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Mohenjo Daro

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Posts posted by Mohenjo Daro

  1. EW has a 4x4 frame system (maybe it's 3x3). As long as each area of the sprite frame is the same, it will work.

    Eg. you can have a 384x384 pixel sprite (each frame would be 96x96 pixels). Just make sure each frame is the same size :)
  2. @fallen I'm glad you're excited.

    Not my forum, I'm just an engine dev, you can post a thread in [the forum suggestions](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/category/143/suggestions) area. Might want to explain what made it hard/what you thought was hard about navigating it. (Plenty of people say it's hard to navigate, but no one likes saying what's hard).
  3. Don't thank me lol, I just took a few minutes to use Eric Matya's images. Check out his website, he has tones of them :) just resize them and change them to fit your needs (I use Faststone Image Viewer for all my resizing, converting, etc. since it can do it in bulk and have plenty of options).

    Don't forget to give Eric an upvote for all his work :)
  4. I had a bit of time and resized [This Image](http://soundimage.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/P1040389a_Seamless.jpg) to 32x32. Nothing fancy, just a resize so it was the size of a tile. I have to say, it looks pretty good.

    Had a bit more free time and downloaded [This Image](http://soundimage.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/P1040389_Seamless.jpg) and did the same thing to it. After that, I rotated the images, added them to a tileset, and use AE to randomly place the tiles on a map...

    Here's the result:

    Here's an image of just the first picture resized filling the map:


    For those of you who are too lazy, here's the [tileset](https://s26.postimg.org/ehauy3fyx/Tileset.png) (credits you @Eric-Matyas )
  5. Can't wait to see more :) And I think that was when the forum software was changed, so that might be the reason why it says you last logged in then.

    I can see your old email on that account, if you'd like me to PM it to you, let me know (I can only tell you the email, I can't help more if you forgot the password for it) (I'm a mod for clarity lol, non-mods can't see the email)
  6. Been a bit since the last update... I'm basically just breaking everything so I have to fix it later XD

    I'm currently working on saving/loading characters. I know a lot of people like multiple characters per account, so I'm currently setting it up so it's a *possibility* later. I'm thinking about having a server value for the number of accounts players can have.

    (You will get to choose if your game lets players have multiple accounts or not)

    I'm just redoing how things are loaded and saved. The new folder structure will be something like...

    Test Account
    Test Character 1
    Cool Char
    Mohenjo Daro

    Once that's all setup, I'll be fixing login (since I broke that [and everything else]), and get all that working.


    Quick update: making a new account is saving the account (not char) details in it's file. This includes the account username, password, and ID (it's used when logging in so that each character doesn't need to be loaded and unloaded).
  7. You can either post suggestions in this section of the forums, or use the [Eclipse Renewal Suggestion Tracker](https://tracker.eclipseorigins.com/#/categories/1). Login with your forum account and submit a suggestion ticket there.


    This thread is to tell you what information is needed and helpful when posting a suggestion. Saying a few words or sentences doesn't usually give me a clear enough idea of what you want.

    Remember, the more information and details I have, the better I can implement the idea.


    **REQUIRED** - This information is needed to help me find a bug, I won't be able to help much without it:

    * Detailed description of the idea


    **OPTIONAL** - This information is optional to include but can help find the bug:

    * Images or videos of a game with the feature


    **Example Suggestion:**

    Can you add player stores where they can sell their items. They could set up a small store that players would come buy things from and the player doesn't have to be there.

    Here's a skyrim mod that has a similar idea https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/35305/


    This suggestion helps me understand the idea as well as have a reference/idea of what I'm going to add. This also let's me expand on the idea since I understand it: I might add stalls and player buildings that players can buy and place items that they're selling. Stalls would let them sell (almost) anywhere, but stores would hold more and be more well known.

  8. I get it, and for me, this is more of a practice to see what I should and shouldn't be doing when I finally get around to making an engine in a newer lang. At the very least, this next update will be able to support a lot more content if not more people.

    People just want a hobby, and the engine can be fine for hobbies when the bugs are removed. ER is currently pretty buggy, as is EO 2, 3, and most every engine on the site, but they can still be used to learn and for hobby projects.
  9. The main post now has a name next to the versions. This name will reflect what the update is mainly focusing on so you know with a glance rather than having to read a bunch of stuff.
  10. @giukko Here's hte code if you want to give it a test that badly lol

    RenderTexture Tex_Character(Sprite), X, Y, rec.Left, rec.Top, rec.Right - rec.Left, rec.Bottom - rec.Top, rec.Right - rec.Left, rec.Bottom - rec.Top, D3DColorRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255)

    Call DrawShadow(X, Y, Sprite, rec)


    Then Add
    Public Sub DrawShadow(ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal Sprite As Long, rec As RECT)
    Dim degrees As Long, heightPercent As Double, widthPercent As Double, yOffset As Double, xOffset As Double
    Dim Height As Long, tempHeight As Long, tempWidth As Long, Width As Long
    Dim maxHeight As Long, minHeightPercent As Long, maxHeightPercent As Long
    Dim maxWidth As Long, minWidthPercent As Long, maxWidthPercent As Long
    Dim rad As Double

    ' tempVal = tempVal + 1
    ' If tempVal = 90 * 5 + 1 Then tempVal = 0

    ' Constants to Get Out of the Way
    Height = rec.Bottom - rec.Top
    Width = rec.Right - rec.Left

    ' Set Variables
    degrees = 45 ' tempVal * 0.2 ' 45 ' Change this value to change the rotation
    rad = degrees * DegreeToRad

    ' Height Stretching
    minHeightPercent = 60 ' Change this value to make the shadow be shorter at noon/0 degree rotation
    maxHeightPercent = 300 ' Change this value to make the shadow be taller at sundown/90 degree rotation
    maxHeight = Height * (minHeightPercent * 0.01) ' num * .001 is the percent of the height

    heightPercent = Cos(rad)
    If heightPercent = 0 Then
    heightPercent = maxHeightPercent
    xOffset = Sin(rad) * ((Height - maxHeight) * 0.5)
    heightPercent = (((maxHeight / heightPercent) - xOffset) / Height) * 100
    End If

    If heightPercent < minHeightPercent Then heightPercent = minHeightPercent
    If heightPercent > maxHeightPercent Then heightPercent = maxHeightPercent

    ' Width Stretching
    minWidthPercent = 70 ' Change this value to make the shadow be thicker at noon/0 degree rotation
    maxWidthPercent = 100 ' Change this value to make the shadow be thinner at sundown/90 degree rotation
    maxWidth = Width * (minWidthPercent * 0.01) ' num * .001 is the percent of the height

    widthPercent = Sin(rad)
    If widthPercent = 0 Then
    widthPercent = maxWidthPercent
    yOffset = 0 ' Sin(rad) * ((width - maxWidth) * 0.5)
    widthPercent = (((maxWidth / widthPercent) - yOffset) / Width) * 100
    End If

    If widthPercent < minWidthPercent Then widthPercent = minWidthPercent
    If widthPercent > maxWidthPercent Then widthPercent = maxWidthPercent

    ' Set Size
    tempHeight = Height * (1 - (heightPercent * 0.01))
    tempWidth = Width * (1 - (widthPercent * 0.01))

    ' X and Y Offsets Based on Rotation
    yOffset = (Cos(rad) * ((Height - tempHeight) * 0.5)) - ((Height - tempHeight) * 0.5) + (Sin(rad) * ((Width - tempWidth) * 0.2))
    xOffset = Sin(rad) * ((Height - tempHeight) * 0.5)

    RenderTexture Tex_Character(Sprite), X + (tempWidth * 0.5) + xOffset, Y + tempHeight - yOffset, rec.Left, rec.Top, Width - tempWidth, Height - tempHeight, Width, Height, D3DColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 100), degrees

    End Sub

    And add this to modConstants
    ' Graphics
    Public Const Pi As Double = 3.14159265358979
    Public Const DegreeToRad As Double = Pi / 180 ' 0.0174533
  11. The shadows in that image shouldn't have anything to do with the server. It should be 100% client side. All shadow code AE and ER 1.9 use does is takes the sprite, changes the color to black, makes it transparent, and renders it (it does some fancy rotation and resizing stuff).

    The only error you should get is a DX8 error.

    However, you could have each NPC and resource be assigned a shadow, but that would need to be saved and all NPC and resource files deleted. This isn't that good of a method to use.
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