  1. > anyone using this on eclipse advance ? just want to know if it got some issues on that engine I have followed this tut on EA and worked like a sharm.
  2. Hello everyone, So i'm trying to render the map,npcs,players,… on the place on the screenshot where the map is now but now it's actually just a picture over the map. So you can actually walk behind the gui and thats not what it needs to be because you can't see the map behind the gui :P I'm using Miracle Reborn as base. *Screenshot removed due to not allowed to share screenshots of this project* Regards Santa,
  3. > Just asking, looks nice. Tnx and i know you just asked
  4. > Will this be online? It will be an online rpg why you think we use RakNet ;)
  5. > How to use this in EO 3.0 :(? You first have to render everything to frmmain before you can actually use this in EO 3.0 and that's what thomas actually did in Eclipse Advanced. He rendered everything to frmMain. Use [this](http://www.eclipseorigins.com/community/index.php?/topic/127753-eo-event-system-30-resolution-changer/) for fullscreen in EO3.0
  7. santa-clause


    Install the runtimes
  8. > >! ![](http://eatenbrain.com/filehost/files/c9528c1cc5d8a60ceda0b644e206a21d.png) Looking good ;)
  9. Actually it is still not solved but i will just make all the maps again together with my mapper
  10. *BUMP* I isn't fixed the problem is that the autotile isn't loading at all.
  11. I just deleted all the resources before converting and it worked fine i only had a little problem with items but the engine i used before this one also had problems with items so i think it bugged and made some maps corrupted i deleted those maps and i actually couldn't save 3 maps so i think that's pretty good :D
  12. Hello everyone, I'm having a little problem with converting my maps from prospekt to EA reborn. It has something to do with the resources not being fully saved i've added the tutorials by matthew on how to make the advanced skills with xp and stuff. This is the mod that converts everything: ``` Private Declare Sub ZeroMemory Lib "Kernel32.dll" Alias "RtlZeroMemory" (Destination As Any, ByVal Length As Long)Public Sub ConvertAccunts()Dim SFileName As String frmMain.Label1.Caption = "Processing maps... this may take longer depending on the amount of accounts present in \old\..." SFileName = Dir(App.Path & "\old\") Do While SFileName > "" ClearMap ' Load in the old Player. LoadMap SFileName ' Convert to the new Format ConvertMap ' Save Player SaveMap SFileName SFileName = Dir Loop ' Notify the user we're done. frmMain.Label1.Caption = "Done with converting the maps." MsgBox "Done!" & vbNewLine & "You may now close this application."End SubPrivate Sub LoadMap(ByVal SFileName As String) Dim filename As String Dim F, x, y, Z, i As Long filename = App.Path & "\old\" & SFileName F = FreeFile Open filename For Binary As #F Get #F, , OldMap.Name Get #F, , OldMap.Music Get #F, , OldMap.BGS Get #F, , OldMap.Revision Get #F, , OldMap.Moral Get #F, , OldMap.Up Get #F, , OldMap.Down Get #F, , OldMap.Left Get #F, , OldMap.Right Get #F, , OldMap.BootMap Get #F, , OldMap.BootX Get #F, , OldMap.BootY Get #F, , OldMap.Weather Get #F, , OldMap.WeatherIntensity Get #F, , OldMap.Fog Get #F, , OldMap.FogSpeed Get #F, , OldMap.FogOpacity Get #F, , OldMap.Red Get #F, , OldMap.Green Get #F, , OldMap.Blue Get #F, , OldMap.Alpha Get #F, , OldMap.MaxX Get #F, , OldMap.MaxY ' have to set the tile() ReDim OldMap.Tile(0 To OldMap.MaxX, 0 To OldMap.MaxY) For x = 0 To OldMap.MaxX For y = 0 To OldMap.MaxY Get #F, , OldMap.Tile(x, y) Next Next For x = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS Get #F, , OldMap.NPC(x) Get #F, , OldMap.NpcSpawnType(x) Next Get #F, , OldMap.IsMember Get #F, , OldMap.Panorama Get #F, , OldMap.DayNight Close #FEnd SubPrivate Sub ClearMap() Call ZeroMemory(ByVal VarPtr(OldMap), LenB(OldMap)) Call ZeroMemory(ByVal VarPtr(NewMap), LenB(NewMap))End SubPrivate Sub ConvertMap()Dim i, y, x, Z As Long NewMap.Name = OldMap.Name NewMap.Music = OldMap.Music NewMap.BGS = OldMap.Music NewMap.Revision = OldMap.Revision NewMap.Moral = OldMap.Moral NewMap.Up = OldMap.Up NewMap.Down = OldMap.Down NewMap.Left = OldMap.Left NewMap.Right = OldMap.Right NewMap.BootMap = OldMap.BootMap NewMap.BootX = OldMap.BootX NewMap.BootY = OldMap.BootY NewMap.Weather = OldMap.Weather NewMap.WeatherIntensity = OldMap.WeatherIntensity NewMap.Fog = OldMap.Fog NewMap.FogSpeed = OldMap.FogSpeed NewMap.FogOpacity = OldMap.FogOpacity NewMap.Red = OldMap.Red NewMap.Blue = OldMap.Blue NewMap.Green = OldMap.Green NewMap.Alpha = OldMap.Alpha NewMap.MaxX = OldMap.MaxX NewMap.MaxY = OldMap.MaxY ReDim NewMap.Tile(0 To NewMap.MaxX, 0 To NewMap.MaxY) ReDim Preserve OldMap.Tile(0 To NewMap.MaxX, 0 To NewMap.MaxY) For x = 0 To NewMap.MaxX For y = 0 To NewMap.MaxY For i = 1 To 5 NewMap.Tile(x, y).Layer(i).x = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Layer(i).x NewMap.Tile(x, y).Layer(i).y = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Layer(i).y NewMap.Tile(x, y).Layer(i).Tileset = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Layer(i).Tileset Next i For lala = 1 To MapLayer.Layer_Count - 1 NewMap.Tile(x, y).Autotile(lala) = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Autotile(lala) Next lala NewMap.Tile(x, y).Type = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Type NewMap.Tile(x, y).Data1 = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Data1 NewMap.Tile(x, y).Data2 = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Data2 NewMap.Tile(x, y).Data3 = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Data3 NewMap.Tile(x, y).Data4 = OldMap.Tile(x, y).Data4 NewMap.Tile(x, y).DirBlock = OldMap.Tile(x, y).DirBlock Next y Next x For Z = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS NewMap.NPC(Z) = OldMap.NPC(Z) NewMap.NpcSpawnType(Z) = OldMap.NpcSpawnType(Z) Next Z OldMap.Panorama = NewMap.PanoramaEnd SubPrivate Sub SaveMap(ByVal SFileName As String) Dim filename As String Dim F, x, y, Z, i As Long filename = App.Path & "\new\" & SFileName F = FreeFile Open filename For Binary As #F Put #F, , NewMap.Name Put #F, , NewMap.Music Put #F, , NewMap.BGS Put #F, , NewMap.Revision Put #F, , NewMap.Moral Put #F, , NewMap.Up Put #F, , NewMap.Down Put #F, , NewMap.Left Put #F, , NewMap.Right Put #F, , NewMap.BootMap Put #F, , NewMap.BootX Put #F, , NewMap.BootY Put #F, , NewMap.Weather Put #F, , NewMap.WeatherIntensity Put #F, , NewMap.Fog Put #F, , NewMap.FogSpeed Put #F, , NewMap.FogOpacity Put #F, , NewMap.Red Put #F, , NewMap.Green Put #F, , NewMap.Blue Put #F, , NewMap.Alpha Put #F, , NewMap.MaxX Put #F, , NewMap.MaxY For x = 0 To NewMap.MaxX For y = 0 To NewMap.MaxY Put #F, , NewMap.Tile(x, y) Next Next For x = 1 To MAX_MAP_NPCS Put #F, , NewMap.NPC(x) Put #F, , NewMap.NpcSpawnType(x) Next Put #F, , NewMap.Panorama Close #FEnd Sub ```
  13. I just started to remake this engine with the engine i made before EA reborn and now my engine is what it was with this bug but now it works perfectly i only have a little bug with convertor i'll post that :) Bug with convertor also fixed :)
  14. > Have you tried it with a new source? also make sure to do breakpoints in the vb6 ide. they help a lot when fixing errors(imo). I have tried breakpoints that's how i know there is a problem with the Spellsize because it's different but it normally has to be exactly the same for as far as i know. So i think it has something to do with types tnx to frankenStein i know that ;) I hope he also wants to help me more ;)
  15. > Scott how i can put NPC for Make Guild? just look at the code that normally makes a guild and put it at a custom script for events. Or add it to an event as an extra option if you don't have the event system. Actually i am bored of fixing my bug so i'll just post how to do it :P €dit 1: I just took a look at the code and it is more complex then it thought at first :P €dit 2: That's the code to make a guild: ``` Call MakeGuild(Playername, Name of guild, GuildTag) ``` €dit3: Step 1: You will first need to make something that they give in a guild name and tag in 2 separate textboxes (or render it using dx8 if necessary) and then send it to the server and then let the server handle it trough The code above Step 2: You can either handle it using events (i recommend custom event script) or you can use the npc stuff then you could look at alatar's quest system to see how he did it.
  16. ![](http://eclipseorigins.com/community/filehost/f362ab2915fe9483463490617bda8a7b.png) Credits: Jalen ![](http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c108/greenveggie/Santa.png) Credits ^^^^^^^^^ Good enough?
  17. > It's just a file filled with useless shit, but, if you really want a file filled with the same amount of useless shit, here's a three step process that you can follow. > > > > Step 1.) Download Windows ME. > > Step 2.) Put the .ISO into a folder. > > Step 3.) Name the folder: Robin's History Bundle. > > > > Enjoy :) lol
  18. [http://lmgtfy.com/?q=robins+history+bundle](http://lmgtfy.com/?q=robins+history+bundle) google knows the answer…
  19. > I know that the Stein posted this, > > but actually check whether the data is being saved. You can create an application in VB6 and load the item into the item rec. Then check the values. (Use the immediate window or use form printing or print to the immediate window.) It is being saved as far as i know cuz if i use dropbox and the server is saving the items then i see a message from dropbox item1.bat saved If i put debug mode off it marks this line first: Private Sub HandleUpdateItem(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) In client error = subscript out of range ``` CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Item(n)), ByVal VarPtr(ItemData(0)), ItemSize ``` n=1 Itemsize = 744 itemdata(0) = subscript out of range ``` Private Sub HandleUpdateItem(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim n As Long Dim buffer As clsBuffer Dim ItemSize As Long Dim ItemData() As Byte ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler Set buffer = New clsBuffer buffer.WriteBytes data() n = buffer.ReadLong ' Update the item ItemSize = LenB(Item(n)) ReDim ItemData(ItemSize - 1) ItemData = buffer.ReadBytes(ItemSize) CopyMemory ByVal VarPtr(Item(n)), ByVal VarPtr(ItemData(n)), ItemSize Set buffer = Nothing ' changes to inventory, need to clear any drop menu sDialogue = vbNullString GUIWindow(GUI_CURRENCY).visible = False inChat = False tmpCurrencyItem = 0 CurrencyMenu = 0 ' clear ' Error handler Exit Sub errorhandler: HandleError "HandleUpdateItem", "modHandleData", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext Err.Clear Exit Sub End Sub ```
  20. If you want to see this engine in action just visit [http://craftopianl.Com](http://craftopianl.Com)
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