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Posts posted by Growlith1223

  1. @'Draken':

    > I'll try to catch you in game sometime. Been building a player mall its taking forever. Installed Worldedit and WorldGuard.
    > Need to find a good chat system that will work with 1.7.10 cant find faction chat's download.

    If you have already chosen towny, you can do /tc, this will put you in the town chat for the town you are a member of
    There's a /nc for nation chat, meaning towns that are allied to you, will be able to see your chat as well.

    Anywho, i'll probably join in a bit. just woke up tho
  2. No one ever took the time to really look into the event system's code since it was barbarically made, so i wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't fixed.

    Regardless, all you need to do is check to see if there is an event in the direction you're facing, if so, check to see if it is solid, if so, then exit sub. simple as that. yall can figure out the rest
  3. you'll have to worry about Graphics devices, not all of them will support massive images being loaded. other than that, not really many issues with doing a sprite sheet other than what Colonello said.
  4. yes because googling how to get the max count of an array in vb6 is hard. and when i say it's not hard, **it's not hard**. I never once tried to down talk anyone saying "why have you not done this already.." try to understand that please. im hoping at some point you'll understand the concept of googling.
  5. @'Xlithan':

    > 1\. An MMO? WoW is an MMO, GuildWars is an MMO, Runescape is an MMO… I have never seen an Eclipse-based game meet the requirements for being an MMO. MASSIVELY Multiplayer... If you're asking how to get players to play your game, I doubt it will be very massive.
    > 2\. Legendary Online. Probably a name that's already being used, as it's so cliche. Think of something unique in terms of a name.

    just a shot in the dark but Pokemon Mystery Universe was the only eclipse-based game that i know of that was relatively close to being an MMO.

    Anywho, your best bet is to not worry about the player count so early in development of any game and just work on the game itself instead. player count comes later after you've got something to show.
  6. This is an updater i made a couple months ago out of boredom. i have no use for it as i am going to be making one in C++!

    This updater works off of 2 files. a Version.txt file that is uploaded to a website/ftp host and the updater will download it, and read the version of it. if the version in Version.txt is higher than the version of the client at that moment, then it will download the second file, which is a rar file. it only works off of one RAR file. i do this to: one, minimize network usage and two, to make it easier to create updates as instead of having to constantly create a new zip/rar file for each and every update, you modify the current one with the new files, change the .txt file and bam, you're good to go!

    The updater also has a Work in background AND a run at Startup option as well under the options button. you can remove this if you wish.

    This is known as a hash updater. meaning that while yes it will download the entire zip file, it'll also only extract files that have been changed, removing unnecessary replacing of files that just slow down the updating even more.


    Here's a screeny of the gui. obviously since i am giving the source out, you can change the gui to whatever you want but it's all there!

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/s7w4r8sqnfwd3g4/Updater.zip?dl=0 Here is the download as well.

    If there are any issues with using it or you would like a tutorial on how to use it let me know! i try to aim to make sure everything is as user-friendly as i can get it.

    - Growlith1223
  7. @'AcidTumbleweed':

    > Lol I was thinking the same thing, might be worth posting graphics card info - some of these lower FPS might not be too compatible with DX10.

    This, i'd love to see what gpu everyone has that they are using as well! if you need help figuring out what device the program is using, scroll up on the console, you'll find a line that says like "Graphics Device: " or something!
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