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Posts posted by Exception

  1. I find it hilarious that Eclipse is still in the loop of

    development > excitement > disappointment > anger > suggestion > development ad nauseum 

    Though I suppose I can't really say much, having perpetuated one of those cycles…

    Anyway, from what I can figure, these things that I learned the hard way apply to Eclipse quite well:

    **1) Bad habits**

    The pattern here is that things go wrong around the excitement point, because promise of something new is either overhyped or hyped faaaaaaar too early and people become disappointed or get bored. 

    If you don't break out of that, this will only happen again.

    When things start to pick up, you set yourselves up for failure or massive delays again by _**upscaling** your targets._

    I saw it happen way too many times up until I left, I can still see it happening now, and it happened to me far too many times to count.

    It was part of the reason I left, I got fed up with game development in itself. I have 6 completed games now but tons and tons of half-finished engines and proof-of-concepts.

    It should be the other way around, if things go haywire, figure out why it went wrong and simplify matters. Even if you fail again, keeping to that cycle is better because at the very least, something gets _done_ at the end.

    **2) Too much speaking, too little action**

    You say you're going to do these things. Well? Do it, then. Focus on getting something functional, and by definition playable. The moment that it's a state where players can input controls to control a character…release it! Follow an iterative release pattern. Develop based on player feedback, stuff like music or pretty graphics can be done as you go along. _Don't_ start by preparing your assets, drawing up multiple plans, interface sketches, etcetc.

    **3) It's acceptable to quit.**

    From what I can figure, this is still a stigma here. If a project is draining at you, by using too much time, or draining at your health, or you're simply bored of it and it's admittedly not much fun…drop it. Learn what went wrong, and begin whatever else you want to do and get right to it. Don't even look back to the dropped project.

    I have probably hundreds of failed projects that failed for their own reasons whether it was out of my scope, or I got bored, or I didn't have enough time to finish it in the foreseeable future (ie. got impatient), etc, and honestly, I don't give a crap, I'm better at what I try to do now for it.

    tldr: do as I say not as I (mostly previously did) do.

    also, stop using vb6 ffs.
  2. ~~Oh look, it's everybody's favourite lazy (probably narcissistic) pessimist~~

    I mean

    hi everybody.

    242 days without VB6 and counting.

    In other news, since leaving, I've got the grades I wanted, got into the university I wanted, and am studying the course I wanted. Apart from that, I've not done much else; no time. :{
  3. Byebye.

    I've had enough of mirage-based communities, while the forum members here have genuinely been nicer since the takeover (which I'm sure, a year ago I'd be surprised at myself for saying so), **I don't want, or need, any access or communication to anything that's a bridge between any of the linked communities**.

    I have no interest in posting on any of these communities any more.

    Thanks for the fun!
  4. > Abhi2011, look at some different DX8 rendering in some of the custom engines… they render buttons and windows and stuff...instead of using literal controls.

    Where does Abhi say he wants to use GDI controls?

    Reading comprehension. I think Abhi is more than capable of using D3D8.
  5. Had a go with the demo, here's my comments:

    * The game is FARRRRRR too small. I understand that's probably your intention, but playing on a bright 720p screen was straining enough. I can't imagine what it'll be like for people playing it on TV screens or for people who can't see very well. Different resolutions should be available.
    * The controls were not clear. I managed to figure that the arrow keys were for movement (although, because more people are right handed, you might want to consider WASD), and that the number keys were for the hotbar. I accidentally discovered that Z was to drop items, and then after frantically trying each other key to pick it up, I still couldn't find it. I don't know if that's possibly because I moved outside of the hitrange, because I moved a bit before I noticed. Z is also used to start conversations with NPCs, too? That's not very…good, for an action that also drops items. It seems like a recipe for accidents to happen.
    * Time was too fast, that fast changing text in the top-right was very distracting. Also note that time kept on ticking while in conversations with NPCs; if the time changed to an instance where the overlay would change, it would happen after finishing the conversation. The overlay is also very jarring; either make it transition so it isn't as dramatic, or tone it down, so I'm not instantly blind when it happens.
    * If you drop an item, move to a different region, and come back, the item is gone. Not very good for obviously important items like the hoe and watering can.
    * The character walks too slowly. Add running as an option, please! If you're going full on Harvest Moon style, then perhaps implement stamina.
    * The shop dialogue fades out your money, making it more difficult to read. The money you have should be shown in a larger font while in shops. You should also be prompted when you do not have enough money to buy anything.
    * The transition between the forest and the beach doesn't make sense.

    That's everything I could glean from about 15 minutes of playing it. Overall, it shows promise. With enough refinement, I'm sure you'll have no problem getting Greenlit. (I did vote.) :}
  6. My honest candid suggestion is to simply not hang around **ANY** Mirage derivative, if you're looking to actually get anything finished.

    While it's fun for some, it can be an environment that inhibits the most procrastination possible, and you will have no sense of focus.

    It's possible to deviate, and there are obviously exceptions…but history proves that's obviously rare.

    Anyway. Advice.

    One thing I rarely see mentioned: recognise the difference between a hobby, and something you want to pursue as a career. It's quite easy to let your mental and physical health crumble worrying over a project that you later realise is silly or not worth worrying over. Ensure that you know your limits, and make sure that you sleep well, eat healthy, and exercise.

    Next, realise that your players don't actually give a crap about your programming prowess. It's important to optimise your code, but computers are fast becoming better and better. You don't have to waste time recoding things unless if it provides problems in active testing. Get something playable out as quickly as possible, even if it isn't finished to your standard. Just release, let others play it, evaluate, debug, release, repeat.

    I realise now that I have no interest in game development whatsoever (more interested in front end software development + design. I'll stick to playing games, and the occasional small game project to cure boredom), and am unlikely to ever start up a somewhat serious game project again, but if there was anything I wish I knew when I cared, it'd be the above.

    Ultimately, there's nothing anybody here can suggest that doesn't compare to you simply trying it out.

    We can advise all we like, that won't prepare you.
  7. OK, I'll try to put it plainly.

    Currently, the way NPCs work, the server just loops constantly, for absolutely every NPC, and just randomly moves them if no logic is required. If logic is required, then we update constantly with archaic pathfinding techniques. 

    As you can imagine, this is absolutely wasted power, to loop through EVERY NPC on EVERY map, as you can imagine, as more players go on different maps, processing power increases more and more. When we require pathfinding, that increases even more. Eventually, we end up with a huge portion of processing onto a part that doesn't even need to be handled by the server about 90% of the time.

    So, what can we do? Our options range from letting the client do all of the work, but obviously, we can't do that. People will cheat. NPCs will never function properly. Peoples' gameplay experiences will differ.

    My solution is to generate and buffer a path for each NPC beforehand. When it's needed, (how I handled it) a queue of about 100 numbers is generated, the numbers range from 0 to 3, 0 for left, 1 for up, 2 for right, 3 for down, so we can literally send a byte array, which is -tiny-.

    Instead of sending when an NPC moves repetitively, we send the path to the client, and the NPCs initial position, and we let the client do all of the walking work. 

    OK, we have a sound theory, but the problem now is, different people will walk onto maps at different times, their NPCs will act differently! Where one person might be at the 45th step, a person joining starts from 1.

    This is where the server comes in, alongside the path, the server also increments a single byte counter (or more, if you want varying walking speeds for NPCs). This counter keeps track of where we are in each and every NPCs step. So, we can send this out, meaning that clients that just join will be able to pick up where they were left off, and carry on with a relatively similar experience.

    When we hit 100 (or however long your byte array is), we roll back to 0, and we generate a new path, and send it out. This means that the only processing for idle NPCs that the server does at this point is a single counter in a simple timer, and a basic procedure to just create a path

    OK. Pretty good, but this doesn't work for cases where players directly influence the NPC (ie. attacking/being sighted).

    When this happens, I have a flag that determines whenever an NPC needs to be taken care of by the server or not. If it's being attacked, or it's staring down a player it wants to kill. At that point, I flag this true, and then the server sends out to all clients that their typical behaviour is being overridden. At this point, we process anything that needs to be processed, exactly as you have it now (well, it could be better, but more on that.).

    When an NPC is done, we generate a new path for it, and it carries on as normal, sending out the new path and its now current position.

    At this point, we require the following to be done by the server:

    * Increment a single variable, and loop back to 0 every now and then. When we do loop, generate a new path.
    * Check whether an NPC based on it's interpolated position needs to chase a player. Set an override flag if this is the case.
    * Check whether a player has attacked an NPC. Set an override flag if this is the case.
    * If the override flag is on, process pathfinding to chase players, and attack as you normally would.

    It's a fairly complex model, but I'm sure it can be simplified, and I'm willing to bet that Stein will either comment on whether some of these actions are necessary/improve on them, but should you choose to to go ahead, you will see a notable decrease in what's being flung back and forth by your server, and a respectable increase in your CPS (which of course, means everything. :p)
  8. To put it plainly, quickly, and /threadly, this is generally a bad idea, for reasons behind cheating, the general convention, and the fact that it's not actually as efficient an idea as you may think it is.

    EDIT: That being said, I am all for making clients process NPC movement, on the basis of tiny timestamped instructions from the server. I'll explain more if you're interested.
  9. > -snip-

    Mate, as much as I don't want to jump in here, you've said a variant of that at least 4 times, if I'm not mistaken (can't be bothered to reread this fiasco.).

    Can you actually mean it this time, so this can stop, for the sake of progress? :x

    EDIT: God, given the drastic change in my tone over my past posts here, I am basically the most stirring diplomat in existence.
  10. You have two options, the simple (or lazy, depending on your outlook) option, and the technically correct option.

    The simple option is to simply redraw the image 4/8 times offset by 1 pixel (up/down/left/right and optionally up-left/up-right/down-left/down-right) and make them filled black. Obviously, this will impact performance. Test extensively if you try this out.

    Your technically correct option (but isn't necessarily always possible, depends on whether your graphics engine allows it), is to look up some shader options. WebGL certainly allows you to use shaders, dunno about anything else.

    I can't provide any shader code, I'm useless at creating them. :p
  11. > Honestly most all eclipse games are good because people really put effort into making a game and the stress or confusion stops them from continuing the process. Even if someone's game doesn't please yourself, it pleases someone else and that's all that matters. :P

    If only we were all as ~~naive~~ optimistic as you, Eclipse may still be the fun state it was back in 2005 - 2009\. :D
  12. > It works, you just don't know how to set that up.
    > Why people give up so easily, try searching youtube tutorials, search on google more, you know english well enough to search whatever you want.

    php.ini, my dear.

    That single file singlehandedly kills the livelihoods of many developers [well, PHP in itself does that, to be fair.], and many shared hosts insist on disabling certain things. Without telling anybody beforehand, of course.

    (EDIT: That being said, the ini_set function does exist…however, I don't know whether it's reliability or security can be guaranteed. It's probably disabled on just about every shared host.)
  13. > @Carim, he's not completely off. I've had this once when the server magically saved some bogus event data in one map for some reason. Deleting the event file for said map fixed it, never quite figured out what happened though.
    > Anyhow, those steps work for some heavy debugging. But personally I would start with the simplest of solutions: Trying to delete the file that holds the events for both those maps.

    I know he isn't off, but he obviously doesn't understand why it's gone wrong, and that doesn't educate anybody.

    What if somebody had filled up their events, got this error, and stumbled upon this as a 'solution'? All that work, gone?

    I figure it's better to fix it while it happens, rather than just leave it to absolutely cripple you later on?

    Well. At least the error's gone. It certainly isn't fixed, though.
  14. > Try delete all events

    Get out. Now.

    Don't attempt to help if you have -no- absolute clue what you're on about, it only causes broken foundations.

    * * *

    RTE 9: Subscript Out of Range can mean many things:

    * You attempted to use a nonexistent array element.
    * You created an array, but didn't specify the range. (eg. Dim myArr() As Integer: myArr(4) = 29 will error.)
    * It also can mean invalid referencing with shorthand code, or referencing a nonexistant collection, but I doubt it's that.

    I suspect it's the second issue. I basically either attempting to use an index in an array that's higher/lower than what's been assigned to it.

    "If Map(MapNum).Events(id).PageCount >= page Then"

    There are two things that could go wrong here (I can point out more, but we'll try that out if I'm wrong in my assumption), MapNum or id. 

    Recreate the error, and **hover over both MapNum and id**, and it'd tell you the current values. 

    Note the values, and then look up the array range for Map/Map().Events, and see if it's larger/smaller than the range. If it is, locate exactly what's passing that through that procedure, once you've determined a target, come back. :D
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