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Everything posted by troglodite

  1. > k, done. > > turns out player class dont get send at startup O.o Dint get what you means but it works so i´m happy ![:D](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//biggrin.png) !! Solved! Thx everybody, specially Damian!
  2. One question while Im uploading the source How do you debug?
  3. Ok give me 5 mins ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Thx Damian…!
  4. ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Yeah apply! ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) But now: Run-time error "7": Out of memory Debugged line: ``` ReDim sBytes(sLength - 1) ```
  5. I have that in Client Side ``` Private Type ClassRec Name As String * NAME_LENGTH Stat(1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1) As Byte MaleSprite() As Long FemaleSprite() As Long Face As Long ' For client use Vital(1 To Vitals.Vital_Count - 1) As Long End Type ``` And that in Server Side ``` Private Type ClassRec Name As String * NAME_LENGTH Stat(1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1) As Byte MaleSprite() As Long FemaleSprite() As Long startItemCount As Long StartItem() As Long StartValue() As Long startSpellCount As Long StartSpell() As Long StartMap As Long StartMapX As Long StartMapY As Long Face As Long End Type ```
  6. ![](http://i48.tinypic.com/2rztogn.jpg) ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png)
  7. Ok ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) In Server side added: ``` ' loop around sending each face Buffer.WriteLong Class(i).Face ```
  8. I added that to server side ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) ``` ' loop around sending each face For q = 0 To n Buffer.WriteLong Class(i).Face(q) Next Buffer.WriteLong Class(i).Face For q = 1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1 Buffer.WriteLong Class(i).Face(q) Next ``` Its Ok??
  9. How I send? The "For" things?
  10. I´m lost in the shadows ![:blink:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//blink.png)
  11. How ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) ? edit: It is about there? >! ``` >! ' Packets sent by server to client >! Public Enum ServerPackets >! SAlertMsg = 1 >! SLoginOk >! SNewCharClasses >! SClassesData >! SInGame >! SPlayerInv >! SPlayerInvUpdate >! SPlayerWornEq >! SPlayerHp >! SPlayerMp >! SPlayerStats >! SPlayerData >! SPlayerMove >! SNpcMove >! SPlayerDir >! SNpcDir >! SPlayerXY >! SPlayerXYMap >! SAttack >! SNpcAttack >! SCheckForMap >! SMapData >! SMapItemData >! SMapNpcData >! SMapDone >! SGlobalMsg >! SAdminMsg >! SPlayerMsg >! SMapMsg >! SSpawnItem >! SItemEditor >! SUpdateItem >! SREditor >! SSpawnNpc >! SNpcDead >! SNpcEditor >! SUpdateNpc >! SMapKey >! SEditMap >! SShopEditor >! SUpdateShop >! SSpellEditor >! SUpdateSpell >! SSpells >! SLeft >! SResourceCache >! SResourceEditor >! SUpdateResource >! SSendPing >! SDoorAnimation >! SActionMsg >! SPlayerEXP >! SBlood >! SAnimationEditor >! SUpdateAnimation >! SAnimation >! SMapNpcVitals >! SCooldown >! SClearSpellBuffer >! SSayMsg >! SOpenShop >! SResetShopAction >! SStunned >! SMapWornEq >! SBank >! STrade >! SCloseTrade >! STradeUpdate >! STradeStatus >! STarget >! SHotbar >! SHighIndex >! SSound >! STradeRequest >! SPartyInvite >! SPartyUpdate >! SPartyVitals >! SHandleProjectile >! 'ALATAR >! SQuestEditor >! SUpdateQuest >! SPlayerQuest >! SQuestMessage >! '/ALATAR >! ' Make sure SMSG_COUNT is below everything else >! SMSG_COUNT >! >! SSpawnEvent >! SEventMove >! SEventDir >! SEventChat >! SEventStart >! SEventEnd >! SPlayBGM >! SPlaySound >! SFadeoutBGM >! SStopSound >! SSwitchesAndVariables >! SMapEventData >! >! End Enum >! ' Packets sent by client to server >! Public Enum ClientPackets >! CNewAccount = 1 >! CDelAccount >! CLogin >! CAddChar >! CUseChar >! CSayMsg >! CEmoteMsg >! CBroadcastMsg >! CPlayerMsg >! CPlayerMove >! CPlayerDir >! CUseItem >! CAttack >! CUseStatPoint >! CPlayerInfoRequest >! CWarpMeTo >! CWarpToMe >! CWarpTo >! CSetSprite >! CGetStats >! CRequestNewMap >! CMapData >! CNeedMap >! CMapGetItem >! CMapDropItem >! CMapRespawn >! CMapReport >! CKickPlayer >! CBanList >! CBanDestroy >! CBanPlayer >! CRequestEditMap >! CRequestEditItem >! CSaveItem >! CRequestEditNpc >! CSaveNpc >! CRequestEditShop >! CSaveShop >! CRequestEditSpell >! CSaveSpell >! CSetAccess >! CWhosOnline >! CSetMotd >! CSearch >! CSpells >! CCast >! CQuit >! CSwapInvSlots >! CRequestEditResource >! CSaveResource >! CCheckPing >! CUnequip >! CRequestPlayerData >! CRequestItems >! CRequestNPCS >! CRequestResources >! CSpawnItem >! CRequestEditAnimation >! CSaveAnimation >! CRequestAnimations >! CRequestSpells >! CRequestShops >! CRequestLevelUp >! CForgetSpell >! CCloseShop >! CBuyItem >! CSellItem >! CChangeBankSlots >! CDepositItem >! CWithdrawItem >! CCloseBank >! CAdminWarp >! CTradeRequest >! CAcceptTrade >! CDeclineTrade >! CTradeItem >! CUntradeItem >! CHotbarChange >! CHotbarUse >! CSwapSpellSlots >! CAcceptTradeRequest >! CDeclineTradeRequest >! CPartyRequest >! CAcceptParty >! CDeclineParty >! CPartyLeave >! CProjecTileAttack >! 'ALATAR >! CRequestEditQuest >! CSaveQuest >! CRequestQuests >! CPlayerHandleQuest >! CQuestLogUpdate >! '/ALATAR >! ' Make sure CMSG_COUNT is below everything else >! CMSG_COUNT >! >! CEventChatReply >! CEvent >! CSwitchesAndVariables >! CRequestSwitchesAndVariables >! >! End Enum >! ```
  12. > not bad, i presume you send the data to the client too? I presume no, this is all I did, but dont know what to do now Need a bit of help ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  13. Client Side I put this in BltFace: ``` faceNum = Face ``` And add this: ``` Private Type ClassRec Name As String * NAME_LENGTH Stat(1 To Stats.Stat_Count - 1) As Byte MaleSprite() As Long FemaleSprite() As Long Face As Long ' For client use Vital(1 To Vitals.Vital_Count - 1) As Long End Type ``` Server Side In LoadClasses I add: ``` Class(i).Face = Val(GetVar(filename, "CLASS" & i, "Face")) ``` In SaveClasses I add: ``` Call PutVar(filename, "CLASS" & i, "Face", STR(Class(i).Face)) ``` I want to do what Mathew mentioned ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) > add an option to the classes.ini file that sets the face for the class Wich is the next pass??
  14. > You could go the easy way and make faces for each sprite, or you could add an option to the classes.ini file that sets the face for the class. Thats a NICE idea, but I need some help, because I tried&failed in the past ![:wacko:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//wacko.png) > Mind taking a screen shot of your classes.ini? According to matt's way you have to set the face value individually for each sprite in the class/ini with picture correlation. Of course have the source grab that code. If you want, paste a screen shot of your ini. and I can help from there. > > Edit: You could also make face folder for each class itself and keep the main folder for the sprites over all, either way you have a bunch of choices. Classes.ini ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) >! [INIT] >! MaxClasses=7 >! [CLASS1] >! Name=Guerrero >! MaleSprite=1,2,3 >! FemaleSprite=4,5,6 >! Strength=5 >! Endurance=5 >! Intelligence=5 >! Agility=5 >! Willpower=5 >! StartItemCount=2 >! StartItem1=15 >! StartValue1=1 >! StartItem2=144 >! StartValue2=1 >! StartMap=1 >! StartMapX=11 >! StartMapY=3 >! [CLASS2] >! Name=Mago >! MaleSprite=1,2,3 >! FemaleSprite=4,5,6 >! Strength=5 >! Endurance=5 >! Intelligence=5 >! Agility=5 >! Willpower=5 >! StartMap=1 >! StartMapX=11 >! StartMapY=3 >! StartItemCount=2 >! StartItem1=66 >! StartValue1=1 >! StartItem2=144 >! StartValue2=1 >! [CLASS3] >! Name=Nigromante >! MaleSprite=1,2,3 >! FemaleSprite=4,5,6 >! Strength=5 >! Endurance=5 >! Intelligence=5 >! Agility=5 >! Willpower=5 >! StartMap=1 >! StartMapX=11 >! StartMapY=3 >! StartItemCount=2 >! StartItem1=192 >! StartValue1=1 >! StartItem2=144 >! StartValue2=1 >! [CLASS4] >! Name=Destructor >! MaleSprite=7,8,9 >! FemaleSprite=7,8,9 >! Strength=5 >! Endurance=5 >! Intelligence=5 >! Agility=5 >! Willpower=5 >! StartMap=73 >! StartMapX=6 >! StartMapY=5 >! StartItemCount=2 >! StartItem1=145 >! StartValue1=1 >! StartItem2=228 >! StartValue2=1 >! [CLASS5] >! Name=Defensor >! MaleSprite=7,8,9 >! FemaleSprite=7,8,9 >! Strength=5 >! Endurance=5 >! Intelligence=5 >! Agility=5 >! Willpower=5 >! StartMap=73 >! StartMapX=6 >! StartMapY=5 >! StartItemCount=2 >! StartItem1=145 >! StartValue1=1 >! StartItem2=229 >! StartValue2=1 >! [CLASS6] >! Name=Marino >! MaleSprite=13,14,15 >! FemaleSprite=16,17,18 >! Strength=5 >! Endurance=5 >! Intelligence=5 >! Agility=5 >! Willpower=5 >! StartItemCount=2 >! StartItem1=146 >! StartValue1=1 >! StartItem2=230 >! StartValue2=1 >! StartMap=90 >! StartMapX=14 >! StartMapY=9 >! [CLASS7] >! Name=Tormentoso >! MaleSprite=13,14,15 >! FemaleSprite=16,17,18 >! Strength=5 >! Endurance=5 >! Intelligence=5 >! Agility=5 >! Willpower=5 >! StartItemCount=2 >! StartItem1=146 >! StartValue1=1 >! StartItem2=231 >! StartValue2=1 >! StartMap=90 >! StartMapX=14 >! StartMapY=9
  15. > Faces are directly related to the sprite. Meaning that if your sprite is 1 then the first face sprite is shown. > > And make sure that the faces are .bmp`s yeah but thats not ok for me, because for only one class I have differents sprites to choose (and dont forget male and female sprites)
  16. **Hello Eclipse!** I have a trouble with Faces pictures; I will need to explain with screens… My character class is _Wizard_ (2nd class), and her face should be the _Hylian_ one (1.bmp), but shows _nothing_ I need help with that, because I was trying to change it, but I failed, can someone help me? The idea should be: For 1st, 2nd & 3rd classes, the face = _Hylian_ (1.bmp) For 4th & 5th classes, the face = _Goron_ (2.bmp) For 6th & 7th classes, the face = _Zora_ (3.bmp) >! ![](http://i50.tinypic.com/34s10g5.jpg) >! ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/ipr4oz.jpg) About the client code of faces This is the code where it works: >! ``` Sub BltFace() >! Dim rec As RECT, rec_pos As RECT, faceNum As Long >! ' If debug mode, handle error then exit out >! If Options.Debug = 1 Then On Error GoTo errorhandler >! If NumFaces = 0 Then Exit Sub >! frmMain.picFace.Cls >! faceNum = GetPlayerSprite(MyIndex) >! If faceNum NumFaces Then Exit Sub >! With rec >! .top = 0 >! .Bottom = 100 >! .Left = 0 >! .Right = 100 >! End With >! With rec_pos >! .top = 0 >! .Bottom = 100 >! .Left = 0 >! .Right = 100 >! End With >! ' Load face if not loaded, and reset timer >! FaceTimer(faceNum) = GetTickCount + SurfaceTimerMax >! If DDS_Face(faceNum) Is Nothing Then >! Call InitDDSurf("Faces\" & faceNum, DDSD_Face(faceNum), DDS_Face(faceNum)) >! End If >! Engine_BltToDC DDS_Face(faceNum), rec, rec_pos, frmMain.picFace, False >! ' Error handler >! Exit Sub >! errorhandler: >! HandleError "BltFace", "modDirectDraw7", Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source, Err.HelpContext >! Err.Clear >! Exit Sub >! End Sub ``` So… depends in the sprite that I choose for the character and thats not ok for me, because for only one class I have differents sprites to choose (and dont forget male and female sprites)
  17. Is there a topic for sign sysem? but not too much complex, like in [this link](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/123295-eo-advanced-chestsign-system-difficulty-45/) I only want to _Cntrl_ the _Sign_ and get a _TextBox_ or something like that ![:huh:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//huh.png)
  18. [Alatar´s Converter](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/index.php?/topic/127490-eclipse-converter-v100/)
  19. > Wouldnt it be better to handle it as a case instead of an if statement? Would be tidier and easier to depict more than 3 classes. Maybe, I dont know ![:blink:](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//blink.png) My VB level is newbie ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png)
  20. What number is the spell in the spell list?
  21. Thx ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png)
  22. Very easy tutorial for make an information/description of the classes when you are making a new character No surprise why the pictures are writed in spanish, becouse I am ![:P](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//tongue.png) **IN CLIENT SIDE** 1º In **frmMenu** create a **lbl** in **picCharacter**, and name it **lblClassInfo** ![](http://i45.tinypic.com/10h61zd.jpg) 2º Search in the Code Under: ``` Private Sub cmbClass_Click() ``` Paste: ``` Dim lblClassInfo As String ``` Under: ``` newCharClass = cmbClass.ListIndex newCharSprite = 0 NewCharacterBltSprite ``` Paste: ``` frmMenu.lblClassInfo.Visible = True If newCharClass = 0 Then frmMenu.lblClassInfo.Caption = "The Warrior is blah blah blah" ElseIf newCharClass = 1 Then frmMenu.lblClassInfo.Caption = "The Wizard is blah blah blah" Else frmMenu.lblClassInfo.Caption = "Class without information" End If ``` Notes "newCharClass = 0" is really the first Class In the caption goes the information of your class ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Done! Example: ![](http://i50.tinypic.com/30vfaro.jpg) - Excuse my english :$
  23. ![](http://i47.tinypic.com/okviad.jpg) You see the very litle black pixel? at the left up corner? this is the pixel that the engine selects for the transparency, doesnt care if a tileset have different background colours, I have some items with green background and others with pink ![](http://i48.tinypic.com/5cinbb.jpg)
  24. Respawn NPC (when it dies)? Every NPC have a Spawn Time in the NPC Editor
  25. > to stop heal npc > > go server side and delete this > > ``` > MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(index).Vital(Vital) = MapNpc(mapNum).Npc(index).Vital(Vital) + Damage > > If Spell(spellnum).Duration > 0 Then > > AddHoT_Npc mapNum, index, SpellNum > > End If > ``` > > the above is the code to delete as this basicly says, if it is a [background=yellow]heal[/background], then [background=yellow]heal[/background] it. > > If you want to stop [background=yellow]heal[/background]ing npcs, you are done. But I have no the same lines ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) Edit: Well I deleted some lines and now is working, but now I cant Heal NPC ![:(](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//sad.png) Anyway, solved ![:)](http://www.touchofdeathforums.com/community/public/style_emoticons//smile.png) Edit2: Thats so weird! I can heal NPC that cast spells, but no others o.O
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