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Mohenjo Daro

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Posts posted by Mohenjo Daro

  1. As the Updater and EC use very similar and the same code in some places, changing one means I've changed the other (some subs are the same so I'm copying them over, they don't use the same files).

    Currently I'm redoing the config file to use the xml format, but I might change to using json down the road.


    If you're curious about the Updater progress...


    I'm currently changing the online format to use xml and the config file to use xml as well (I am thinking of making it optional to use xml or json [for the file use only, the online part will be xml])

    Here's a sample of what that will look like:


    https://test.com endUrl

    https://test2.com endUrl

    I still have to figure out how to get the extension from a file online. I'll be removing the extension field when that's done.

    P.S. This thread will only contain Updater progress when it will be copied to EC.

  2. Unfortunately it differs from engine to engine. With ER, you just have to line up the paperdoll to the character and select which paperdoll is used in the item editor. For AE, there's centering if I recall and I don't know how it all works.


    About the players making their own character... You would have to provide a base spirit to work with (of course), but that's the simple part. The complex part that you have to code would be to have the client send the image data to the server, have the server check that it's the right file type (don't just check the extension), and save it with a proper number/name.

    I don't know much about vb6 file sending, so I can't help much. However, I would suggest just using the player's name to save the file and recode the sprite code to work with that (I like moving away from the number names).
  3. Time for another update... I have the majority of the game package code working (I still need to fix some of the download code that gets the file extension to save the file), but the extracting works just fine. I also changed how EC checks the version and downloads updates (it's a code change, the process is still the same).

    Currently I can't work on the engine package code, so I have to put EC's update on hold for now... I'll be working on the Updater which will use more of EC's code (I first made the Updater, EC was then based off that code, and now I'm making the Updater based of EC's new code).

    I wish I had more good news about EC, but currently I'm just not able to keep working on it. I'll let you all know when the engine package stuff is finished and I can resume work :)

    EDIT: It was pointed out to me that it sounded like I was quitting EC: this is not the case, one of the libs EC uses is not finished and I have to wait for it to be more complete before I'm able to resume work. I'll be back to working on EC as soon as I can.
  4. I'm pretty sure the drawing actually scales to the size of the main hwnd (it should be frmMain in thic case). You're overriding which surface you're drawing to, but it should still be rendering to that scale mode.

    Direct3D_Device.Present ByVal 0, ByVal 0, frmMain.picSkillbar.hwnd, ByVal (0)

    Try changing that to use your surface rects.

    With srcRect
    .x1 = 0
    .x2 = frmMain.Picture1.ScaleWidth
    .y1 = 0
    .y2 = frmMain.Picture1.ScaleHeight
    End With

    Direct3D_Device.Present srcRect, srcRect, frmMain.Picture1.hwnd, ByVal 0

    Of course you need to change the 0s to your starting points but, otherwise, that should work (tested with displaying ER in a pic box).

    Here's what the image looks like
    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/378935338460119042/image.png?width=401&height=270)
  5. @Xlithan

    I think I figured out what's causing the error. My guess is that


    Is in another


    To explain better, you have a code like this

    Direct3D_Device.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DColorARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), 1#, 0

    Direct3D_Device.Clear 0, ByVal 0, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, D3DColorARGB(0, 0, 0, 0), 1#, 0

    Call DrawMapTile(X, Y)

    Direct3D_Device.Present ByVal 0, ByVal 0, 0, ByVal 0

    So search for where DrawSkillbar is called and keep back tracking until you find where the scene begins.

    If this isn't the cause, then I'm not sure what else would be causing it.
  6. Currently I'm working on redoing the download and extracting code. The old code worked, but I'm restructuring it and improve it so it works better with the new methods EC is using. I think I have the text changing finished, but I do need to do some testing before I know for sure.

    Other than that, I've just been reorganizing code, moving it around, stripping and rewriting it, and breaking it lol. Not a whole lot to say, but I like keeping everyone in the loop.


    Adding a bit more to this post.

    So I've set up the code for updating a package (check, download, extract). I still need to make a few changes so the background updater can use it easier and use it without problems.

    So that's what I'm currently working on (restructuring code). Not sure what I have to do after that... I do still need to work on the rest of the packages (currently I'm finishing up on the games, next will be engines).
  7. Zyn wanted to see what all EC supports for characters. It supports unicode

    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/377671849917546496/image.png)
    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/377672123465990154/image.png)
    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/377671502075658240/image.png)
    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/377670833952260096/image.png)
    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/377670398994677763/image.png)
    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/377670191401795605/image.png)
    ![alt text](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/361361857354924033/377674464424361997/image.png)
  8. I finished the Language Preview version of EC, check it out :) Keep in mind that this is EC stripped of all functions. The only thing it gets from online is ER's image (for testing the tile view).

  9. The update progress is coming along pretty nicely :) can't really show much since it's mainly code based. As I said before, that way EC handles the packages is changing, so a lot of code needs to be changed to handle this. I just finished the Previous and Next buttons in the tile view so that they change packages properly.


    For those of you who are curious, I use a sort of chunk system to store the current package and prev/next packages. This allows the user to change to the next package with minimal wait time. Without this, it can take a second or two to load the package info. When the update is released, you can see the time it takes to load packages while the list view loads all the packages.


    Since I'm now waiting for the next batch of updates, I'll work on a version of EC that's only the forms and language files. This will let the community make language files (and visually know if they're using the right/best word [eg. Start/Begin for the launch button] for each element). If all goes well I should have that finished tomorrow for everyone to use.

    Let's see what languages we can support :D


    For those of you that are interested with how the language system in EC works (and who didn't read the previous posts), the .lang file will have a list of form elements. Each element will have a "=" and text (eg. btnMyPackages=My Packages). Changing "My Packages" to "Me Booty" will change the text of the button to "Me Booty". The list of languages is determined by the .lang files in the data/language folder. You can add a language while running EC and it will appear in the list without needing to restart EC.

    For some of the form controls, there will be multiple texts that it can say. This is addressed by having a "_0" or "_1" after the control's name (eg. btnLaunch_0=Launch). The code will then decide which text to use ( _0 or _1 ).
  10. As Solid said, we do have a few tutorials (I'll link them below), but I'll see about making some video tutorials later on.

    Choosing Engine - https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86166/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-1-choosing-an-engine
    Setting up engine - https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86167/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-2-setting-up-the-engine
    Map editor - https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86169/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-3-using-the-map-editor
    Npc editor - https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86171/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-4-using-the-npc-editor
    Animation editor - https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86172/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-5-using-the-animation-editor
    Distribute client - https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86190/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-6-sending-the-client-to-friends
    Using vb6 - https://www.eclipseorigins.com/topic/86219/eclipse-origins-tutorial-part-7-introduction-to-visual-basic-6
  11. I said something before... You can render the map and GUI on frmMain.hwnd with DX8. You then just move the map to the correct location and the GUI to the correct location. This allows your mouse to move on the screen.

    Moving where the map is displayed and GUI is displayed shouldn't create issues with the mouse position. If it does, the location codes need fixing.
  12. tempX = X
    tempY = Y

    If tempX >= frmMain.ScaleWidth - ScreenWidth Then tempX = X - (frmMain.ScaleWidth - ScreenWidth)
    If tempY >= frmMain.ScaleHeight - ScreenHeight Then tempY = Y - (frmMain.ScaleHeight - ScreenHeight)

    That's how I figured out the mouse location for Andur's GUI. It's called with form events so I don't need to keep track of it.

    The only mouse location I keep track of is

    mousePosX = tempX
    mousePosY = tempY

    That location should handle the game screen (the map area).


    Rereading that code, I can't remember why it's set up how it is, I just remember it was needed... I think it to make the screen right aligned...
  13. Oh, so you're wondering how to move it without it moving over your GUI?

    Simple enough, this is where the source values come into play.

    dX and dY will stay the same, but to move the panorama, you change the sX and sY. sWidth = screenX, and sHeight = screenY. After that, you look at if sX + sWidth > the panoramaX and same for the Y. If it is bigger, then you render another panorama.

    Hope this helps.
  14. Well, Rob beat me to it...

    I had to do something similar to this with AE's dev suite (moving the drawn screen over and decreasing the size).

    dX controls the left side (where you start drawing)
    dWidth controls how far over you draw (this should equal dX + sWidth, otherwise you stretch the image)
    dY controls the top side (where you start drawing)
    dHeight controls how far down you draw it (this should equal dY + sHeight or you'll stretch the image)

    sX will normally equal 0 (left side of the image)
    sWidth will be the size of the screen, or the size of the graphic (depends which is bigger)
    sY will normally equal 0 (top side of the image)
    sHeight will be the size of the screen or size of the graphic (depends which is bigger)


    You should probably base the size and location on the game screen (since that's what it should be over). dX =the left side of the screen, dY = the top of the screen, sWidth = the width of the screen, sHeight = the height of the screen.
  15. Currently you can only view the NPC stats in the editor. These are only base stats and the stats of each NPC you put on the map can't be viewed. I'll see about adding a way to view the stats before you select a level so you have a better idea for if the NPC is balanced.

    For now, you have to test each piece of equipment on the NPC to test.
  16. As I said when helping you debug, I can't wait to try it out :)

    The mapping needs some work, but that's easily changed as you practice and improve. As a tip, try not to make trees and rocks line up, they shouldn't be in rows (humans make straight lines and right angles, not nature). The same goes for the coasts, cliffs, etc.. Nature curves and moves, man is straight ;)
  17. I got curious about what characters would be supported with EC, and I was surprised...

    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/361361857354924033/373634065917804547/weird_langs.png)

    ![alt text](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/361361857354924033/373634960109731840/image.png)

    I think it's safe to say most language characters are supported. I just went to google translate and typed random things to get the character to test.

    Also, languages should now be finished. I still have a few things to tweak with them, but otherwise they are working like a charm.


    Currently I'm working on changing how package info is stored and retrieved to make it more user friendly.
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