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Everything posted by Riftguy

  1. Where can we find that download link at?
  2. All i can suggest is integrating DX8 graphics into the auto-updater to allow blending… But what do i care i have already done it :P
  3. Ok, soo im sure most of us know Lightnings old pet system. Well with that comes a npcvsnpc system as well. I want to use that, but cant seem to grasp it. Basicly i want the npc in slot 1 in my map to attack the npc in slot 2… But how do i do this? Any help is more than welcome ;) I know its somthing to do with: ``` Call NpcAttackNpc(MapNum, x, MapNpc(MapNum).Npc(x).target, Npc(Map(MapNum).Npc(x)).Damage) ```
  4. Riftguy

    Send Long

    Buffer.WriteLong Buffer.WriteLong
  5. Also you are going to want to add: ``` Public Const Scream As String = "Scream.wav" ```To modSound :)
  6. Was bored soo i made it for ya :) First off in the client source add: >! ``` Private Sub HandleScreamer() frmMain.picScreamer.Visible = True frmMain.picScreen.Visible = False PlaySound Screamer End Sub ``` And ``` HandleDataSub(SScream) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleScreamer) ```To modhandledata. >! Next add: ``` Case "/scream" If GetPlayerAccess(MyIndex) < ADMIN_MONITOR Then GoTo Continue >! If UBound(Command) < 1 Then AddText "Usage: /scream (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If >! If IsNumeric(Command(1)) Then AddText "Usage: /scream (name)", AlertColor GoTo Continue End If >! SendScream Command(1) ```To modInput in the commmands part right under the kick command. >! Next add: ``` Public Sub SendScream(ByVal Name As String) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer >! Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong CScream Buffer.WriteString Name SendData Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ```To modclientTCP >! Now add: ``` CScream ``` To the bottom of the client packets. And ``` SScream ```to the bottom of the server packets in modEnumerations Now Server Side: >! ``` Sub SendScream(ByVal index As Long) Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteLong SScream SendDataTo index, Buffer.ToArray() Set Buffer = Nothing End Sub ```And ``` HandleDataSub(CScream) = GetAddress(AddressOf HandleScream) ```And ``` Sub HandleScream(ByVal index As Long, ByRef Data() As Byte, ByVal StartAddr As Long, ByVal ExtraVar As Long) Dim n As Long Dim Buffer As clsBuffer Set Buffer = New clsBuffer Buffer.WriteBytes Data() >! ' Prevent hacking If GetPlayerAccess(index) ! ' The player index n = FindPlayer(Buffer.ReadString) 'Parse(1)) Set Buffer = Nothing >! If n index Then If n > 0 Then If GetPlayerAccess(n) < GetPlayerAccess(index) Then Call SendScream(n) Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "That is a higher or same access admin then you!", White) End If >! Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "Player is not online.", White) End If >! Else Call PlayerMsg(index, "You cannot scream yourself!", White) End If >! End Sub ```Into modhandledata >! Now just add the same packets you added into the client modEnumerations into the server ones… And add a picture box to take up the size of frmMain in frmMain, set its image to the one you want, and set its visible = false. After that you will want to find a .wav file with the scream you want, and save it as Scream in the clients "data files\sound" file. After that you are done! Enjoy messing with someone... Also if someone was to have a fatal heart attack from this, i gave you a warning ;)
  7. So will this store the animations client side so the server does not bombard the client with packets constantly?
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