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Everything posted by Joost2

  1. Joost2

    Rules (Updated)

    perhaps I am a secret FBI agent trying to stay undercover
  2. Joost2

    Rules (Updated)

    the second account thing, is that just for banned people or for everyone? i always use throwaway email adressses and forgot PW to original acc.
  3. Joost2

    Programming Contest

    prudish people cant handle some animallove
  4. 3.0.3 is the real shit
  5. Joost2

    Compile Error

    you're missing something related to the winsock part, either you dont have it or it's ducked. if you look around you should be able to find the .dll somewhere. because you dont have it, when the project opened it couldn't load the little winsock component thingy in your frmmain so that is probably bugged. get a fresh copy.
  6. Joost2

    Programming Contest

    I knew I shouldn't have skipped the achievements, it could've been wonderful.
  7. Joost2

    Programming Contest

    http://www.freemmorpgmaker.com/files/imagehost/pics/2fc5079f70a91a0b42c84cf0e6a9f700.rar uploaded on better host now. Roam the large openworld map and embark on all kinds of adventures!
  8. Joost2

    Programming Contest

    i added porno and drugs, i dont see how that doesnt make it bettter
  9. Joost2

    Programming Contest

    i didn't read anything about no drugs in the rule part (its also textbased, only images are 3 random cameras)
  10. Joost2

    Programming Contest

    My submission is based on the true story of a man living on a farm, who, after his weed plantation burned down, resorted to producing animal pictures of chilidog. The game features multiple types of animals and actresses, upgrades, food based on animal type and a lot more awesome features! The goal is to produce high quality beastiality porno and earn as much money as possible! [http://www.filehosti…07645/Onzin.rar](http://www.filehosting.org/file/details/407645/Onzin.rar) hint using xtc and cocaine will improve the quality of your movies, but drugs have nasty side-effects!
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