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Posts posted by Nook

  1. > Right, I was reminded of that when the Bill Nye videos were linked earlier. It isn't really that what concerns me though. It is knowing how to adapt. For example, a fish grows legs to walk on land. How does it know how to do that?

    That's a flawed example popularized by anti-evolution propoganda. It's very incorrect. That would be macro-evolution, which isn't real.

    Rather, it's more likely that a fish-like species discovered a food source on land and was able to leave water for short periods of time to eat it. The ones with the best fins for crawling and able to dwell on land the longest had more babies and saturated the gene pool with their offspring. The changes would be insignificant over a few generations, but after millions of years changes become quite noticeable. The fish didn't _know_ anything, they just wanted to eat and make babies, which some were better at than others.

    And you're right - mutations aren't always good, but anything damaging to the species typically gets weeded out. Hell, most bad apples are eliminated during conception, as only the strongest sperm survive.
  2. > Even if I debate objectively people are silly and don't take it seriously. This debate is officially over on my end.

    I agree that people are getting way too silly. Mocking someone in a debate is childish.

    That being said… I've yet to see completely objective post from you.

    I see you challenge us with questions about science, but in them you like to assign a "designer" behind the force. In other words, when you try to delete God from the picture, you just assign a new God to the phenomenon instead.

    I'll give an example.

    "What honestly makes a mutation focus on one aspect of an organism?...If mutations truly are random: what makes them consistently mutate toward a specific goal?"

    See where you went wrong? You personified evolution. Mutations don't focus or have goals. To truly understand evolution, you need to pretend that mutations just happen as a consequence of DNA replication. Did you ever play the game Telephone in schools? Y'know, where one person starts with a sentence, everyone whispers it to the next person, and by the last person the sentence has changed? It's exactly that. No one was standing in saying "At this point, the sentence shall become this." The change was simply consequential.

    Until you can learn to leave your comfort zone and see another perspective, none of this will mean anything to you. I'm guessing that's why everything we throw at you bounces off. and because people can't debate without throwing in lots of insults
  3. > That exactly is my point. Who the hell does this? " Okay, lets pretend this imaginary thing is my God but if it doesn't exist, how does your god exist?" Easy answer, HISTORY TO PROVE IT. If someone can give me a book about the history of how the flying spaghetti monster was raised from the dead and went up to heaven then I'll view things differently and probably commit suicide cause the world I live in was made by a flying Italian food Incarnate -.-.

    All the religions have books and _history_.

    >! > ![](http://theagileproductowner.files.wordpress.com/2012/08/captain-obvious.jpg)
    > On the other hand, Nook is right. This thread needs to DIE…

    You're an idiot.
  4. > I understand that you deem religion is for people who are ignorant and stupid, but that just is not the case. We just care enough about existence to believe in a God. I could be more intelligent than you in every single way and still believe in a God. Intelligence does not make me any more likely to change my beliefs. The only reason atheists and agnostics tend to be more intelligent than Christians/etc. is due to those people think harder about religion rather than just accepting it. I have thought about this for a very long time, and it is very disrespectful to claim a false God to spite the one I believe in. That's got to be one of the silliest aspects of atheists, and it makes me feel very sorry for their limited view on life.

    That's a lot of rambling just to turn around and make a hypocritical statement. Don't want to be generalized for your beliefs? Stop generalizing others then, for a start. You give religion a bad name for us Pastafarians.

    > I can tell you a few things which make what I believe in more acceptable than pure faith in a supernatural force. I had a near life experience and encountered a leaving body experience, which in my personal experience how I feel is more important than how people view how intelligent I am. I was in the hospital for 25 days and barely made it out alive, so if you have had a near death experience where the ceiling of your hospital room had God written on every tile, and getting a very butterfly feeling unlike any experience in this world than please enlighten me.

    Let me enlighten you, then. It's customary here that everyone here get a pertussis vaccine before entering grade school. So, when I was 5, I got the shot. Turns out I'm deathly allergic to it. I stopped breathing and my heart stopped beating and I became clinically dead. During that short period, I can remember a very warm, happy feeling. I was content to stay like that forever.

    How do I explain it? Those dirty atheists might want you to believe that death is actually a process - that a whole lot of chemical reactions are going on in the brain once it stops getting oxygen. They would argue that those pleasant feelings are the result of the chemicals! I don't understand how such a thing makes any sense. I know the _real_ truth. I was touched by His noodly appendage.

    > I have had more than a few supernatural things which science can't explain happen to me:
    > * Your senses can feel death on others sometimes.
    > * There are evil presences throughout history. People think now that we are more knowledgeable, people in the past were just crazy and foolish. I can give you personal experience of an evil presence coming to my house after returning from the hospital. I could literally feel its envy and hatred for me. There are things in this reality, we will never understand, and just cause it sounds like it didn't happen doesn't mean that is the case.
    > * I have seen spirits and ghosts; as have my family in the past.

    Preach on, brother! Science actually has "explanations" for everything you said, but it's all bogus. It was really His noodly appendage reaching out to you. You are quite lucky.

    I can even relate to you. I once saw something move and flash in the sky for an instant. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but I figured it out. It was aliens from another galaxy visiting our planet in a flying saucer. I'm sure of it.
  5. Then what's the point of starting this thread if you're just going to plug your ears and flap your jaws? Without discussion, this thread is nothing more that you spreading your self-absorbed idealogies. Who needs that shit?

    I not trying to prove you wrong; I'm telling you to _prove you're right_.
  6. Helladen, until you learn how to participate _objectively_ in a discussion, you should keep your thoughts to yourself.

    I have never come across anyone that uses their butthole as a source of knowledge as much as you.
  7. I don't care what others have said; It's not professional level. That being said… nice job, especially for being 13\. You've definitely got talent. If you're getting back into drawing, I recommend working on perspective first. The picture is rampant with perspective errors.
  8. And once again, a debate thread takes a turn for the worst and becomes the same religious argument from before…

    **If you can't debate without letting your personal feelings take over, you don' have anything worth contributing**. Why? Because if participants can't stay objective, then the debates go nowhere. Less insults, and more "this is why you're wrong…"
  9. None of my RS Friends play anymore. ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png) I need to add new people! My RSN is Hyni is Hyni for anyone with an extra slot on their list.
  10. Yeah, Destiny isn't the new Halo. From the looks of it, Bungie's bringing us an open-world MMOFPS. Both PS3 and PS4 will get it (as well as XBox).

    @Kusy Destiny was revealed on February 17\. That's hardly "old news."
  11. > it going to cost 13 bucks a month to play ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.png). You have to be paying the 7.50 a month and pay an extra 5 bucks. I hope the get their heads out of their buttocks and see that this extra fees and restriction of being a member will make private server more popular.

    It's _you_ whose head is in his arse.

    Why the hell would a company do something that's guaranteed to lose money? Interest isn't nearly high enough to make it a cost-effective investment. Most members don't care about 2007scape. That's why you'll have to pay. I don't want resources meant for the main game to be spent making the nostalgia fag minority that can't accept change happy.
  12. > I have heard about this as well, over 700 people hurt. And they told us we are prepared and ready to spot those. ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png)
    > No wonder why some people thought its apocalypse, real one could look like that I guess. Pretty scary.

    Just fyi, scientistsnever said that. They have made it very clear they can only spot meteors that reach a certain size. Anything below the threshold is undetectable, as this one was.

    Asteroids big enough to cause any real damage get detected. Example: Da14 that passed by just hours ago. We've known about it for a year already, even though it's _only_ big enough to take out a city - hardly apocalyptic.
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