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Posts posted by clark

  1. Eclipse Reborn doesn't have this problem

    I looked inside it's look like that the server use a value for chktray to know what to do if the value is set to 0 or 1

    I suggest you all to look inside here some piece of codes i found there i hope this could help you get rid of this :

    Server : Mod general


    frmServer.chkTray.Value = Options.Tray


    frmServer :


    Private Sub chkTray_Click()

    If chkTray.Value = 0 Then




    End If

    Options.Tray = chkTray.Value


    End Sub


    FrmServer :


    Private Sub Form_Resize()

    If chkTray.Value = YES Then

    If frmServer.WindowState = vbMinimized Then frmServer.Hide

    End If

    End Sub


    Public Sub saveoptions (ModDatabase)


    PutVar App.Path & "\data\options.ini", "OPTIONS", "Tray", STR(Options.Tray)


    Public Sub LoadOptions (ModDatabase)


    Options.Tray = GetVar(App.Path & "\data\options.ini", "OPTIONS", "Tray")


    Init server under OPTIONS. MOTD


    Options.Tray = 0


    ModSysTray public sub destroysystemtray


    Public Sub DestroySystemTray()

    nid.cbSize = Len(nid)

    nid.hWnd = frmServer.hWnd

    nid.uId = vbNull


    nid.uCallBackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE

    nid.hIcon = frmServer.Icon

    nid.szTip = "Server" & vbNullChar

    Call Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_DELETE, nid) ' Add to the sys tray

    End Sub


    Public LoadsystemTray


    Public Sub LoadSystemTray()

    nid.cbSize = Len(nid)

    nid.hWnd = frmServer.hWnd

    nid.uId = vbNull


    nid.uCallBackMessage = WM_MOUSEMOVE

    nid.hIcon = frmServer.Icon

    nid.szTip = "Server" & vbNullChar 'You can add your game name or something.

    Call Shell_NotifyIcon(NIM_ADD, nid) 'Add to the sys tray

    End Sub


    I don't know if that could help but you can see how is working ?
  2. Ertzel i have a question

    Did your Quest system made by using alatar one ? (dx7) or Eragon one (Alatar but converted to dx8) ?

    i'm trying and trying to make it work everytime i fail on it if you could give some hints to : where there need changes etc or even just give out the whole EM quest system (with the emplacements) i don't know sometime so people could give their help on it to debug it thanks in advance !
  3. Ertzel i have a question

    Did your Quest system made by using alatar one ? (dx7) or Eragon one (Alatar but converted to dx8) ?

    i'm trying and trying to make it work everytime i fail on it if you could give some hints to : where there need changes etc or even just give out the whole EM quest system (with the emplacements) i don't know sometime so people could give their help on it to debug it thanks in advance !
  4. Appel ton fournisseur internet , ils te réclameront surement deux trois infos , dit leur si il leur est possible de te réinitialiser les infos de connexion au modem et de te les passer biensur pour que tu puisse te connecter
  5. > Exemple : Dobat
    > Pass : biblo1
    > Les données que l'on prend normalement pour ce connecté à n'autre internet sans fils.
    > C'est ça ?

    Non , les identifiants pour accéder a l'interface du routeur/modem sont différents de ceux pour se connecter au wifi

    regarde si dans les papiers tu n'as pas reçu un code avec.
  6. I found a bug i don't know if other already did found it or not but here we go :


    **1-** **Open your skill inventory , and click as much as you want on it , you will see that +(numbers) will appear above your character head .

    Also if you put the skill on the hotbar and you click on it again , it will do the same.**

    **2 -**

    **The npc when pressing ctrl front of him , doesn't talk even if you put a text inside the "Say:" option (npc editor)**

    **Suggestion :**

    **1-** **Talking to Npc's by clicking on them instead of using ctrl**

    **2-** **Tchatbox visible only by pressing enter (like EA)**

    **3-** **Add Edit Account into the server**

    **4-** **Make a Gold picture at the bottom of the inventory window where money is displayed in a label , once you click on the gold icon it pop-up a window where it's say's how much gold would you like to drop?

    Reason to this suggestion : Because like that when we have 32 555 gold by default it just show 32k and also because like that it will not take place into the inventory .

    Don't forget also to make this readed by the event when it Take item "gold" .**

    **Example picture :**


    **5-** **Players can walk through each others when the map property is selected ( so people don't get stuck when someone block the enter of a map or anything like that**

    **6-** **Make separate Gui pictures for Shop , inventory , skills , options etc so we could edit the picture for different windows not one for all of them.**

    That's it for the moment ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png)!
  7. Normalement tu doit rentrer tes identifiants données par ton fournisseur internet ou bien si tu les a modifiées , met les tiens.

    Si tu ne sait pas quels sont les identifiants et mot de passe , appel chez ton fournisseurs pour le savoir ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)
  8. New music from Khoon !

    "Dance of the Dead"

    PS: bêta v.6 of Wolftracker will be released soon but for the french people ( i will release it in english once everything is almost complete)


    **Don't register anymore on the old adress of the forum ,

    just register on the new one because this one doesn't shutdown everytime :**

  9. I made a wallpaper on Adobe photoshop give me your opinion on it , you can use it as wallpaper ! ![;)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png)

    **(Picture : 1366x768)**

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