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  1. Nickpop123

    Map Converter

    Might I ask what engine did you use for the old maps you want to convert?
  2. Nickpop123

    Map Converter

    Does your old maps use Mask2 or Fringe2 at all? If so: ``` Sub ConvertOldMapsToNew() Dim FileName As String, FileName2 As String Dim M As Long, I As Long, F As Long, X As Long, Y As Long Dim OldMap As OldMapRec Dim NewMap As NewMapRec ReDim NewMap.Tile(0 To MAX_MAPX, 0 To MAX_MAPY) As NewTileRec ReDim OldMap.Tile(0 To MAX_MAPX, 0 To MAX_MAPY) As OldTileRec For I = 1 To MAX_MAPS FileName = App.Path & "\maps\map" & I & ".dat" FileName2 = App.Path & "\new maps\map" & I & ".dat" ' Get the old file. F = FreeFile Open FileName For Binary Access Read As #F Get #F, , OldMap Close #F ' Convert. NewMap.Name = OldMap.Name NewMap.Music = OldMap.Music NewMap.Revision = OldMap.Revision NewMap.Moral = OldMap.Moral NewMap.Up = OldMap.Up NewMap.Down = OldMap.Down NewMap.Left = OldMap.Left NewMap.Right = OldMap.Right NewMap.BootMap = OldMap.BootMap NewMap.BootX = OldMap.BootX NewMap.BootY = OldMap.BootY NewMap.MaxX = MAX_MAPX NewMap.MaxY = MAX_MAPY For Y = 0 To MAX_MAPY For X = 0 To MAX_MAPX NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Ground).X = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Ground \ 7) * PIC_X NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Ground).Y = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Ground \ 7) * PIC_Y NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Mask1).X = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask \ 7) * PIC_X NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Mask1).Y = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask \ 7) * PIC_Y NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Mask2).X = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask2 \ 7) * PIC_X NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Mask2).Y = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Mask2 \ 7) * PIC_Y NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Fringe1).X = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe \ 7) * PIC_X NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Fringe1).Y = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe \ 7) * PIC_Y NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Fringe2).X = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe \ 7) * PIC_X NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Fringe2).Y = (OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Fringe \ 7) * PIC_Y NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Ground).Tileset = 1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Mask1).Tileset = 1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Mask2).Tileset = 1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Fringe1).Tileset = 1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Layer(MapLayer.Fringe2).Tileset = 1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Type = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Type NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data1 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data1 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data2 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data2 NewMap.Tile(X, Y).Data3 = OldMap.Tile(X, Y).Data3 Next Next For X = 1 To 15 NewMap.Npc(X) = OldMap.Npc(X) Next ' Save the new map F = FreeFile Open FileName2 For Binary Access Write As #F Put #F, , NewMap Close #F Next End Sub ``` I didn't know if you have any NPCs on your old maps either, so I added a convert to that too. Also for your error, what line is it pointing to?
  3. I think this has something to do with the screen DPI (dots per inch). [http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/change-your-monitors-dots-per-inch-dpi-setting.html](http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/change-your-monitors-dots-per-inch-dpi-setting.html) Im guessing your screen DPI is a little bit higher than normal size DPI, so change it down a few to test it.
  4. > Hey everyone. I spent some time today editing the source for Eclipse Stable. I fixed the bug where the magic and speed stats got switched, and I made it so the menu music loops. It's available below. Also, I put together another zip with some extra resources I had on hand. Firstly, there are the Eclipse Library Installers. > > I also included: > > 1. A list of the Eclipse Evolution Commands. > 2. A list of several sadscript commands for a quick reference. > 3. A Main.ess file with a bunch of extra scripts that were only available on the old website. > > So here you go: > > > > [Eclipse-Stable.zip](https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Eclipse%20Stable/Eclipse-Stable.zip?_subject_uid=274547289&w=AAB_G2uydHypJRZL4q4YQB5WqgQCp1CZ1NvLl_VmAgN7Fw&dl=1) > > [ES Extra.zip](https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Eclipse%20Stable/ES%20Extra.zip?_subject_uid=274547289&w=AAAYKO5mWWqPt6DC7jpRoZxs9gjanMkoSmqyThhX6J6iyw&dl=1) > > > > I was wondering if anyone would be interested in seeing some ES tutorials for things like making a skill system and quests. I made both of those already in the past. Please let me know if you are. Thanks again Crest for uploading ES and EE. I wouldn't mind seeing tutorials of ES, but I'm not sure if there are any more ES users :(… But anyway yeah, I wouldn't mind ^_^.
  5. I still use ES to this day x3\. It was also my first eclipse engine too :).
  6. Hey sorry guys! I have been busy with a lot of stuff, but I am free for some coding jobs, as I do need some cash! Reply If you are interested, or leave a PM! If you have a skype, you can also add me and we can talk there!
  7. > Nothing will ever make me tear up like the anime, Clannad After Story did…...Anyways the game looks pretty interesting. i may check it out. Yeah! It is very recommended! > Very awesome game I couldn't agree more!
  8. > Yes, it made me tear too, but they were manly tears The tears of joy and pride.
  9. > That game was awesome. I couldn't agree more! I'm not the kind of person who would tear often over a game or something, but this game… It made me tear!
  10. Hello! I would like to show you this amazing RPG Maker XP game, called "To The Moon." To start, it's genres are: RPG Adventure, Sci-Fi, Tragicomedy, and Psychological. Kan R. Gao with Freebird Games made it. Its about 2 doctors, Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts, which work at Sigmund Life of Generation Corps. Their job is to give people another chance to live. Their patients name is Johnny. His wish is to go to the moon, but he doesn't know why. So, the 2 doctors must transverse through Johnny's memories, starting from old age to childhood. As you go through his memories, you learn more and more about Johnny's story and past. The objective is to go to his childhood, and send the motivation signal of him wanting to go to the moon. It's a really sad and beautiful story, as well as the music for the game is beautifully composed! I'd recommend trying this game. You can get it on steam, or get it from the website: [http://www.freebirdgames.com/](http://www.freebirdgames.com/) Here are a few screenshots of the game: ![](http://freebirdgames.com/system/wp-content/uploads/TTM6..png) ![](http://freebirdgames.com/system/wp-content/uploads/TTM-Ss3.jpg) Here is a trailer for the game: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sqkJuSV-23U[/media] Feel free to reply of what you think. If you ever played "To The Moon," you can also reply and say what you think of the game!
  11. Uh correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that ram really low to even handle any server from eclipse?
  12. I'm not sure if anyone remembers this eclipse game, but Super Mario Online (SMO) made by Ne0n, had a pay to play feature. Basically you had like 2 hours of gameplay time, then you'd have to buy for more time through paypal or buy a timebox in game for a amount of coins. Ne0n made like around 30 to 40 bucks off this. Many emailed Nintendo about this, but after the years of SMO being around (like around 4 years), SMO didn't get any cease and decist from Nintendo. I don't see why they didn't do that? I'd figure they would protect Mario more?
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