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Posts posted by clark

  1. Zeph you installed the no-ip and runned Duc3.0 (the no-ip program) ? did you entered your login password and checked the no-ip adress?

    if so and it still don't work then rename your server.exe to another name like server2.exe and right on it make it "run as admin" then you'll see again the firewall message telling you to authorize accept it and use this :


    Type the no-ip adress

    and the port inside of your server config.ini

    and see if it say offline or online make every methods and check it when it's online then keep that configuration

    Don't forget to tell your friends to change the ip adress in their config.ini to the no-ip one it's something xxx.no-ip.org or something that you selected

    Also keep in mind that you cannot run your client using the no-ip adress on your computer others can but you can't .
  2. Disable your computer firewall and let them try again , if it works then you should open the port number you put in the config.ini to the firewall .

    If it don't work , then enable again your computer firewall and open the ports in you router.

    If it don't work again … then use no-ip
  3. Hi ,

    **Engine using : EA 3.0.17

    Dx : 8

    Problem :

    Problem is occuring only in the Client , not in the DevClient.

    When i open bank i can set the amount of gold i want to put in the bank , but for the other items the amount window doesn't appear. Also if i have 3 apples (consume item) i try to put all of them in the bank it takes 3 of my inventory but display 1 in the bank.

    This happen the same when someone trade .

    Thanks in Advance.**
  4. Deathbeam , str , int , etc doesn't affect anything when we boost it how can i fix that?

    And how to make so each time we boost it , spells are doing more damages .

    Also i found this bug only occuring with the client.exe not with the ClientDev

  5. Deathbeam , then please don't forget once you finished , to make a converter so each people could go to the latest version , and if you have fixes redo bugfixes thread i liked that ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png)

    And good continuation !
  6. > No, this only renders what is on a form or your whole computer screen. Since the rest of the map is never drawn anywhere, this has no way of saving/rendering the rest of your map.

    Ok , Thanks.
  7. Looking Good i'm going to try this later , i have a question is that possible to make a screenshot of the entire map (even if not completly visible on the game screen) with this code? and if yes how?
  8. > Damn this rapid development, its faster for me to move everything to an updated version then it is then it is to move my additions over.

    Same problem here ^^ i already told him about make a Converter for it i hope he will do it ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
  9. > Nope just the top value. It will be something like GUIWindow(Gui_blablabla).y + 10 or something change the 10 to 50/55/60

    I Changed this line with width + 10 and Height + 80 and it worked ^^ i don't know if i did it good but it works xD


    Public Sub DrawShopItemDesc()

    Dim shopSlot As Long

    If Not GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).visible Then Exit Sub

    shopSlot = IsShopItem(GlobalX, GlobalY)

    If shopSlot > 0 Then

    If Shop(InShop).TradeItem(shopSlot).Item > 0 Then

    DrawItemDesc Shop(InShop).TradeItem(shopSlot).Item, GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).X + GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).Width + 10, GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).Y

    DrawItemCost True, shopSlot, GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).X + GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).Width + 10, GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).Y + GUIWindow(GUI_DESCRIPTION).Height + 80

    End If

    End If

    End Sub

    **DrawItemCost True, shopSlot, GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).X + GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).Width + 10, GUIWindow(GUI_SHOP).Y + GUIWindow(GUI_DESCRIPTION).Height + 80**
  10. Thank you ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)

    Just to precise for the others : .width + 10 and .Height + 80 (correct values ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) )
  11. God xD EM have now Quest system , but death didn't even add one to EA funny ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.png) whatever i still have the hope that one day Quest system will be released .

    Ertzel wich new tutorial are you going to release next time? (from EM like minimap etc..)
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