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Everything posted by Exception

  1. > and can it be implemented in ER? If you're asking, it's likely to be out of your current scope. Put it out of your mind for now, and focus on developing your coding skills with simpler things. :] Also, given that it took you one minute to read that, did you actually think on it, or give it a quick glance, and decided to completely ignore my advice? :}
  2. It's called seamless maps. In summary, you effectively handle it by having the client grab the map your players' on, and the surrounding 9 maps. You can then render the edges of the maps as you get near the edges, and when you transition over, you shift the cache of the adjacent maps to the new map, to represent their position (Or don't, but I feel that makes it more organised.), grab the three new surrounding maps, and repeat. There are several optimisation issues surrounding the way I've described it, so, I'll allow you to research and apply your knowledge to make it work. :]
  3. > -snip- Aaaaaand this is the point that I ignore you, and not give a crap. NEXT.
  4. > -snip- You can _obviously_ tell I'm referring to EO. Now, stop trying to create an argument for the sake of it.
  5. They're all disgusting. Especially do not use fonts like that where you want stuff to be quickly read. Stick to a sans-serif font for readability! In terms of your titles, and where the style is relevant, then the version without the glow would be perfectly fine, but for chat, stats, etc, you shouldn't use it.
  6. > i dont think it was 4 dat eclipse had used for its base.. Yes it was.
  7. The line is perfectly fine. Probably just a mistake, and the image is in the wrong place, or you didn't save a .JPG version. ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  8. Exception


    > It's sad that no one explains the code anymore. That's mostly because they have no clue what they're doing. What he's trying to say is; post the links to the tutorial, and we'll explain each section of it for you. :>
  9. > The board clearly states "recruit new team members" in its description and I need people to see this. I consider alpha testers, team members. I read the "before you post" If I have broken the boards rules then just delete my posting. Oh, I'm not staff. I just thought that the need to post a new thread was quite loopholey. But, w/e. Also, consider supplying a link to your forum..and perhaps a better activation technique, such as email-activation sent by the forum, not the current method…it's quite repelling, and adds to the effort on your players part.
  10. Wasn't this something that you could have just posted in your thread? =/
  11. > maybe Nintendo will look: "Damn, those graphics are lame nowadays, we won't do nothing with this guy" XD That's an…um...interesting scope on things...I guess? Although, it's extremely polite of you to heed our advice following the trademarks thread. /sarcasm.
  12. You've handled the resizing perfectly fine, there's nothng to do with aspect ratios, so don't worry :]. You just need to change your map width/height to represent your screens width/height in tiles, or greater. Also, contrary to popular belief on this forum, you do not need to delete your maps, from changing the screen size. ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wink.png)
  13. Hello, guys! One thing I've noticed is that sometimes, members can go for days without getting a response, or are sometimes scolded by other members for "asking questions" (as certain complaining members put it.), and one determining factor in the majority of these cases is simply due to inconsistent information, bad formatting, or previous experience. So, for future reference, I'm going to help you with some tips on laying out your question, and how to get **the best response** possible! **Tip #1** **- Titles are everything!** This is an obvious one, but I can't tell you how many questions I have skipped over, due to the title simply being dodgy, and many other members are the same. Now, I'm going to ask a question on a common error. Which question looks better: _[EO2.3] [RTE-9] NPCs will not save._ _My NPC editor is broken!_ Hm…the first one of course! What do you notice? Well, for starters, it contains the base engine used, and it also displays the runtime error that occurs. I can't tell you how many times I've gone into a thread, only to find it uses a silly buggy custom version that I thought nobody used. Going along to that, I should also mention that you use custom versions at your own risk. The only people obligated in any form to offer support for them are the custom version developers. Tags that you should include should be information such as your graphic library used (Commonly [DD7], or [D3D8]), your audio library used (Commonly [DS7], [FMOD], or [BASS]), and anything else that you think is relevant. Once your question has been solved, be courteous, and add at the start, and lock your topic! This will help members in future who may have the same errors. **Tip #2 - State RELEVANT information!** This is also an obvious one, but yet again, people ask a question, and then decide to not give much details about it, which leads to a very cryptic debugging experience. It also generally leads to people being ignored. Remember, the members here are making the effort to attempt to help you, the least you could do is provide some information! **Tip #3** **- Copy/Paste breakpointed/highlighted code from your VB6 IDE!** This is an uncommon one, but one that is extremely helpful, regardless. You should attempt to recreate the error in VB6, and then copy/paste the code around it, and highlight the line that's gone wrong. By doing this, you virtually guarantee that somebody'll be able to tell you what's wrong. **Tip #4** **- Convey effort!** This is a serious one. One thing that you need to remember is that we are not here to make your game for you! But, that doesn't mean to say that we won't help you out if you are genuinely stumped. Once you have a problem, rather than running here first thing, try out several things, such as changing some variables, research information relating to the runtime error/matter, or even breakpointing each line to find out where things become systematic. If you show effort, it really comes across that you want to make a great game! **Tip #5 - Manners!** The members that post responses here are all voluntary. They are not obligated to do a single bit, and so, if anybody does help you, show gratitude! If you aren't courteous, in term, the members that are trying to help you will just disappear, and you'll leave yourself deep in a hole! As an example, I personally already have a support blacklist of members I won't help for sheer cheek. Don't do the same! Once your problem is solved, edit your topic's title to include the [RESOLVED] tag, and make sure you say thanks to the people that helped you! And, that's it! By remembering this few simple tips, you can expect the time taken for you to get to the bottom of your problem to decrease dramatically! _By the way; Sekaru, General Pony, or Rob, feel free to add on._ _Sekaru, try not to make it blunt, if you do._
  14. You know you have a problem when your (end)-**User** Interface isn't even 1/4 of a typical laptop resolution.
  15. Apparently, 99% of the forum are selective readers. > Hello guys, I would take a doubt with you. > > I had heard rumors that the DirectX8 (Crystal Shire) was better than that found in vbGORE and better than the Eletrified Events made ​​by "jsnider". Define "better". In terms of how it renders graphics, and how it handles the Direct3D device, they're more or less identical. There are no two ways about it. You create a device to a rendering profile, load graphics into memory, and render. > However, I got an Eclipse Origins 2.0 (Clean) and implemented them. The FPS engine that had the DirectX8 ("jsnider") was averaging higher than the Engine that had DirectX8 (Crystal Shire). > > Could someone please give me an explanation with reasons which of the 2 would really be the best? Thanks! xD I suppose the main reasoning is because CSDE doesn't load all graphics into memory at the start. It loads the graphics on an as-needed basis, and really, due to VB6's lack of threading, and the inability to manage what is in memory (for the most part), it's quite typical that you'll have lag spikes. One way to manage this, would be to load ALL tilesets at the start, and for the likes of character sprites, keep them in load for a long time, and in terms of smaller items, spell icons, etc, keep them in load for a short period of time. EO3 loads EVERY graphic at the start, so while it is more memory intensive, it means it doesn't need to constantly load and unload graphics, not putting the strain on processing. > -snip- > -snip- Have either of you actually read the new rules thread?
  16. Righty, this can end now. Passing this along to a mod to deal with. **@Original Poster**, I suggest that you do proper research around the matters. From this thread, we've already put in an input, but in reality, asking on a website where bias definitely exist is only ever going to be inconclusive. Perhaps you should consider emailing or contacting Nintendo to get the full depth for yourself?
  17. Only on this forum can you get a contest entry like that. xD But in all seriousness, I am quite scared to download that. Aaron, what's it like? O_o
  18. > …most people would end up using 3 out of necessity, not because it looks good. Uh, if that's the case, why are you even considering the zoomed out one as an option, to start? xD
  19. Uh, I couldn't find any specific to indoors, but http://www.rpgmakervx.net/index.php?showtopic=52756 appears to be a helpful tutorial.
  20. Well, what do you have? Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.NET? Anything else?
  21. Some context would be nice. As I said earlier, it's rather bland. Open up Photoshop/GIMP/Paint.Net, and stick on some fogs, lights, and other flashy effects!
  22. > I must point out that downloading a rom is NOT illegal If you have fully purchased the game beforehand, Once you have done that you MAY use the rom for things like POKEMMO they have purchased all the games that the roms belong to > As an example of people who make laws up for themselves; it's a -very- common misconception that it's perfectly legal for you to download the ROM of a game that you own. **WRONG**. See? > …NO LONGER APPLIES TO ROMS ROMS DOWNLOADING WAS ONCE FINE... No? It never has been fine?
  23. I prefer 3\. Although, Jungle. The + and - key exists. Can't you just make it an option?
  24. You mean to say that you haven't actually downloaded any version of EO, and here you are requesting features regardless? i lol'd. http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/104386-eclipse-origins-v2-beta/
  25. Words cannot describe my utter contempt for you at the moment. Unfortunately for you, we are not here to make your game for you. Unfortunately for me, I ~~am obliged~~ ~~appear to be nice enough~~ don't actually know why I'd do some searching for you: **Crafting System:** [http://www.touchofde…e__hl__crafting](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/129353-dynamic-crafting-system/page__hl__crafting) **Trade system**…is already in EO. Is it genuinely so hard to load up the game, and click various buttons on the interface to learn what they'd do?
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