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Me Gusta

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Everything posted by Me Gusta

  1. @SuperSake: > o-o; I didn't mean to make it blocky to finalize your sprite, Lol. Well Honestly I like the way it is. I just want to know if there is anything else I can do to make it better.
  2. @SuperSake: > Oh god, oh god, oh god, please, square off all the corners and move the legs one pixel further from each other. > I really, really want to see how it looks. > > EDIT: > Okay, I got over excited and did it myself. > [![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/33ccbf8c64a40be697fed3abd8b6a3bd.png)](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/#33ccbf8c64a40be697fed3abd8b6a3bd.png) > > Sorry, for real criticism, Like I said, the legs are bunched together, when they should be more relaxed and spread appart a bit more. The body is kind of large, and the arms are too small. The head is really squarish, and the hairline is messed up. Thanks that's the opinion that I need I'll use yours too learn from my mistakes Edit* Here is what I got using what you made only smaller(A kid form): ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/9c8b6809d7f99c75ac23f5697cec16cf.png)
  3. Kid: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/fdefddd79d177fe0ab9539fbf6b26e63.png) Adult: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/5a00e5cd4002f0557eada166214955e4.png) Adult Clothed: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/e791e4a8be1a5a0296d56dafa49acd2c.png) Adult Animation: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/72d279a2e4b1ebe7b3cc7991764977fa.bmp) That is my first attempt at spriting for PVO. Actually it's my first attempt at spriting. So pretty much all I want is for people to help me improve it so give your input.
  4. Well here is the sword I want to be entered. "The Shiny Jungle Sword" ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/8219b708467ffbd875dfd14649e8c2d8.png) the pinkness is just the background
  5. @DrNova: > I hate to be the douche bag here, but basically your trying to recruit people better then you so you can say your organization, and I hate to use the term, has talent? > > You yourself have a very limited skillset > > You have no actual projects completed, nearly completed, or well under way yet > > You have no one else but you…. > > I understand your extreme enthusiasm, but my advice is to tone it down. Drop the illusion of greatness for now, and focus on the basics. Improve your own talents and build yourself a "resume" of sorts. > > Your shooting for a target far far downfield, when you cant even notch the arrow yet. Dream big, but take steps to get there, you cant get there in one step. > > Just my two (s)cents Well I'll take the two (s)cents. Thank you for telling me this. I'll lock this topic 'till I get better.
  6. @Jungle: > I don't see how you can say that your "organization" works with Java when you don't have anything to show with it. Well When we get stuff to show I'll post it here.
  7. @kahnival: > I see you've said its an organization, but do you have anything in development at the moment we can see? Well a game I'm making called "A Knights Story". It's being made in RPGMaker VX I have no screenshots of it… Yet.
  8. @Annoying: > Screenshot of the game please It's not a game if you haven't read it's an organization.
  9. Updated Post and got Marshy Dearest to clear all conversation.
  10. @Domino_: > Isnt there a way to do without timer? Like he checks server status when you press login so there under username text is displayed server status? I'll look at it @Wilfre: > You can use 1 label also. > put 1 of the labels > and in the Timer, the Sub should look like this > > ``` > Private Sub tmrStatus_Timer() > If ConnectToServer(1) Then > lblOnline.Caption = "The server is currently Online" > lblOnline.ForeColor = vbGreen > Else > lblOnline.Caption = "The server is currently Offline" > lblOnline.ForeColor = vbRed > End If > End Sub > ``` Then it would be one ugly blotch of color
  11. @Pete: > Only the newest is counted. > For example, if you submit three separate pieces, the third would be taken to the vote. > If you update a piece twice, the second update would be counted. On that note here is my final entery: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/bbb596f7eff028266be505cc8a500fbd.png)
  12. I have made 10 part 1 update and sent it to jaxx.
  13. Me Gusta

    16x16 Tiles

    @Anosora: > The most important part are the tiles The only part is the tiles. The sprites can be whatever size. The tiles aren't dynamic therefore I'd look at how the sprites do that and do it with the tilesets.
  14. Me Gusta

    16x16 Tiles

    Sprites are dynamic. Idk about the tiles though.
  15. @L: > Using one of those re-entries we get to fix the handle ^_^ > Hows that look now ;D? > > **Old:** > ![](http://img543.imageshack.us/img543/7048/thedefilersword.png) > > **New:** > ![](http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/7048/thedefilersword.png) I shall ~~fap to that~~ learn from that.
  16. thank you all for the comments I'll get practice, but I'm sticking with this for a while.
  17. Guess I spoke too soon on the final update :P
  18. Okay I tingled around with the features and came up with what is now in the OP.
  19. @Mirabela: > There already is such a system , make something original not ammo
  20. @Jungle: > Did you really think that this looked good when you posted it here? No I just wanted peoples opinions.
  21. @Fogger: > Take your time with it "something real quick" usually results in something really bad as a beginner. Before you show something off you gotta look at it yourself and ask yourself a couple of questions, does the colors look right? Does the lettering reflect the tone of the game? What can I do to make it better? > The colors are the first thing that stand out, in a bad way, they don't really compliment each other in the way you are using them. I'm not really feeling the drop shadow in the lettering either, just doesn't fit. Be more creative with it instead of just using a gradient map for the background. Look at some tutorials first, learn a couple things then start experimenting again. Thanks that'll do
  22. Here is the Crystal Apparatus Banner I made in Photoshop. Note that this is my first time actually using Photoshop: ![](http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/ff6b86c5c9cfdc89299f3a3458b306e5.png) Give me your criticism. I need to know what I can change to make it better.
  23. Jaxx did you add my ServerStatus Checker?
  24. I'd like to be the first one to say you should use code tags, but I'll check if this fixes anything. Also What you say says this: ``` ' check for cooldown For n = 1 To MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS If PlayerSpells(i) = (Hotbar(i).slot) Then ' has spell If Not SpellCD(i) = 0 Then sRECT.Left = 32 sRECT.Right = 64 End If End If Next ``` Says this: ``` ' check for cooldown For n = 1 To MAX_PLAYER_SPELLS If PlayerSpells(n) = (Hotbar(i).slot) Then ' has spell If Not SpellCD(i) = 0 Then sRECT.Left = 32 sRECT.Right = 64 End If End If Next ```
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