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Mohenjo Daro

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Posts posted by Mohenjo Daro

  1. @andrews825pc

    To open the code (assuming you have it, and that it works), you need to open the `client.vbp` or `server.vbp` file. This will open the *whole* project with VB6 instead of the one file lik your image shows (you might need to launch it with admin permissions).

    If you do need the source, then here's a link to [EO 4.2.2](https://drive.google.com/open?id=1A2vZ08ujIOF5wMU5r6Jzoz9gP0TR6W_b)
  2. Well, that looks like the runtimes weren't installed successfully... Try installing the older runtimes: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7vgy682a7cdh4o3/install_eo_runtimes_dx7.exe/file

    After that, install the new ones again
  3. I figured I should update ya'll since I haven't done so in a bit.

    I'm currently working on a lot of things in ER. I've mostly been working on 2 things on the client, and have recently switched over to the client for a bit to work on another 2 things.


    1) Number of characters per account - I've been working on setting the server up to allow an input for the number of characters per account. This is a pretty requested feature on the site, and some engines have it while others don't, so I figured why not let users have both. I've been setting this up since I started 1.9, but I just now started to make it functional.
    2) Unloading/Freeing Memory - ER currently is setup (like most, if not all, engines on the site) to load everything at runtime. This can cause issues with big games since 1.9 will no longer have max files. To avoid this, I setup the server to only load what is being used, and I just now got around to coding the unloading functions.
    To handle the unloading, I made pools that item (not game items, but memory items) IDs are added to. When something is requested, it checks if the item is in the unload pool and removes it. Anything still in the unload pool after X minutes will be unloaded, and the queue will be moved up.
    There are also several pools for different item types (resources, npcs, maps, etc.). The server will only unload one type pool (eg. npcs) at a time, then it will unload the next one during the next unload cycle (eg. resources). It's set up like this to reduce lag by making sure the server doesn't spend too much time unloading everything, but instead spends a smaller amount of time unloading a few items.


    1) Credits - Someone (I can't remember who) asked about changing the credits, and how they look, so I decided I wanted to change how the credits work, are saved, and are shown. I basically want to make the credits into a script system. I still haven't decided exactly how I want it, but I'm going to have the credits be saved to a file, and loaded. There will also be required credits (or the EO and ER teams) coded into the game, but I want these editable to an extent.
    2) GUI - Again??? Yep, I'm redoing it again. I was very happy with how my first GUI system was setup in ER, and even happier with the next version in AE, but both lack in user control, and dev creation. I want users to be able to make their own GUIs/skins, so I plan to have the default GUI coded into the engine, load from a file, and any changes in the file will override the coded GUI.
    I'm also setting up the GUI to actually have different subs for each widget. This will allow a save button in the bank to have an actual sub for it instead of one sub with a lot of if statements. This is to help readability, and make the creation process of the GUI more painless.

    None of these things are done, but they're what I'm mainly working on at the moment. Keep in mind that I do jump around what I'm working on a lot, so it's more than likely that I'll change from these to other things before my next post.


    Just a reminder: If you want to keep up to dat on things I get stable/working, check out the [changelog](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86340/er-1-9-0-changelog)
  4. As many of you have probably noticed (and as the [Changelog](https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86340/er-1-9-0-changelog) has pointed out), I haven't been working on ER as much lately, and I'd like to apologize for that.

    My real life job has recently increased my hours, and it requires me to actually go into the office. Before, the job didn't have many hours, I picked my schedule, and I worked at home, so this is a big change (it's also a good change).

    I am still working on ER, thinking up ideas to improve it, and slowly making progress, but because of the change with my job, I just don't have the time I did before. Development should increase once I get used to this new schedule, but it will be scarce until then.


    Thank you for your patience, and I hope it will be worth the wait.
  5. @gensou-kurushimi
    Unfortunately, you have to use VB6, there aren't any other programs that work.

    I've never had an issues installing VB6 on windows 10. I know you have to uncheck the `Data Access` box when installing, but that's about all I had to do.
  6. For commands, you can type `/help` into chat to get a list of (some) commands

    I'm not sure how much I can do for sitting if I'm going to be honest, but I'll give it some thought. I might be able to make a player animation editor. This would allow the dev to make a sitting, jumping, crouching, etc. animation. You could also apply buffs/debuffs to each (sitting could regen stamina faster, but movement is set to 0).

    I do want to say I don't know how feasible the player animation editor (or whatever I call it) will be, and I'm not sure I'll have the time to make it, but I definitely will give it some thought, just realize I'm not a miracle worker ;)
  7. There are chat commands to change your chat channel (I can't remember which are which, but I know `'` is for global).

    There isn't a way to make characters sit, but I can try adding it if there's an easy way to do it.

    8-dir movement is something I'm trying to add while keeping it optional. I have 8-dir pathfinding setup, I just have to get the movement code working.
  8. I know the map size has a bug where it keeps resizing itself. It's due to client resizing.

    As for the grid, I'm not entirely sure. The mouse location over the map has been a big pain for awhile. If you have VB6 and programmig knowledge, you can fiddle with in `HandleMouseMove` with `CurX` and `CurY` (those should be what's used for the cursor location).

    I'm currently preoccupied with the next version, but if it's very important the bug is fixed, I can see about fixing it in a few days.
  9. Ahh, I gotcha now.

    You should also be able to keep track of the number of resets GetTickCount has gone through, then do a bit of math with it:
    GetTick = GetTickCount + ((MAX_LONG * 2) * TickResetCount) + TickResetCount

    This is a bit more math, but it does mean you're able to use the Currency type. However, because VB6 has problems with math and overflows, you have to convert the max long to use a currency type, and that has to use `&H7FFFFFFF` as the value since numbers give an error.

    I'm going to assume your way is faster/better to use.
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