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  1. Hi ! When I try to take like 5 Wood from the inventory and the player have like 7 Wood,it's will take 7 wood and not 5… Can someone help me ? :/
  2. I dont have this in Eclipse Advanced Server…why ? :s **Now look for** **Case ITEM_TYPE_KEY** **and above it put there this.**
  3. Yes ! :s I have one,When I compile my server.exe,I have no error but the command button I have done before doesnt' appear after I have compile the server…And before when I've test it without compiling,he was visible...Can you help me ? (Sorry for my bad english,I'm french.)
  4. Okay I think it's my fault ! Scuse ^^ I'm noob with VB6.
  5. I have Eclipse Advanced and It's work,but when I compile It I have this error "Sub or Fonction not detected"….and it's in this line.. ``` For i = 1 To Player_HighIndex If IsPlaying(i) = True Then If Trim$(Player(i).Name) = Username Then EditUserIndex = i Call AccountEditorInit(i) ```
  6. I know but when I do that and add a sound this just play the sound when the player equip it or take it,not when use it like attack
  7. What ? I dont understand^^ I have the Eclipse Advanced Version..
  8. Hi ! Scuse me for my poor english but I need help,I want to add sound to an item and I use this code, I dont know how to use it for when you attack with item 3,you play the sound "Shotgun" in mp3.Please help me ! If GetPlayerEquipment(index, 3) > 0 Then SendPlayerSound index, GetPlayerX(index), GetPlayerY(index), SoundEntity.useItem, GetPlayerEquipment(index, 3)
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