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Everything posted by uXai

  1. uXai

    3D Eclipse!

    @Dawntide: > you do not even need to discuss it. A random new forum user makes a 3d engine in VB 6? too obvious in my opinion Well he did say he has been lurking around for awhile. I have been doing the same but just recently registered. New user does not mean new to this. :) @Vus: > I am not sure about this, but I think its posible to make soemthing like this in VB6, but why would you taking screenshots tkae over few hours? If you look to down right corner, it took him a lot of time to do new "screenshot". I'm not saying it's legit, cause I even think it's photoshopped, however he could also have a life too and not sit here watching his thread 24/7 :P
  2. uXai

    3D Eclipse!

    Yeah still looks photoshopped. I suggest making a video or livestreaming some of it?
  3. uXai

    3D Eclipse!

    Depends what you post. If you post the source files, yes it will be ripped and your work will be shared upon 40,000+ and counting individuals. However, you can post your client and let them come play on your server. All they will be able to do is use your graphics. Those are the consequences that would/probably will occur if you post it.
  4. So basically what I am trying to get at is that I need a place to start off from with my weapon and armor stats/attributes. I am very efficient at planning the weapons, their "enchantments", their stats, and all that stuff once I have, for say, Level 1-5, 6-11, weapon sets already planned. It seems whenever I attempt it myself, I end up with either taking 50 hits to kill a Level 5 monster, or taking 3 hits. Could someone help me with the weapon/armor tiers please? Would be very appreciated :)
  5. Well I am no grand typist and I couldn't possibly make a post like yours (I mean that in a good way) so here are some of my favorite bands and their songs. Yeah the names are vulgar but the bands are really good. These just happen to be some of top songs lol. Also, my opinion on your music Aero: I could never bring myself to listen to it. Just seems so slow to me and I'm not that kind of person. I need the music to be loud, fast, etc to enjoy it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjQvk_R20r4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MwOchsxVuY0 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BB0DU4DoPP4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmeUuoxyt_E These are just some of the various artists I listen to. Well this was my $0.02
  6. Not a big issue. To be honest, I recent got one after running my server for 3 days straight. I believe it was related to memory overload. Pony is right, you should check for registry errors and if it continues after that then you possibly either did what I did, which was overload your computer, or you have a virus. Overloading your computer is done many ways and there is a better name for it but I can't seem to recall it right now. Now if you have a virus and it is causing the BSoD then it should be simple to fix since anyone who has you infected wouldn't be stupid enough to give it away like that unless their a skid who doesn't know what their doing.
  7. uXai

    Class names wrong?

    Hmm from what I have figured out, it switches 2 classes. For ex.: ``` 1.Warrior is switched with 2.Mage 3.Slayers is switched with 4.Cleric ``` Really odd bug, quite annoying as well..
  8. uXai

    Class names wrong?

    In the Spell editor I have it set for the Mage to be able to use "Fire," however it says "Only a Warrior can use this spell," and likewise for the "Quick Slash" except it says the Mage can use it instead. I have the Classes file setup right. What's wrong? :O EDIT: I just thought it would probably help if you saw the file. Lmao. >! ``` [INIT] MaxClasses=4 >! [CLASS1] Name=Warrior MaleSprite=1 FemaleSprite=2 Strength=4 Endurance=4 Intelligence=2 Agility=3 Willpower=1 >! StartItemCount=3 StartItem1=1 StartValue1=100 StartItem2=42 StartValue2=1 StartItem3=476 StartValue3=3 >! StartSpellCount=1 StartSpell1=1 >! [CLASS2] Name=Mage MaleSprite=1 FemaleSprite=2 Strength=1 Endurance=2 Intelligence=4 Agility=3 Willpower=4 >! StartItemCount=3 StartItem1=1 StartValue1=100 StartItem2=42 StartValue2=1 StartItem3=476 StartValue3=3 >! StartSpellCount=1 StartSpell1=2 >! [CLASS3] Name=Slayer MaleSprite=1 FemaleSprite=2 Strength=4 Endurance=3 Intelligence=1 Agility=4 Willpower=2 >! [CLASS4] Name=Cleric MaleSprite=1 FemaleSprite=2 Strength=2 Endurance=3 Intelligence=4 Agility=1 Willpower=4 >! ```
  9. uXai

    Just saying hey

    Hey I'm new, just thought I would make a short introduction thread here. Hey all :D
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