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Posts posted by Exception

  1. You do know you don't have to register FMOD right, and it's nothing to do with System32? It just needs to exist in the directory.

    If it's not working, it's either a matter of the rare occurrence of it not loading, or you have bad sound cards, therefore, it won't work. Although, because it is File Not Found, it's most likely the rarity. Normally, when ever it rarely randomly happens to me, I just move the fMod from that area, and put it back, and it seems to work fine for me after that.
  2. @Kajamaz:

    > i did it since no one helped… close this topic plz http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/smf2/index.php/topic,80816.0.html

    Since nobody helped? You are **ungrateful** and pretentious. You had two answers telling you it wasn't a table, one telling you that you required an equation, two making a suggestion to use a program to help you out, yet nobody helped?

    I'll remind myself to ignore you when I next see one of your topics with a question.
  3. @jcsnider:

    > In your source add a constant called EDITING_SOURCE as a boolean and then make it so FMOD doesn't even load if that is true. Makes it easier on programmers :P

    Personally, I always forget to change that. xD

    Anyway, nice to see a quick fix. ;d
  4. There -is- no table for EXP.

    Currently, it's a quadratic equation, in the form of
    (50 ÷ 3) x (_l_ + 1)³ - (6 x (_l_ + 1)²) + (17 x (_l_ + 1) - 12

    Where _l_ = level.

    If you want to change that, you're better off getting a graph, drawing a curve with the ideal values, and getting an equation for it.
  5. If Drag.X + Drag.Width >= frmMain.**ScaleWidth** (NOT Width, that counts the windows borders, ScaleWidth doesn't) Then Drag.X = frmMain.ScaleWidth - Drag.Width

    If Drag.X <= 0 Then Drag.X = 0

    There's the basic code for it, that you'd have in the MouseMove event.
  6. Got some details added, including general clutter, torches (You might find them helpful!), statues (be careful.), wall fixings, and other stuff I'm not gonna tell you about. :P

  7. @General-Pony:

    > They aren't broken, he simply hasn't posted any yet
    > ![](http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/000/554/facepalm.jpg)


    A simple right-click and an open-in-new-tab.
    He simply tried putting the actual webpage.
  8. @Eckhart:

    > so then how is 20000 a problem if you're only storing, say, 200?

    Code-wise, it's not much of a problem, it functioned fine before (apart from the occasional lag Well endowed Spike), it functions fine now.

    My only problem is that the computer that I use as my 24/7 server is not very good compared to what I use to test the server on, and I have done tests with it, it was quite a laggy experience. And I was on, alone. And, considering that I use this same computer to host my Minecraft and Terraria server (and various others, but that's unimportant. ;p), it's already slow enough.

    EDIT: Oh, and limits in storage, too.

    Gameplay-wise, me and Duders thought about it figuratively. We found it became more non-viable, and more irritating that what we actually anticipated in our fantasy-like idea.

    Plus, there's the fact we'll only have a small base to start with, so, starting with so much floors, that pretty much require you to work in a team to complete, and having so little people in proportion to it, we just thought we'd reduce it for now.

    Once I get both a better computer, and a bigger player-base, I will increase it in future.
  9. Let's imagine we're loading two NPCs. The old structure has a name, a sprite, and a certain music that plays when you attack it. The structure looks like this:

    Private Type OldNPCrec
              Name As String * 20
              Sprite As Byte
              Music As String * 20
    End Type

    But, now, I want to add HP to it, and I also want to extend it's string limit to 50\. Problem is, if I do that, my UDTs'll mess up, and won't work.

    So, the new one would look like:

    Private Type NewNPCrec
              Name As String * 20
              Sprite As Byte
              Music As String * 20
              HP As Long
    End Type

    So, how do we overcome our dilemma?

    Well, we load our old NPC UDTs in the converter.
      "Get #F, , OldNpc(i).Name"

    And, we then simply put the old ones into where they're meant to go

        NewNpc(i).Name = OldNpc(i).Name

    And, then we save the new rec, preferably, in a new location.
        "Put #F, , NewNpc(i).Name"

    Now that we've stuck the old data into it's "correct place", we can effectively edit what's new, and not mess anything up.
  10. @Synergy:

    > Fair enough.
    > Although he did ask if someone had one, and there isn't currently one..  ;)
    > Out of interest though, how would you go about changing the quest converter to work for accounts?

    It's the same principle. You list both UDTs, and load the old one, write the old one into the new format, and save the new one.
  11. @Eckhart:

    > Make the floors be generated when a player enters it. This means that when a player goes down a floor, they could end up in an unfamiliar place. Then you only have to worry about as many floors as you have players, or more likely fewer floors.

    Already does that (Well, it does 3 floors away in advance, but, yeah.)


    > Nice i like it so far

  12. @Synergy:

    > No, probably not.

    Shush, plox.

    Making a converter is quite simple. All you need is the old player structure, the new player structure, and then you need to load the old player structure, copy the data across into the right type, and just write it into the reorganised player structure.

    As an example, I believe there's a converter for the Quest system, which functions in exactly the same way, just with different structures.
  13. Guys, just to add on, I did some further testing, where I tested it outside of the IDE (Those results above where while in the IDE), I averaged 1,200,000 when unlocked, and 1000 when locked.
  14. Here's a little screenshot of standing outside of the tower. Do you guys think that's an NPC, or some paperdoll? ;p

  15. I'm assuming that in txtSendTo, and txtToSend, you have the players' names?

    You need their indexes. I believe you can use the function FindPlayer to compare the names, and return their indexes.

    Modify it to:

    Call PlayerMsg(FindPlayer(txtSendTo.Text), FindPlayer(txtToSend.Text), sldColor.Value)
  16. As a little update, me and Duders had a little discussion on the actual tower itself. Originally, we had 12000 floors planned, but after thinking realistically, we wonder, how can we efficiently run that? We've decided to cut it down, and, quite a lot, **for now**. We thought, because it's a first release, what would be reasonable, yet, not too small? Taking into account the monsters, fog, and amount of stuff to loot, we decided to nerf it down to 1500 floors for now. What this means, is that we can scrap our current death system, and actually just have you out on dying, because it's not THAT unreasonable, yet, it's still enough to initially satisfy players.

    I'd like to know, **what's your input**? How much floors would you ideally want to scale, taking into account of monsters, items, and fog? What would you ideally like to see around dying ingame? Do you think that this is probably better?

    Now, this doesn't mean that we're gonna keep it at 1500 forever, it will definitely increase in future. It's just for now, while we have a small amount of players, and a relatively indecent computer that hosts the server.

    The main reason for this coming about is because I've been optimising a load of things, hopefully to make the server run faster. As I was doing this, I thought more and more how non-viable 12000 floors would be for now, so, I just had to ask for some input on the matter.
  17. Little tip: It involves calling a sub to re-initialise the values every time you change maps, and the drawing sub has been modified to just render the already calculated values, and that alone.

    If you're stuck for that, look at how the actual map drawing itself works, and look at how beforehand, all of the TilesetX/Y, Tileset, etc, values have already been initialised and calculated for use, and aren't just looping every call.
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